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Everything posted by spywareonya

  1. THANK YOU I can absolutely understand the Gods are far scarier than the Ancient Masters and I am fine with that, but They are the foundaments of our Path...
  2. Ehm? No no, I was talking about myself, sorry for the misunderstanding After last week a complete new level has surfaced
  3. Yes But you have the right to stick to what really emotionates you THIS is poetry I never suspected my recent crisis was the beginning of a new initiation, as it seems it's gonna be...
  4. Yes, because the position of the tighs only mildly affect the urethra which is completely INSIDE the body There is no point in illusing oneself that you can hold it better if you cross legs: My suggestion remain ahahaha never to hold… just
  5. I have to admit, I never loved him to the extreme I love his style but after a while, his verses lose power One of my greatest embarass is that I adore Poetry, but love very few poetries I focus mainly on verses based on powerful social and personal pain
  7. Embarassingly powerful on a musical level
  8. I was wondering "hey it's that one" and then MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA
  9. Lucky you, there's a Nancy to cuddle you!!!
  10. Thank you for notifying us I would like to suggest to explore what happens if people try to use a different browser I am not suggesting to operate a change, people uses the one they feel more comfortable with, plus the one I am currently using will soon, according to what is said around, eliminated, yet I have almost NEVER experienced site problems with Edge
  11. You told me in PM… we talked about that… and I never forgotten an important info about a trusted friend in my life
  12. I was anthopologically interested in that Thank you
  13. ahahahahahah ce n'est pas une bonne idée, cela purrait arriver HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. I consider this kind of art worthy of a Collector Beside the erotic cheerfulness, these peculiar oddities are rare and precious Thank you for posting, they are amazing
  15. THANK YOU for posting this!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. HOLY FUCK Anyway this explains perfectly what you meant I got it now Just a question, not curiosity but actual interest on a technical stance, no sex at all, right?
  17. We'd love to know more about you... I mean, you are new friend to play with, and though surely you are sexy as fuck, it would be dishonourable to just have fun with your sexual stories and forget the mind, the soul, the individual, behind those stories Your profile says really little about you and fuck me I swear I do not wanna be pushy, the point is that what we do is sexy because WE ARE, it's the mind that is kinky, not the action Your actions are hot as fuck, and I sincerily have a thing for this, let me quote the exact part You CONFESS to
  18. Well some are still around ihihihihihi But indeed this thread is embarassingly erotic...
  19. Similar hearts banding together can become a drumbeat of war I sincerily love this thread… so many lovely recipes… so much love!!!
  20. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Some people indeed have similar hearts...
  21. As soon as everything will be fine new books from me will come
  22. mpbwuahahahahahahahahahahHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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