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Everything posted by steve25805

  1. I am going to put it to the test and list 15 bad things then 15 good ones and see if the bad ones are easier.... 15 bad things... 1. Bigotry 2.Narrow-mindedness. 3. Conservatives 4. Organised religions. 5. Hypocrisy 6. Excessive greed 7. Brussel Sprouts 8. Heroin. 9. Global warming 10. Cruelty 11. War 12. Torture 13. Rudeness 14. Extreme selfishness 15. Speed cameras Well that was pretty easy. Now 15 good things.... 1. Full English breakfasts 2. Sunny days on the beach 3. Golden showers 4.
  2. Sadly I am back to work next week so will have less spare time, but I look forward to your return, and any video.
  3. That is indeed my main reason for opposing the death penalty. I sometimes put forward the idea that all those in favour of a death penalty should be collectively personally liable for wrongful executions when they occur, and any resulting compensation. Curiously, they are hardly ever willing to put their money where their mouths are. Funny that. But it is a realisation that fills me with contempt for the death penalty lobby.
  4. Am with you totally on the cooking aspect. I like my meat cooked properly, ie well done. If it is oozing with blood it is still half raw in my book and I just wouldn't eat it. I guess I will never try kangaroo meat unless someone is prepared to cook it properly, ie fully.
  5. What does kangaroo meat taste like? Never seen it for sale here in the UK.
  6. Thank you for that useful information. I never knew that so have learned something. As such I have modified my original opinion that all hunting is bad and should be banned. Clearly in certain situations hunting can be justified. Some types of hunting, though, are bad and should be banned.
  7. You can throw all the most emotive examples at me you can imagine. I still believe the death penalty is wrong. And I still believe your example only constitutes manslaughter, even though a severe case of it meriting a long prison sentence. I am certain that legal minds would define it as manslaughter rather than murder too.
  8. If I won, on the same terms would you let me watch you pee on my kitchen floor?
  9. I am sorry. But that is manslaughter not murder. He didn't deliberately set out to kill. I do not approve of death sentences in any case, and certainly not for manslaughter. A stiff prison sentence should be in order instead.
  10. Most fish are either thrown back after being caught or taken home to be eaten in the case of anglers whilst industrial fishing with trawlers is for food, so I see little wrong with the concept. And @likesToLick has given some good examples and arguments where hunting looks pretty acceptable and reasonable so I acknowledge that. It is the hunting and killing of animals for fun that is unacceptable yet which still happens in the UK
  11. I think animal cruelty - whilst it includes cruelty to pets, hitting a dog, etc - also encompasses hunting, which should also be illegal. Cruelty to wild animals is no more acceptable than cruelty to tame ones in my book. We do not after all hunt for meat or need not anymore. Most meat we eat is reared domestically on farms.
  12. I agree. We no longer live as hunter gatherers. Hunting to eat is utterly unnecessary. Hunting is usually done for "sport". But what the fuck is sporting about shooting animals with guns just for fun, or still worse chasing it on horses and with packs of hounds so it can be ripped to bits for the dubious "pleasure" of sick fuck upper class participants? I'd happily see hunting banned.
  13. I understand but please in future just quietly report it and it will be dealt with.
  14. Posting as an ordinary member now. I as a carnivore accept the necessity of killing animals for food though it should be done humanely. But wanton cruelty to animals either for sadistic fun or just out of pure meanness is unacceptable. I think - certainly here in the UK - the sentences handed out for such cruelty are often utterly derisory. I would like to see stiff prison sentences involving many years behind bars for the worst offenders. But a death sentence is going too far. I oppose death sentences anyway for a whole variety of reasons but that's another topic all
  15. MOD NOTICE @2prnot2p, if you disagree with someone do it in a friendly manner and do not infer madness or craziness or stupidity. It is unnecessarily unfriendly and provocative. And @Peefreak99, responding to such provocation in an aggressive and insulting way instead of merely reporting it is also unacceptable. I have deleted the offending posts. Please bear in my that this site values it's reputation for friendliness, and we all have a part to play in maintaining that.
  16. Well if nothing else this does go to showcase the utter incompetence of our government.
  17. I agree with most of the hates of others - talking cameramen, women acting all desperate but barely managing a trickle, intrusive background noise, annoying music. I hate excessive close ups when it comes to naughty peeing vids cos for me it is as much about the location as the pissing, likewise the fun the girl is having so ideally I wanna see her face. Close ups ruin all that for me. I hate any kind of pee porn where the girl obviously hates it. If she starts gagging the instant someone starts peeing in her mouth its an instant turn off and am no longer interested. For fuck sake if
  18. It's ok Nancy. I guess we all knew you must have had shit going on. And it sounds like you've had a lot on your plate in real life. There is no need for an apology at all. I just want to thank you for keeping us informed. I - like I suspect many around here - have been missing your presence but we all understand that life gets in the way sometimes. We look forward to when you are able to contribute more again, of course. But above all, we understand. Thank you for such high praise. Not sure I deserve all that. But thank you. It is indeed my birthday in two days time.
  19. Indeed. The only people who might react violently to a violent video game are those who are already violent psychopaths, who would be violent anyway. But they would be that way already. Video games do not turn people into psychos, though psychos might copy some of the violence in a game. But if it wasn't for the game they'd gain their inspiration from somewhere else somehow anyway. And that is because the violent drives are internal to them and not externally caused by this or that video game.
  20. Much as certain types of campaigners love to blame violent video games, and before them violent films, for violence in society it is nonsense. Their motivation is simply that they themselves don't like violent video games and films most of the time, so they just want to stop everyone else from seeing or playing them. It is often about trying to make everyone else conform to their own preferred standards and tastes, and this is inherently a finger-wagging nanny state mind set. Violent video games or films do not make people commit violence, nor do they turn people into psychopaths. Anyone
  21. @Scot_Lover, you can tell your other half that her people were much more sensible than the English. They voted by a margin of 62% to Remain. Problem is, there are only 5 or 6 million Scots in Scotland but about 54 million English in England, way too many of the latter being knuckle-dragging Sun or Daily Mail readers. The sensible majority of Scots were simply swamped by English Leavers in the referendum.
  22. A very warm welcome to the forum. We are a friendly bunch here.
  23. The popularity of the monarchy here is utterly dependent upon it being seen to be above politics. And this is essential in any case. The moment an unelected monarch starts throwing his or her weight around in a democracy, then the monarchy's continued existence comes into question. Today in the UK the monarch is mostly just a figurehead. About 44% of our exports are to the EU with a similar level for imports. This is natural since geographically they are our closest trading partners. If we leave the EU with no deal that says otherwise, all our currently tariff free imports from there will
  24. @2prnot2p, always the arch sceptic, lol. I believe that all things are connected, that a spiritual life force permeates the entire universe but is particularly concentrated in material things, including us, and it is what our souls are formed from. Even as I say that I know you will think that so much horse shit, but it is the basis of how the planets can influence us. A lot of energy is focussed in them and we are all interconnected with them. As for precession, I would presume any adherent of astrology already has that vectored in. And as far as character traits go, all I know
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