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Everything posted by steve25805

  1. De-criminalisation - a kind of half way house where it is not technically legal but in which laws against it are not enforced - does not provide the girls with the full protection of the law. Legalised but with regulations as to when it where it can be touted publicly - ideally with much of it taking place behind closed doors - would minimise any nuisance it causes.
  2. Another question of the week is long overdue. So here it is..... Should prostitution be fully legal? My own view is that it should be. From a principled and moral stance I do not believe that the state has any right trying to interfere in consenting sexual activity between consenting adults. Whether that activity occurs as a result of love, lust, a desire for fun, or simply an exchange of money or other goods is irrelevant. If someone is willing to pay someone else for sex, and that someone else is willing to provide it for that money, why should that be anyone else's business?
  3. This thread also needs bumping, as an insight into some of the beliefs that are so central to the person we love who is @spywareonya Many of the pics here are indeed beautiful.
  4. Haha, I understand. Sorry, for someone who can be so perceptive sometimes I can still have my obtuse moments.
  5. Me? Because I have kind of been an, albeit open-minded, follower of yours for some time now.
  6. Never been a big fan of poetry, but curiously - after five years of hell in my personal life following the conjuring of some evil entity via a Ouija board - in desperation I consulted a friend who had a book of spells, one of which was designed to rid you of malign influences. These were written almost as poetry, and you were supposed to visualise what you were reading as it conjured beautiful imagery of sunsets, mountains, streams, lakes, rainbows, clouds, mist, and various things. I found reading this to be beautiful, and the imagery invoked touched my heart deeply. Is this how you shou
  7. There was once a young woman from Rhyll Used a dynamite stick for a thrill. They found her vagina, In North Carolina, And one of her tits in Brazil
  8. How about this for poetic beauty.....? I wandered lonely as a cloud and wondered if I was allowed to take a shit upon the floor cos some cunts locked the bathroom door.
  9. Hahaha, next time I want a demolition job done, I'll steal that guy's candy and let him loose.
  10. For eroprofile you need to be a signed up member and signed in. Then you should get a "my videos" option on the left hand top of the page. Click that and you will see "video album" as an option. Click that and you can set up your own video album and upload videos. To download videos you need to be a premium member. Have not uploaded a video there for a long time though so it is possible it might have changed and requires premium membership now, I don't know.
  11. Oh I forgot. My memory can be shit sometimes, lol
  12. Something you might not know about me Nancy. Pissing actually interests me far more than sex. Not that interested in sex. I need piss to get off. Makes me kind of unusual for a guy, yeah? But that is me.
  13. steve25805


    What gets me sometimes is how exactly the same word can mean totally different things in different places. Take the word "fag" for example. In the UK fag = cigarette In the USA fag = gay male. I remember the look on the faces of some American sailors we met out nightclubbing when my friend asked one of them if he had a spare fag. I kind of had to quickly translate to avoid offence, lol.
  14. It is already a little less than 6 weeks before my birthday
  15. I envy you your great outdoors. Your winters? Not so much, lol.
  16. Not everyone's cup of tea this, but I'd love to earn a crust as a political columnist, using the eloquence of my own words and arguments to influence others. And to champion the forgotten and left behind millions. I'd tell it as it really is from the bottom up, not preach downwards from amidst the cloistered elites as most do. People like me who could speak for the ordinary people in opposition to the current media and political establishment is not what they want. Getting the occasional letter printed in left-leaning national publications is the most I've ever achieved.
  17. steve25805


    For some reason this made me think of all the war comics I used to read as a lad in the 70s. German soldiers were forever cursing by saying things like "Gott in Himmel", when one suspects that they are more likely to have said "Scheisse".
  18. Indeed. My best friend on this earth is a Latvian national, and she too is fluent in four languages. In her case Latvian, Russian, German, and English. She can also read Cyrillic as well as Latin script. This is not unusual in Latvia.
  19. My birthday is almost aligned with the summer solstice, a fact I think @spywareonya feels to be significant I think. And I defer greatly to her knowledge in such areas.
  20. Once, during an LSD trip, two guys walked past with traffic cones on their heads. They were probably drunk. But that surreal sight whilst tripping set me and my mate off. We could not stop laughing until the LSD wore off many hours later.
  21. In my real life I am an active member of a political party. I self describe in various ways - democratic socialist, left-leaning social democrat, left wing liberal. Those in the political know for the UK can probably guess my party but I will neither confirm nor deny if asked.
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