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Everything posted by steve25805

  1. He is a good spokesman. What he says though about any supreme being being all powerful and all good not conforming with reality as it exists, assumes that any such being would be an interventionist one if it had the power. But I tend not to believe in an interventionist supreme being, believing instead that any higher universal entity would mostly let us develop on our own path with only subtle guidance, since allowing us all - and life itself - to develop naturally is itself essential to our spiritual development and any overall plan. So the lack of any intervention to prevent
  2. As someone who struggles at times with anxiety issues which have their paranoia aspects, trust is a very difficult thing for me. I am predisposed - pre-programmed almost - to mistrust everyone and everything as my default setting. So the fact that I place so much trust and faith in you is a real credit to your character. Trust is not something I grant easily. But you are in my mind an exceptional person.
  3. I have similar problems. Only occasionally these days do ideas for a good story come along.
  4. @Paulypeeps, you're writing is highly imaginative, which I like a lot. I should take more time to read stories more often.
  5. Nice one. I like it when girls piss on carpets.
  6. That would indeed be most convincing as well as likely to scare the crap out of me, lol Which probably means that unless there is a good a positive reason in all but that instant to scare the crap out of me, they will likely never do it. Tis true though that any semblance of doubt would totally disappear and I'd become the hardest of hardcore believers, lol
  7. @spywareonya, I love and respect you so much, and am convinced you know so much more than me about deeper, more spiritual, levels of existence. I defer to your knowledge often and willingly, and feel that I am perhaps on a journey of discovery guided by you. If you tell me something that maybe doesn't sit easily with anything I have always believed, you are more able than anyone else I know to make me think perhaps I wasnt fully correct and perhaps you are more so. So I often suspend any doubts and take on board all you say seriously and as serious truth as I make my journey guided by you. I b
  8. Whether overseers, a universal life force, or whatever, I too tend to believe there is an all encompassing "something", but like you I believe it allows us free will and does not overtly interfere with our fates, except perhaps in the most indirect of ways. The one aspect of @spywareonya,s beliefs I most struggle with is the notion that the overseers actually intervened to create her gods a mere 10,000 or so years ago. This is far more "interventionist" than I'd ever believed or imagined any supreme being or force to be. Yet I am open to the possibility of it, and indeed provisionally ac
  9. Another question of the week - Do you believe in God? I do not believe in God as some kind of bearded tyrant on the throne, casting down thunderbolts and smiting people. In short I do not believe in the God of the bible at all, certainly not the one of the Old Testament who seems such an obviously human construct. But I have always believed in some kind of universal life force that permeates the entire universe and is in all things and everywhere and that our very souls are part of it and formed from it. But I have been learning a lot from @spywareonya, who acknowledges the exis
  10. Nancy pissing on the Loch. Nice one. Wonder if that roused Nessie's interest. Lol
  11. I have finally gotten around to reading it. You have crafted an excellent story. Can't wait for the next instalment. And apologies for my tardiness. I have been extremely busy in real life and often don't look at the stories until I have plenty of spare time. I never realised until I saw your PM that you'd written another instalment. I would never ignore anything by you.
  12. I loved the film Dances with Wolves, in large part because unlike so many earlier westerns it portrayed the native Americans in a more realistic and sympathetic light. One had a real sense of a way of life so very close to nature but under siege and doomed.
  13. I seen the weirdest thing for sale in my supermarket workplace yesterday. Beetroot burgers!!! Purple fucking beetroot burgers! Who eats this shit? Lol
  14. I thought this rather topical of late. Loch Ness....
  15. Indeed. That's the false one. Well remembered.
  16. What was your favourite subject in school? Did you ever have a crush on a teacher? Are you bi or strictly straight? What is your favourite meal?
  17. 1. I have been in the cockpit of a passenger airliner in mid-flight. 2. I went on a Mediterranean cruise at the age of 12 as a school trip. 3. I have been a passenger in a helicopter. One of the above is not true.
  18. Another worrying factor in the UK's march to a Big Brother society. Our police will no longer investigate crimes against people unless the victims hand over all their social media devices for scrutiny. WTAF?
  19. I know you mean well, @2prnot2p, but using such terms as "what planet are you on" and sarcastically questioning whether someone has read anything does come across as unnecessarily aggressive. There are nicer ways of saying the same things. I am having to say this because someone - not Riley - thought so too and reported it to the mods. Could you please try and be just a little less aggressive in your response even if you personally feel a particular post or argument is silly? To do otherwise goes against the grain of our overall friendly vibe here.
  20. I can't believe anybody has the guts to say something that unpolite It used to happen a lot on Peesearch.
  21. It is a well known fact that many of the worst homophobes are actually closet homosexuals in denial themselves! Deep down they themselves have homosexual and homoerotic desires but have been raised to utterly reject such things as disgusting and wrong. They thus repress their own urges and deny to themselves that they exist but subconsciously they fear them coming out. This fear of their own hidden homosexuality is often what generates intense hatred for homosexuality, which they then project outward onto others, overreacting to any manifestation of homosexuality in others. This is a
  22. I think the waitress behaved appallingly, venting her own bigotry, judgementalism and narrow-mindedness in public whilst doing a job of service in which her victims were customers. It seems that, although in a public place, they were not flaunting themselves centre stage and nobody else minded. People going around imposing their own preferences, morality, likes and dislikes on everybody else just because THEY don't like it, is unacceptable. In fact this forum has a rule against anyone doing that here. If any member here were to behave towards another member as that waitress did, they'd de
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