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Everything posted by steve25805

  1. I think what we have here is oversensitive versus disdain for sensitivity. I do not think you have posted anything sufficiently bad to warrant further action, though the term "snowflake" could be taken as a term of personal insult by those who feel strongly about certain things so I have edited that out of your thread's title. We don't want to go around causing deliberate offense. Admin, the other mods and myself will discuss this issue privately but don't worry about that. We're a fair bunch. A public issue has been made out of it though so we have to discuss it.
  2. @Blackinksoul30, I understand where you are coming from on this But the difference between you and him is in part a political one and mods cannot enforce political stances without losing their impartiality. As far as I am aware, no member here has been insulted or mocked for anything. And I don't think FW's post is exclusively aimed at LBGT people but is intended to mock what he views as political correctness. I see nothing that is overtly homophobic. The term "snowflake" is however intentionally insulting to those who object to certain things, so I have edited out this term in
  3. A bit of like-hearted fun at the expense of what each other believes is fine within limits in my opinion but if it crosses a line into becoming overt mockery then no, we should not really be ok with it. Whether or not it is a moderation issue - we have rules against being negatively judgemental towards each other in a way that can make each other feel unwelcome - really depends on the exact nature of the thing being said. Anyone can always report it to us.
  4. Breakfast at Tiffany's = Vegetarian sausage and tofu at Bianca's
  5. Girl Interrupted = Unjustly incarcerated by the patriarchy
  6. Fatal Attraction = Feminist on Top
  7. I cannot speak for the USA, but here in the UK they tripled university tuition fees, slashed welfare entitlements to the under 25s, even those in work, legislated much lower minimum rates of pay for younger people, pursued housing policies that have priced them out of the housing market and trapped them either paying extortionate rents or stuck with their parents into their 30s. The jobs available to them are increasingly poor in terms and conditions with successive governments encouraging that in the name of "flexibility". Yet they are paying through the nose in taxes to fund freebies for pen
  8. Politicians and governments have done far more to shaft the young than technology ever has.
  9. @PeeBurach, a warm welcome to the forum. You sound like you'll fit right in.
  10. I will not discuss anything you do not wish to discuss, no worries. Do you struggle more in big cities where there might be a lot more air pollutants around from factories and vehicle exhausts? I know this can be an issue for asthmatics
  11. steve25805


    I just go there for the pics. It is one of my sources for them. These download immediately.
  12. Me too. And my diabetes meds don't help, lol. But when it comes to farting I revert into a pre-pubescent 8 year old boy. If in a quiet room some woman were to do a rip roaring fart, my immediate reaction would not be to find it sexy. It would be to find it funny. VERY funny. Because, like an 8 year old boy, I still find farts exceptionally funny.
  13. If this question is too personal, simply ignore. Many people get shall we say a little breathless during the exertion of having sex. How do you manage with your lung disease? Another question Were you born with this condition? And what is the long term prognosis? Any possibility of a cure of any kind? Is research into the condition being carried out?
  14. How about we also use this thread to say these 10 things about ourselves? 1. Age - at the time of typing I am 53 2. Gender - I am male 3. Sexual orientation - I am straight 4. Main peeing interest - Naughty peeing 5. Nationality - I am British, more specifically English 6. Class - I am working class 7. Religion - I do not believe in organised religion but have my own beliefs 8. Political orientation - I am a democratic socialist, left wing liberal/social democrat. I use these terms interchangeably 9. Occupation - I am a customer assistant in a super
  15. To be honest I have looked at my profile and don't think anything needs amending and it basically describes my pee and non pee interests concisely but fully enough. So will leave it as it is.
  16. Havent looked at mine for ages. Will go see if there is anything to add or amend.
  17. Let me reiterate as a mod, that if anyone here ripped one of your stories to shreds or tried in anyway to be negatively judgemental or to make you feel bad, we would come down on him or her like a ton of bricks. Such behaviour for one thing is actually against forum rules. Anyone doing that would be running the severe risk of some kind of ban. We don't want people on this forum trying to make those who contribute feel bad. This forum is a safe space for you to post your stories. Trust me on that. If you are unsure, might I suggest a very short one first just to dip your toe in? If yo
  18. It doesn't matter, FW. I only read them when I have lots of spare time. And you contribute to the forum in many other ways so it's all cool
  19. I have seen some of these. They are very funny.
  20. Hitler was in large part the monster he was cos he was off his head on amphetamines, a major component in meds he took. Anyone with much experience of amphetamines might be aware of their ability to create paranoia, warped outlooks, and moral distortion and impulses stretched to extremes.
  21. Der Untergang (Downfall), a German language film about the last days of Hitler in the bunker and the fighting for Berlin. Very historically accurate.
  22. If you could visit any year in history, which one would you visit and why?
  23. Wow, that's a serious patron. Will have to return to this tomorrow cos had a few drinks. But a question for now. How can I help?
  24. I would never laugh at you simply because you hadn't gotten around to something yet. Whether they have passed their test or not, most people in our capital city of London don't drive because the traffic congestion is horrendous and it is quicker to get around by tube or bus, which run 24 hour services there.
  25. You are still young and it is never too late anyway. I didn't take my driving test until I was 47!!! Luckily I passed first time fairly easily.
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