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Everything posted by steve25805

  1. She'll be a teenager in no time. Scary thought I suppose. Boyfriends and all. Because we all remember what boys were like when WE were young, lol
  2. @puddyls is one female member who definitely posts pics of herself in action in the pic subforum. Others have done so too. But threads can quickly become old and drop off the radar once people stop posting in them for a while. But members' own pics do exist in the pics subforum. They just tend to be swamped and ultimately buried by heaps of new porn that keeps being posted.
  3. First of all, understand that there is no pressure. Only post pics or vids if you genuinely want to. Pics are easy. You can upload pics direct from your computer into a pic thread in the pic forum. Though once there there is nothing we can do to stop anyone so inclined from copying it and posting it anywhere. Vids generally involve uploading onto an external file sharing site and posting a link to it. But you would have no control over who did what with it. Any vids in our video gallery are only accessible to gold members. You would be best advised to consult with Admin if you wanted
  4. Wow, time flies. So your daughter is 11 this year already!
  5. It would take more than that. If Hell existed, the only food available down there would be Brussel Sprouts, lol The only form of cooking that could improve a brussel sprout is the epicentre of a nuclear blast, vapourising it in a nanosecond.
  6. I'll go for two things - sexual and general. Do you have any other fetish interests besides peeing? If you could relive any year of your life, which would it be and why?
  7. Especially the big hard ones, lol
  8. There are plenty of us involved in politics - I am an active member of a UK political party - who also hate all the "slimeballing, corruption, obfuscation and deception of politics". But we tend to be the ordinary foot soldiers of politics, in it because we believe in something, volunteering our efforts for a cause and being wholly unpaid for it. We are entirely different from many of those climbing the greasy pole, in it as much for their careers as for any cause quite often. Indeed my party currently has a leadership which to some extent bucks the trend but is under constant attack by i
  9. Lol, sounds like a great night out, but the kind of night you think less fondly of in the morning, hahaha. Thanks for sharing. You are awesome.
  10. A site like this will ALWAYS need more females, because in terms of active participants the men will always outnumber them. It is simply the nature of the beast. As @spywareonya has basically said, there are lots of female members listed but most of them have never posted. Men are often quite open about their interest in porn and such things, but many ladies still on a subconscious level regard it as a little bit shameful I think. This is why so many are so shy when it comes to stepping forward and becoming an active member. But we have some great female members just the same. @spywa
  11. I think I have always been interested in pee, even since way before I knew about sex. The earliest memory of an interest in pee I can remember is of a girl pulling up her panties in the school playground after crawling out from under a bench. Under there was a large puddle with telltale spray pattern and a couple of rivulets meandering away from it into the playground. The girl had obviously pissed there instead of using the playground toilets only yards away. This fascinated and interested me in ways I was still too young to fully understand. Was only about 6 or 7 at the time.
  12. I am a man of simple tastes - and so typically English. You just cant beat this....
  13. Hey, if you need a volunteer, I'm here.....
  14. Welcome back, Nancy. You are an important - indeed central - part of the engine of this place. We are only firing on three cylinders without you. Am extremely happy to see you back and posting. I love you and all you bring.
  15. No need to apologise. I understand. Hope you get some time to chill because it will do you no good if you keep being that exhausted all the time. But I know real life makes tough demands every now and again. It's just the shit of human existence we have to put up with at times. Hope things get easier for you.
  16. @spywareonya, I have long believed that there is a spiritual life force which permeates everything, but is particularly strongly concentrated wherever matter is, whether it be us, or the stars or the planets. As large material objects, are not the planets therefore a focus of this spiritual energy? And are they not connected with everything else including us? Does it not follow that the spiritual energy residing in the planets can interact with the spiritual element within us? Our souls? I have always tended to believe that this is how the planets can influence us? It is not the plan
  17. In real life I do tend to take the path of least resistance and walk away from strife, though. And will often retreat from a fight if I think it is not worth the hassle. I pick my fights carefully, but when I fight I fight hard, without fear.
  18. Oh if I had money I'd make a few suggestive offers too. @Sophie could earn a few grand just by christening my kitchen floor or living room carpet. I make a genuine offer but she would know there was no pressure whether she was up for it or not. Tis a good moment to have a lady piss on the living room carpet cos I need a new one anyway.
  19. Wow, @lesley, you write such awesome tales. Can't wait til the next instalment.
  20. I think I know who you are talking about and I LOVE the way you're thinking, lol. I won't mention any names publicly though lest I ruin the suspense.
  21. That would be absolutely awesome. I would pay good money for those, lol.
  22. Dear Wet Carpet I was out on the pull in one of the local nightclubs when I got lucky. I pulled this bird who was sexy as fuck, looking a bit like Shakira when she was in her early 20s and into her sexy hip-swaying dances. She was wearing skin tight shorts and a loose fitting t shirt and little else. I commented on how she looked a lot like Shakira. She chuckled, "Oh, lots of people say that. I take it as a compliment." Anyway, she actually took me back to her place, by which time we both had had a few and needed to pee. We entered her flat into the living room where she was doing th
  23. This is what I would love too. I love ladies who piss on the carpet.
  24. I'd think I'd cooperate with you, @Admin, by acting as the money man while you do the legwork in finding the right people - in return for payment - to get a porn vid operation up and running, turning my stories into porn vids, also those of @lesley and other authors of my choice. I would lavishly fund peefans so this porn production becomes an integral part of it, accessible to gold members. And these members will be able to submit their own stories or fantasies for possible consideration. I would also offer @Sophie 5k plus an all expenses paid two week holiday anywhere of her choice for
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