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Everything posted by steve25805

  1. Not actually so. Whoever believes in anything merely needs to have logically consistent reasoning behind what he believes, backed by facts or phenomena he can cite, even if not something that has manifested under laboratory conditions. What he believes merely needs to be logically consistent to be plausible. Anyone who does mot share those beliefs is equally valid to do so. But if they wish to actively debunk them - rather than merely leaving people at peace with their beliefs - because they for whatever psychological reason have a problem with some beliefs of others, then the onus b
  2. Did you even read my link about James Randi? As for your videos, I do not find them at all conclusive. Certainly some seemingly paranormal events will have so-called "rational" explanations, but this idea that sensitives who can sense or see things - psychics - are all either fraudsters or mentally deranged is offensive. One of my best friends who is the most rational and intelligent person I know is also a sensitive. As for needing incontrovertible proof for the existence of something, science would never get anywhere if anything not already proven was dismissed as baloney in advan
  3. I deleted that particular comment but in hindsight think you might sometimes be reading too much into it. I cannot go around deleting other people's posts on demand.
  4. @Blackinksoul30, I have read the posts concerned. I don't think either comment was intended as deliberate criticism designed to make you feel bad, though have edited out the bit about it being dangerous. Clearly they have had that effect though. Because these posts are seven months old and I think no malice was intended, it is a little too late to do more now. The best course of action would have been for you to raise it privately with a mod at the time and a quiet word - and if necessary a public statement - could have been made. I really don't think either person sought to offend y
  5. Indeed. If something exists it is theoretically possible that at some point it will be proven to exist, if not already. The fact that it has not necessarily been proven to exist yet does not mean that it doesn't. It is also possible sometimes to prove that something is not what we think it is, hence sometimes apparently supernatural phenomena can be proven to have a "rational" explanation of a kind any sceptic might believe in. Eg that tapping on the wall might be revealed to be a window shutter blowing in the wind rather than a ghost. But it is just not possible to prove a nega
  6. It is against our rules for members to go around making each other feel bad about their interests. If this happens - because this is a big one for me having myself in the past been put off Peesearch because of this kind of thing - I'd have liked for you to have told me with quotes and links to the offending posts. I lobbied for that particular rule because I know how damaging negative judgementalism can be. So I feel strongly against it. Neither @Admin nor I - or the other mods - approve of anyone being criticised or made to feel bad for their interests, because that is counter-productive to u
  7. No I don't. Because he is not an independent-minded investigator. Instead he has an agenda in pursuit of a cause. Such people tend to try and make the facts fit the conclusion rather than the other way round. And as a former climate change sceptic in spite of all the evidence for man made climate change, I don't fully trust his scientific reasoning either. He seems to have a set of beliefs he holds dear and seeks to find or mould facts to support those beliefs, rather than remain scientifically or investigatorily impartial.
  8. Actually yeah, that's very true. Germany certainly had loads of the stuff.
  9. But the A bomb project was originally devised with Germany in mind as the target. It is only the fact of Germany's defeat before it was ready that saved Germany. Had the A bomb been ready 15 months earlier, am pretty sure Berlin would be synonymous with nuclear devastation today rather than Hiroshima.
  10. 4.5 billion years is a LOT of evolution time. Our descendents might be around somewhere but they are likely to have evolved into something very different by then.
  11. When I started on the road to recovery by working in a charity store it was exactly the same for me. And you know what? As I think you are doing you learn to lose your angst towards people and before long interacting with them becomes second nature and natural. And your success does make you feel real good about yourself. Every day is a positive achievement. So keep on your current path. You are doing great.
  12. So essentially, you believe that, although many of us could die, higher powers would never let us become extinct or all life here to end? I put a lot of faith in your beliefs because I think you have access to higher knowledge. Doesn't mean I won't think for myself or even disagree with you or think you wrong occasionally. I would never totally surrender my own independence of thought to anyone, not even you. But I think you respect me for that. Nevertheless I put a lot of faith in the things you claim to know because you are both sincere and knowledgeable about spiritual aspects, and the
  13. But think. What if Hitler had nukes even if the rest of us had them too? Here was a man, essentially deranged and going down to defeat, who wanted to take the rest of the world with him if he could. Would he have hesitated? I don't think so. This realisation means that we could only be one Hitler away from nuclear war.
  14. Personally, I think it's only 50-50. Worst case scenario is that we might have so fucked up the climate that we set off an irreversible runaway greenhouse effect, which would ultimately cause not just us but all life here to become extinct. Could it happen within 1000 years? Well we might have gone well past the point of no return long before then if we don't change our ways. Then of course is the ultimate threat of nuclear war. There is always the risk that sooner or later some nutter with access to nukes will think nuclear war is a good idea. Would that make us extinct or would a f
  15. It's another week. Time for another question of the week. Do you think we will become extinct in the next 1000 years?
  16. I have black candles already from the time of my contact with Lilith, but for this I am torn between white and yellow. Will have to buy them. Is it possible to use more than one colour, for example one white and two yellow? Or is it best to have all candles the same colour? I instinctively feel choosing one colour for all is important but don't know why or whether this is right. White or yellow. Any advice on what is best for me?
  17. This guy is an evangelical sceptic with often extremist views, who is very effective against the numerous paranormal fraudsters out there but who is less "honest" when he encounters something more real. He does in fact have a highly sceptical agenda and as such seeks to force the evidence to fit his conclusions rather than drawing conclusions from the evidence. Investigators of any kind with a pre-set conclusion and agenda and total absence of an open mind are always slightly dodgy. This article provides a well rounded description of the guy..... https://www.telegraph.co.uk/cult
  18. Why the anger because some people believe in stuff that you don't? Why not just move on by without comment and leave them to it? It is not worth getting all shouty and ranting about. You are not merely an ultra-rationalist, but you are being evangelical about it and therefore appear to be angered that others don't see it your way. I am fine with you not believing in any of it. I think we all are. Can't you just adopt the same live and let live attitude towards the beliefs of others instead of growing angry and evangelical? What difference does it make to you if people believe in
  19. Ok. Does an altar need to be permanently in place or can one be set up temporarily? The latter is much easier of course but if it has to be the former will have to give it some thought.
  20. Having a major clean out this week and have roped my friend into offering to help me on Thursday. An offering with candles will take some explaining so easier to wait until after then, lol
  21. @spywareonyaHow do I offer chocolate? What do I need to do to make an offering of it?
  22. This is so much like what I have always thought.
  23. Winston Churchill was berated by a female colleague for having partaken too enthusiastically of the alcohol supplies. "Winston, you're drunk!" His reply - "Yes madam. And in the morning I shall be sober but you shall still be ugly!"
  24. Have spoken to my mum. She pretty much remembers the time. Will PM you. As for place of birth I know where that is but how do I go about translating that into coordinates you can understand?
  25. I'd be willing to share such information privately with you but I don't actually know it all. I was born in a hospital in my home city of Plymouth which no longer exists. I of course know my date of birth but have no idea of which hour or minute I was born in. Would have to ask my mother for that information and hope she remembers it.
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