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Everything posted by steve25805

  1. I am guessing you can drive. At what age did you pass whatever driving test you have where you are?
  2. In all honesty, I think that is the wisest and best course. Enough little hints and glimpses of something for her existence to be possible, without her actually appearing so readers can decide for themselves. Lends the whole story an air of mystery. And I love this latest instalment, especially the nonchalant way the ladies seem to squat and piss wherever they are without caring who sees. Thank you.
  3. How old were you when you realised you were into girls as well as guys?
  4. We need an "awesome" icon for posts like this.
  5. Would you rather take a dump on stage with an audience of thousands, or risk arrest masturbating in a public supermarket?
  6. Wow, @HammerheadPilot, you got close enough to take that pic? If it had been me I'd have had my pedal to the metal driving as fast as fuck in the opposite direction, lol
  7. Not sure. I found them in online searches. Of the two sunset pics, I think one was in Texas and the other in the Alps
  8. I seem to recall we had a similar discussion some time ago. Sorry for repeating myself. My memory is shit sometimes.
  9. What was the purpose of all the human sacrifices and was that purpose valid?
  10. Fair enough. Ok. I have to crash out very soon cos exhausted after a long day but if I don't read it tonight will catch it tomorrow.
  11. Much deeper question. What do you think of the Aztec religions which were heavily based upon human sacrifice? Does any of it fit into your belief systems and if so, how?
  12. Have you ever visited the UK, and if so, where? If not, what is the nearest you have come to the UK?
  13. The voting has long since been outrageously political and has next to fuck all to do with the songs in many cases. But like many on the British left I boycotted it entirely this year. I take moral exception to enjoying a song contest hosted by a nation whose armed forces are regularly committing war crimes against unarmed civilians.
  14. There is a serious point trapped in this humour. Witches are traditionally portrayed as grotesquely evil as a hangover from Christianity. The church wanted us all through the centuries to see them as evil because they were seen as a challenge to bullshit church dogma, and indeed as representatives of a belief system much older than the church itself, which the church had tried to supplant. Once upon a time minor differences of opinion between Christians was enough to get you killed. Witchcraft was seen as the devil's work and witches as enemies of God. True witches are complicated, a
  15. Which just goes to show there are exceptions, lol.
  16. Some very well made points. What you are saying when you tell people not to overeat and get fat cos it ruins your life though - the unspoken bit - is "otherwise you'll be like me". If people were to perceive it in that way they would not see it as a glass houses situation but as a using yourself as an example and a warning situation. Clearly not everyone you have said this to is intelligent enough to figure that out. There is though a natural reaction against being told what to do by someone. This is especially true if the person on sight appears to have done it themselves, though m
  17. My favourite fish is smoked haddock. My favourite red meat is lamb. My favourite poultry is pheasant. My favourite fruit is melon. My favourite veg is sweetcorn. My favourite dessert is mint choc chip ice cream.
  18. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. In other words, don't go around being all judgemental about others or you might be judged and found wanting yourself.
  19. This quote of the German clergyman Martin Niemoller shouts out the need for all persecuted people to stand united. Together we are strong, divided we are weak. Which is why all bad governments everywhere seek to divide and rule..... "First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me - and there was no one left to spe
  20. Am not so sure about that. Most people get into relationships because of love and companionship and a desire to be together, not just for sex. And most people have kids not merely as a by-product of sex but because they want to as a result of maternal and paternal drives. Were this not the case, what with condoms, the pill, and other forms of contraception, the avoidance of kids is easy most of the time. Few people would ever have any and we'd become extinct were it not for them actually wanting to.
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