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Everything posted by steve25805

  1. They don't want me there and have made that plain for years now. Yet they won't ban me. There seems to be no rule break that they are prepared to ban me for. I don't understand it. I suspect I could have rocked up there with an allegedly true story about Peemaxx and Slash enjoying a gay scat session and they still wouldn't have banned me, lol
  2. You could always try searching inside whatever pair of underpants I am wearing at the time. Your chances of finding Nessie there would be zero of course. But I'd sure enjoy your search. Lol
  3. The thought of her pissing ON my helmet turns me on.
  4. I store my favourite sites on my favourites list and click on that. Alternatively, I type the site name into Microsoft Edge or Google then click on the link. In most cases the site loads fairly quickly. Just occasionally for short periods it does not. If you are already logged in when this happens the site ceases to respond to commands to access this or that subforum or whatever. It is no biggie, only lasts for a minute or two and is very infrequent. Typing in the URL has the same results.
  5. Every now and again - usually only for a minute or two at a time - my search engines refuse to load this site. Peesearch used to have similar problems in busier years gone by and the cause was said to be servers being overloaded with excessive numbers of people trying to access the site all at the same time. Is that the problem here? If so, at least it is a sign of our popularity. Anyone else been noticing this?
  6. I chose to use three yellow candles in the end, but it was both deeply personal yet also positive.
  7. That's the kind of true story we all love around here. Welcome to the forum.
  8. I have the candles now. Thinking of using one each of three colours - black, white, and yellow. Wish I had brought a chalice of some kind, will just have to use a glass. Have a mini-bottle of chardonnay. But forgot to buy chocolate. Am going to go out and get some and also buy something new and spotless for a chalice. Then this evening I intend to light the three candles with some incense burning, with an offering of chocolate and wine, and imagine myself speaking to her of all my secrets. Will wait until after sunset. Hope that is acceptable.
  9. Well, I have been busy and suffering from a cold I am recovering from so not on my best. So apart from that story for her I have not reached out to her. I will attempt to do so for the first time tonight though without anticipating a response. As for the ritual, it sounds a bit scary if I must be honest. I have in the past conjured dark influences into my life through fucking about with Ouija boards, and the idea of summoning something that feels sinister in any way is a little bit daunting. It involves putting a lot of trust in things I don't understand. Will think about that some m
  10. Feel free to complain all you want. A good rant sometimes is cathartic to the soul. It is good to get things off your chest and you are amongst friends here.
  11. I can sometimes offer good advice but I will never be better than you. I will never have the right to give you orders. In some ways in some things I am your peer. But when it comes to understanding deeper realities, you are far superior to me, though at least I think I am on a path of discovery you might acknowledge. I have my strengths and my weaknesses, but know that overall I am less strong than you. I defer to you often in areas of deeper realities, happy to be guided by you. Now you are looking from a pessimistic stance instead of an optimistic on
  12. @spywareonya, sorry for the late response. I have been caught up chatting to real life friends about crises of one kind or another and only just logged in. Sounds like you've had no luck this weekend meeting interesting people - instead only meeting endless droves of what I once called "straight heads", people whose idea of fun is narrowly defined within artificial "respectable" limits, and who react with shock horror at anyone stepping even slightly beyond the bounds. Such people are following the crowd and think they are having fun but in reality don't know how. But don't let
  13. Yes, it is not looking good. Sad news indeed, as such news always is. A sad fact of life is that as we travel along it's path we have to say goodbye to so many good people along the way, until finally it is our turn to go and we are the ones wished a hopefully fond farewell.
  14. Wetman and I for a time exchanged private communications and he was indeed a sensitive soul with a deep well of caring and compassion. I shall never forget how - when Kevin died - he put tremendous effort into ensuring that he wasn't just forgotten, and trawled the internet trying to find out as much as possible because he cared so deeply for his memory. He communicated with me often at that time about this. Wetman was genuinely troubled that there was no mention of Kevin's passing on any other sites he frequented, and he made sure that Kevin got a mention and was remembered here. I
  15. The photo is from the 80s. Clearly she was stupid enough to believe it then. We have to assume that this is how she thinks.
  16. When it comes to things like crackdowns on porn, this is the mentality of the person now running the country... It explains a lot about the kind of mentality we are up against.
  17. @Admin has given the go ahead for this thread. Although it has not yet been fully or officially confirmed, we have been looking into the absence of our mod, @wetmanjf. @2prnot2p in particular has been making use of his contacts, and it is looking likely at this point that Wetman may have passed away in January. I invite 2prnot2p to make all he knows public, but it isn't looking good. Someone who looks very much like he could have been Wetman passed away in January. If he is gone he will be missed.
  18. Have just discovered that an option has existed on Peesearch since 2018 for members to delete their own accounts. I have chosen to do so. As of now, I am officially no longer a member there and cannot access the site as a member. Steve25805 no longer exists there. My posts probably remain under the anonymous username "guest" I expect. At least I assume so. I no longer have a search option as a non-member to easily confirm this. Clean break. I know where I am neither welcome nor wanted.
  19. It would have to be a creature equally at home in both seawater and fresh water. But fish of this kind exist so why not Nessie? Am not convinced though. Would not eggs have been found by now?
  20. But we have to pay it regardless of whether we watch it or not just for owning a TV. In effect it is a tax on TV ownership and all TV viewing, the proceeds of which are used exclusively to fund the BBC. And since the BBC is becoming increasingly prone to broadcasting pro-Tory, anti-Labour propaganda, growing millions of us on the left are starting to resent funding it. A major source of the problem is that the only way into the BBC news arena now is through unpaid internships which only affluent parents can afford to support financially. Thus the media village has come to be almost exclus
  21. PS is back up, one of the Admins has returned and dealt with the spam. Clearly though, their site needs active mods.
  22. I believe life has a definite purpose. It is where spirit and matter combine to evolve over time higher spiritual entities of pure energy. Our souls are spiritual entities on this journey. But it is a journey that operates over massive timescales. The meaning of life therefore is higher spiritual development through successive incarnations towards some greater goal in the distant future. Everything we experience, see and do and feel, every thought, everything we learn and everything we forget and have to relearn are all part of the path of our own personal development. At least that
  23. I would like to believe in the existence of Nessie, but evidence and logic argue against it. I am however - to pursue a similar digression - rather more inclined to believe that there might be something tangible behind alleged sightings of Yetis. Am not totally convinced, the jury is still out. But it strikes me as possible that there could be a species of intensely shy great ape, that may or may not be a fellow hominin. If it had much intelligence and lived in remote areas it could possibly remain mostly hidden.
  24. It is difficult to argue with the logic of that.
  25. For me it is the same. Almost. I nevertheless do have a bystander's interest in it's fate because of the hostility some have shown me there and because it was my first ever pee forum in better times and earlier years. In short, Peesearch and I have history. Yet like you I am past truly caring now. My loyalties have long been wholly to this forum. So my interest is that of an interested bystander with no emotional investment, not someone who truly cares anymore.
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