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Everything posted by spywareonya

  1. I am working 60 hours per week (and also use manipulation skills) to one day become a huge CEO which will decide the ethical guidelines of some transcontinental Holding I am nothing unless I change the world, and to change the world you need ABSOLUTE POWER WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW I KNEW YOU WERE A DRAGON!!!!! Indeed it's AMAZING!!!!
  2. Merci beaucoup Alan, tu es un de les meilleur nouvelles cette forum ait jamais eu Oui oui, il n'est pas ahahahahahah Donne-moi beucoup de "likes" et je serais heureux!!!
  3. I quoted this small fraction of your marvellous post not to ignore the rest but just in order to just start a reflection I have posted almost ONE HUNDRED of naked and piss pics of MYSELF Never saw a like until last autumn This is taking people for granted I am what everybody Always claimed to want on this forum, a slutty woman filled with porn-like attitude and enthusiastical love for you all I shall take 500 likes per day simply out of people rushing at me like crazed fans maybe even without actually reading HAHAHAHAHA, not for adoration but because they
  4. I can divulge little, as already said The idea is that some computations not said to anybody because nobody could give a fuck seems to demonstrate with an embarassing level of certainty that there are wrinkles in the space-time, which works according to the same laws as the universe we daily know yet adjusted to their microscopicule size Here, datas of the intensity of a single foton (guess why those that believe in reincarnation agree the character and memories are erased anyway at Death, save for very important event or constantly repeated attitudes) are stored in a place wh
  5. I did so often!!! Mmmmh… never have I ever… had sex for money I am not sure I would, anyway, I am afraid it could ruin the moment
  6. Oh we could create a club like that!!! I would be the Mistress of the place ahahahahah and you guys the bouncers ahahah
  7. NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!! A woman like you can embody our fantasies to a much higher degree!!!!!!! Indifferently pick one of the two according to your personal chances and possibilities, and then PISS SOMEWHERE like an actual urination, don't just wet!!! Wetting is cool but we wanna see you SPRINKLE!!!!
  8. @Jayne78 IS THAT CLEAR ENOUGH????????
  9. Also, I loved THIS: I like can hear the sound of pee hitting the plastic of the lid She is very visceral in writing, I really would love more stories from her To be completely honest, I'd die for some brazen actions like public pissing She sounds like a hot woman with a great family and nothing is more erotic than accomplished humans doing something kinky: transgression means nothing if it comes from squandered youngsters, like every other thing transgression must have a moral charisma, and the painful maturity of emotionally grown up humans i
  10. Yes, and not only There is something in her… I mean, when she wrote she was pulling her Pj down, didn't you feel the smell of her pussy? She has that very rare capability to make her every action become filled with "meanings" It's… inspiring
  11. Jayne is really peculiar There is something inexorably erotic in the vulnerability and transparency by which she shows her feelings I am becoming addicted to her stories
  12. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA once Drunk Beyond recognition, to the point that if you told me I was a kangaroo I would have jumped 40 feet onward simply out of the power of Hypnosys, like those people so mesmerized they are stabbed and told not to bleed and they do not fucking bleed Drunk at that level I was at a party and was asked to use the toilet, do you imagine me using a toilet? I use them to poop and only at my house, elsewhere I piss where I am or just a few feet away, so I crawled to the bathroom and just hovered over it, as my standard microskirt, stockings and no p
  13. This forum is MORE than a gallery of pics YOU ALL CAN BE MORE THAN PEOPLE LOGGING IN TO A GALLERY OF PICS Think about everything Admin did for this place It turned it into a welcoming place, a family more than simply a forum!!! I am just willing to bring it to the next level, not disrupting but IMPLEMENTING: tighter community means also more ethical in picking their favourite, about the degree of love they have for you guys all Don't let those that will push you to the stars to fall behind!!! Band around me!!! I am an Anarchist, I do not want power, I just
  14. And you are among the most good-hearted here But the topic is still open Visibility is moral authority: if people wants me here, they must put more likes to me, many more, and anyway more than to anybody else I am simply not interested in a place I cannot "use" to craft selfless-givers Self-less givers are the only kind of humans worthy of living, all Others are just parasites to this planet, all must give (pressing a button is no bid deal, isn't that?), and also all must give according to merits: the most important thing I gave you all are not my videos Is sens
  15. Iihihihihihihih!!!!! Kisses You are a good fella I am sorry of all this noise, but I cannot keep silent, I really long for a more intense relationship between me and people, which seems not to understand that visibility is the only un-bossy power (other kind of powers are a bit constrincting and overbearing, aren't they?) and after the heart I gave to this forum, I simply cannot accept competition I gave something which is peerless, not my pics or my videos, but the degree of affection I entitled this forum to reach in my heart I know you are skeptical with my Spiritua
  16. YES YES!!! I just re-cycled the joke to pretend I was replying to it in an over-serious way!!!
  17. Not read it yet, but they never get angry with people, it's not their DNA (beside one, the Master of Scorpio, which is nothing short than the Grim Reaper Himself and he can do awful things, I saw people cursed under him to die shortly and all in a row in subhuman ways) Going now
  18. Still dubious You guys for sure rule the world, but sometimes I am a bit scared by the power you guys give to some Dangerous stuff, like fanatics of various kinds Whoever visited my Gunpowder Club knows what I think of weapons!!! More "respect" than love, something misses to catch me, I know I deserve to be lynched for this, but sorry I prefer more violent sports!!! Like this for example Superbowl is shown on TV in my country at late night during the the week, I Always take the day free when I know it will be broadcasted ahahahahha
  19. In a moment so dire, being so taken away from the forum was not a good thing In my case it was due to a switch in the Holding that controls my line… I use some hacker stuff to ensure serenity but I still anyway rely on the standard network so when it is fucked, I am too
  20. Nobody is perfect But you are amazing Your good heart kknows no boundaries But I have had employement shit, relatives at home, problems with internet (offline from thursday to saturday) and I was also sad all of this is happening I AM sorry
  21. I considered it!!! But likes are ALSO this You are from Texas, aren't you? You guys walk along with guns in your pockets, because you are too manly to accept to feel powerless in case shit happens PATROLLING Is a concept you should be familiar with Likes are a way to give power to those who got more I am stating I will use that power to enflame the characters of people that decides to trust me and my words, giving room for their emotions to be touched by me I think this is a fitting electoral campaing: vote for me and I will keep a stead
  22. I understand deeply, likes to you are more a political action when something REALLY stuns you, it's a fitting way to use them, indeed to be sincere I had considered it, my push was to react to everything but considered to hold back for that reason as I can absolutely understand, do you wanna know why in the end I chosed to follow my instinct and react that way? Because I think patrolling is part of Good, and that nobody will ever believe Good rules this world unless we exert the power to make it go the way we want I patrol the likes people receive, and use my freedom to press
  23. Human rights are a belief In a Mad Max world I could murder people and nobody could stop me unless they murder me Indeed I have been trained to do so even in this world, ad just never happened What if "God" proclaimed LOVE IS AN INSTINCT JUST LIKE AGGRESSION, PEOPLE PICK YOUR CHOICE AND STICK TO THE CONSEQUENCES AND LET'S SEE WHAT YOU GUYS END UP LIKE What if THIS is the only Law and all the rest is just organization?
  24. No no boy, I am stating I have been part of enclaves making secret military experiments about achieving contacts with else-than-humans, being them alien or gods or ghosts And nobody dared me to reveal anything I would NOT, and would welcome accusations of being an empty-claimer, yet why nobody challenged me about the secret knowledge I claim to posses? I would NOT say anything and happily being called a liar: but why nobody openly told me "than let's hear, which is the explaination they have for this?" Let me tell you: people that do not believe, are just scared at the tou
  25. The chance to carefully select a reaction is, to me, part of the reply I am gonna write, like a link to the incoming message I really feel there cannot be reply without reaction, unless the person wrote something I really cannot endorse, or so simple that I can't decide even if replying or not To me, reactions are like face-expressions at what I just heard, before verbally replying Really cannot reply without feeling the need to first thank the other for what he/she posted, selecting the kind of reaction I deem more fitting It's so spontaneous on my side!!!
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