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Everything posted by steve25805

  1. OMG, that is so hot. I think I'm in love, lol. Girls who do things like this seriously float my boat. Thanks for sharing.
  2. Awesome, my favourite things in a lady - at least erotically. Think I am going to like you.
  3. A very warm welcome to the forum. We are a friendly little community here so I think you'll love the place. I will hit you with a couple of questions, one fetish-based and one not. Firstly, what aspect of the fetish are you most into? Golden showers? Wetting? Outdoor peeing in public? Indoor peeing in naughty places? Being seen peeing? Desperation? All of the afore mentioned, lol? Secondly, aside from the dog walking, what other hobbies and interests do you have?
  4. I just want to add that we will all have our opinions about what constitutes a good avatar, and what is not so good. But we overstep the mark when - based on our own personal set of likes and dislikes - we take it upon ourselves to tell off others, especially jumping down the throats of newbies. Personally I much prefer symbolic avatars or - failing that - ones that feature ladies peeing, to pictures of cocks. But there are no rules against such male nudity so it is never going to be my place - or anyone else's place - to tell newbies off for it, thereby making them feel uncomfortable.
  5. No worries, and apologies for the apparent negativity, We just have to be clear. On a personal level we can all have opinions on the posting of genitalia in avatars, but as mods we have to suspend personal opinions and adhere to rules. And it is not against rules to post such avatars. And if someone chooses to express themselves in that way that has to be ok, as it is for others to draw whatever conclusions they may from that. But individual members seeking to act as moral arbiters without authority or rules behind them really isn't acceptable.
  6. This has been discussed privately amongst mods and Admin, and it has been decided that such avatars on an adult site are reasonable, and that any member attempting to wage a personal campaign just because they do not like something is not acceptable behaviour. Especially if it risks making newbies feel unwelcome, which is against forum rules, as is negative judgementalism generally We are an adult forum. Seeing the occasional pic of genitalia - male or female - whether in an avatar or anywhere else is not an unreasonable expectation. If anyone objects they can simply ignore it or put
  7. Your personal war on what others choose to post as avatars on an adult site just because YOU disapprove of seeing dicks is unacceptable. And in taking it upon yourself to reprimand newbies for doing it without authority you are BREAKING FORUM RULES in terms of making newbies feeling unwelcome. You taking it upon yourself to jump all over them for their avatars as soon as they show up WILL NO LONGER BE TOLERATED. Take this is an official warning. If you have a problem with what someone else posts, report it and if it is against forum rules, action will be taken.
  8. I fear this is inevitable at some point. We keep hearing of terrible diseases in parts of Africa which are virtually incurable, often fatal and require strict quarantine to eradicate. At some point such a disease will mutate successfully into something airborne like the cold. Then it will spread unstoppably and wipe out billions. Might happen next year. Or it might not happen for several hundred years. But at some point it will. A ticking time bomb.
  9. I shall look forward to the written account of that one, lol.
  10. With lines like this I am absolutely loving these stories. I love the way these characters of your just feel free to piss anywhere. I look forward to any further instalments you might hopefully have in the pipeline.
  11. I loved this little tale, @Alfresco. And oh so very plausible.
  12. Do you still have it? If so you could place that on a waterproof sheet in the living room and have all the pleasure of peeing on the carpet in the living room without fucking up the actual carpet.
  13. Basically, yeah. That's the idea. Then you get all the naughtiness of squatting and peeing in the middle of the living room with none of the damage.
  14. Imagine how naughty it would be to squat and pee in the living room? All you need is some waterproof sheeting of some kind and some towels to place upon it and you can do it with no more damage than a few towels needing to be washed.
  15. That was awesome, @Sophie And I have to ask. Is this pic actually you.....?
  16. Dear Wet Carpet. My husband and I - both in our 30s - have just received a £300 bill from the hotel in Bournemouth where we spent the weekend. Was a rather wet weekend even though the weather was sunny, if you catch my drift. We spent much of it going out to local pubs, then heading back to our room with more booze, frequently having sex, and also pissing on each other in the shower cubicle. We have always had a thing about watersports. Anyway on our last evening after a few too many we decided it would be fun and a laugh just to pee on the floor, can't even remember who came up
  17. Dear Wet Carpet. I'm a 30 year old lady called Sara, and I think I look pretty good. I work as a model and do ok anyway. This is me... I have a thing about peeing. I just get off on the idea of not actually using the toilet, but deliberately peeing somewhere unconventional. I do it in my own house often. When using the bathroom I'll walk right past the toilet and squat in the shower cubicle as a matter of course. If I'm feeling naughtier and can handle cleaning up afterwards, I might just piss on the floor. I love the sight and sound of it all splashing down. Another frequ
  18. @lesley, that was incredible. I hope there will be further instalments.
  19. A special thinks to @spywareonya for being an awesome contributor, sexy as fuck, highly intelligent and interesting, and a personal friend whom I love dearly and who has definitely had a big influence upon my thinking re spiritual matters. And a thank you to @Admin for being such a great and active admin, friendly and involved and also a good contributor. We have him to thank for the very existence of this forum. Thank you to my fellow mod @Scot_Lover for being a great mod and also a genuinely nice person with a heart of gold. A thank you also to @Sophie for also being a great m
  20. Whilst you were posting that I was posting a little postscript featuring another naughty pee at my flat. But that doesn't mean you need to write two stories. There is no obligation for you to even write one, but if you choose to I would be most pleased. As for scenario the naughtier the better. I'd love you to pee on my bed.
  21. @Sophie Postscript. A couple of days later Sophie and her husband were driving home, detouring through my home town on the way. Turned out Sophie needed another pee and thought another fleeting visit would be fun. First I knew was the knock on the door. Upon opening it I was surprised to see Sophie, this time clad in casual jeans and a sweater, saying she was on her way home, couldn't really stop because her hubby was in the car but badly needed a pee. Did I mind? I was actually fucking delighted. I let her in and closed the door behind her as she jigged about in my hallway
  22. @Sophie On the pee forum - peefans - in a thread the sexy mod Sophie was running asking for suggestions of naughty places to pee, I had a great idea. At least I thought it was a great idea. I posted a screenshot of the outrageously naughty Tamtam South, sitting back in a chair in a hotel room with her legs pulled up, and pissing against the curtains. I suggested that Sophie do something like that, pointing out that she could always wash the curtains afterwards. She said she wasn't sure but would think about it and might do it. Though clearly she wasn't certain if she could do th
  23. @lesley, that was awesomely erotic. In my opinion you are without a shadow of a doubt the number one writer of stories featuring girls peeing in naughty places. I need a girl like Suzanne in my life, lol.
  24. I like my car...but I am truly obsessed with girls peeing all over the place. If they wanna do it in my car with me for an audience, pee away.
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