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Everything posted by spywareonya

  1. Ridiculous, since you have a body which made me slobber since first time I saw it… so...
  2. I am back a little Still exploring if I can find what I need Check my most recent posts in the Final Call, you will understand better Thank you anyway my friend!!
  3. Ouch this is nasty I did MANY dirty things Not easy uh... Scat play… pissing into people's personal belongings… sado-maso without safe-words... I did openly outlawed things during Initiations... Ok I think I found one I pissed on a seriously-underage girl and had my pussy licked on the stage of a concert at a rave party Fuck she looked in her twenties!!!
  4. spywareonya


    Yes yes but some subjects are really illegal If soembody finds out we joke about explosives and Admin did nothing, he could be blamed He is a great guy and doesn't deserve that so I am asking us both to be careful You can understand from my answer before that I am in no way judgemental about bombs ahahahahah Just care for cautiousness online
  5. This is a link to my interview thread, built in the peetalk sections for a long list of reasons Don't reply here, meet me there!!! https://peefans.com/topic/12278-nancy-spywareonya/
  6. Consider this some kind of interview threads I built it here because I suppose most of the questions will be about piss, yet you can ask me ANYTHING, really ANYTHING Go on then!!!
  7. OUCH THIS IS ADORABLE!!!! @Jayne78 I have a question darling Also I will use the answer to know what to tell you around so to avoid mistakes Are you comfortable with trying to piss somehow more naughtily? Because you are hot as fuck
  8. @Peefreak99 @speedy3471 If there is a chance to refuse to answer (maybe at the price of a penance) I am on for playing Ask!!!
  9. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Never cheated eithe, our religion doesn't tolerate cheating, all must be done in clear light and with partner's permission For immoral actions, it depends on morality But I think i got what you mean and yes, not me either
  10. I am lucky my boss is a Nazi when coming to these subject, he could fire you for… how did he say? "Subtle signs you are an asshole" My toilet at work is so clean you could not wash hands after touching it, and I am germophobic just to say Oh I have to admit, the few times I was forced to use a toilet I Always peed somewhere like that They could just rise it with the point of their shoe People, if I had to tell you the stream of reflections I had about making my fetish attitude to cope with the respect I have for the so called blue-collar works,
  11. spywareonya


    I am afraid these subject are actually outlawed online, even only by joke... I strongly encourage to revert to our previous jokes Plus, a molotov must use a flick whose durability is tested, unless it risks to explode too soon, like half a second after you threw it, and explode three feet from your face almost raining hellfire on YOU and you will feel a fucking HEAT even through the scarf hiding your face (and BELIEVE ME it's not cool) Then you will die of laughter, but also carry with you a teaching for all life BACK TO JOKES NOW (really we risk to put Admin in a ba
  12. spywareonya


    They will discover Witches are all trained in vigilante combat and guerrilla tactics HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH If anybody wants to know how to craft home-made poison-granades just ask HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH No sorry I won't tell obviously HAHAHA
  13. spywareonya


    I so fucking AGREE!!!!!!!!!!! HERE IS MY WAY TO DEAL ABOUT IT:
  14. Ok two in row now I start to blush
  15. Ex Umbris in Luce I take things out of corners where they lurk It's my nature!!!
  16. Indeed man!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH ...people unable to cum? Oh no wait, they are HEALED only for the time to cum to that!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA
  17. @speedy3471 @HammerheadPilot WOW It took a while to read them all The idea is AMAZING Not only beautiful for the playful aspect related to our fetish, but in itself it is a house SO functional that it may fucking subtly manipulate the mind of tis inhabitants in a positive way, making them more friendly toward their bodily functions and this way also more emotionally mature and less anxious and aggressive It's a project that goes completely Beyond sexual happiness, this idea is a hole in the fabric of the sky, I am STONED by it, it's incredible!!!
  18. Well, I told everybody I had sex with...
  19. You're just cautious, you got the ball to do anything boy!!!
  20. I want to see Pissgirl's butt on display while her piss floods a flowerpots!!!
  21. Soldiers rise your cocks and… fire!!! Or ehm ehm, no, sorry, cough cough… ehm…. WATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Indeed I hope to know her better More infos, more chats, this forum needs headlong people Obviously we will also test her, a good friend must be analyzed before trust, but she sounds great Huge YEAH!!! Oh Darling I fingered to them so much I almost erased my fingerprints hhahahahhahahahahahaha The Grand Declaration of War against BORE has been issued!!!
  23. Ok first of all a girl which has both slutty attitude and bit of brain. Some women online talk like they were working for an erotic hotline and are pathetical. You sound great, human and visceral FINALLY Welcome fucking on board ahahahahahahah Mmmh... Speedy had a great idea I hope to hear soon from you, whatever you picked will be great
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