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Everything posted by spywareonya

  1. My pivot of power is transparency I am followed only because people know it's in their interest as I love them and their fights So you can serenely trust me as I would never play with you, not even uconsciously
  2. I would not be a hardcore believer myself, unless this happened to me and not only once Beside the impossibly loving post you wrote, I decided to quote this because to the rest of the post I could not reply in any other way that humble gratitude When people trust you, you immediately feel responsible for such trust and become humble (if it doesn't happen, find a therapist because you are narcissitic and power-hungry ahahahahahahahahahah) Reality becomes less of a problem after you develop the certainty They are in every wrinkle of it, ever watching
  3. It's the starting point Then you will morph according to personal experiences I can give you the infos we obtained by sneaking everywhere into Armies and Laboratories, and they all quite fit and stick together, but unless you will see an object move on itself during a ritual, you will never be able to be 100% sure there ARE things Science ALREADY EXPLAINED and were just KEPT HIDDEN!!! Yes, I acknowledge the existence of the Overseers above the very Multiverse, entities of uncomputable size and power, yet their scientifica explaination is embarassingly simple
  4. I am not daring to comment one's belief, too intimate, I bow in awe at something so intimate YET if you ask me, you got embarassingly near to the truth we Witches believe in Our explaination for this, but again may I die raped if I DARE go around like Nanct knows best, I am just telling you a story, our explaination is that for every layer of existence there are forces of Good, much similar to a Bearded Charlton Heston (who's also my favourite actor of all time, guess what?), yet they are not allmighty This lack of absolute power makes that though They actually and con
  5. @speedy3471 That omelette with recipe made me SLOBBER as I was caught guard down!!! @steve25805 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH maybe vegans?
  6. I cannot divulge anything about if Nessie in this story will be present or not!!! ihihihihihihi!!!
  7. Yes yes absolutely All you said is true!!! But with Frozen I say they went to the black market to buy a gun and ended up with a H-Bomb They weren't ready for it themselves and are just surfing a wave they did not create We have seen NOTHING BUT SNOW from 110 000 b.C. to 10 000 b.C., Ice and Snow is rooted in the emotional response we inherited from one HUNDRED THOUSANDS years of ancestors And a blonde, blue-eyed and blue-dressed figure in between erotism and aloofness, is EXACTLY how ALL humans deeply hypnotized imagined THE SOUL Now you start
  8. Chapter 5 for sure (and maybe even chapter 6 could) will be about the party Imagine a highland town of 1000 inhabitants, on the shores of the Loch, with girls and boys used to live in a such a wild and tough place, and now imagine them completely and derangedly DRUNK The Loch will double its fluid volume HAHAHAHAHAH But it will be also important because other people will be introduced and they will be standard characters from that moment on, the Story is far from being finished believe me, I will REFRAIN from creating "pointlessly porn-like" situations, but humans have bodily ne
  9. I agree with the things you say on by one but on an overall stance I cannot, I studied this too in depths, you are entitled to free will but I assure you my analisys is fitting Frozen calls upon things from the Collective Uconscious edit and yes the merchandise SUCKS, to an embarassing degree People buy it only because of the movie
  10. @speedy3471 @HammerheadPilot The moment of that movie that never will slip outside from my memory, is when Costner is jailed and inquired and he gives up trying to make his former military superiors understand how wrong they are, and shouts out in Native Language "I am Dance-with-wolves!!! There's no point in talking to you!!!" and they look at him in disgust because he's speaking native AMAZING It completely made me to understand that some human are so blinded by their convicements that they are not humans anymore (scientifically speaking a human is supposed
  11. LOOOOOL sorry I am dispLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLeased by the misunderstanding HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
  12. Thi is the kind of things that could drive me mad with anger HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH You plan something for a life and then somebody pops up HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Anyway, really hot story, you made me live like I was there with you
  13. No problem at all, you said two weeks ago your life would have been terribly busy for a month or so, so I suppose you won't be that free until next week to say the least!!! But yes I missed you ihihihih and I am so happy you like this story, the next installment may be a bit late cannot deny this, because I am getting through a very busy moment myself in the next week, so I am not sure when I'll write it, but the plot is already made and it will be worthy the waiting, believe me Thank you for being here!!!
  14. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH I was just making a joke imagining what would have security told you upon catching you on camera!!! Here:
  15. @HammerheadPilot @speedy3471 Guys THANK YOU for all these so heartfelt contributions!!! Holy fuck the Frontier LIVES for real!!! The scythe is a great tool because it preserves the integrity of some nutrients in the plants it harvest, so to better feed animals and preserve them from illnesses connected with unproper feeding Never forget horses, goats and cows were all free animals eating very different kind of grasses in very different places, so they should be considered as fragile as any other specie and feed fittingly Indeed the physical labour is
  16. spywareonya


    AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I wouldn't ahahahah I would invite her to drink at my house, it would be cheaper... and then… eheheheh
  17. Are you having fun, uh? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Always quite sight for us ladies!!!
  18. Ok Welcome everybody I never told anybody the level of love I have for the Old West because it's so deep and morbid, that I treasured it and keep it in my heart for me alone I am sharing this now, but have to implore you all to respect this thread I love offtopics and wrote many threads about the differences between playful and fitting offtopics, and other unfitting I have to ask you to be cute with me since I have a really astonishing love for this age I visited expositions with stuff from personal collections, like true WANTED notifications
  19. Plus he is a cowboy, and you are a farmer, you two inspired me something serious I will start it when I have time, but I wanna create a SERIOUS thread about the Old Wild West Could you guys be interested?
  20. Yes ahahahaha I meant that you have a meat tree-trunk ahahahaha
  21. Excuse me sir, did you just ehm check piss-dripping in the ladies?
  22. Ahahhaha I don't Always come perfectly in pics, nobody does HAHAHAHAH
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