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Everything posted by steve25805

  1. This is known to have happened in about 7200 BC in the Black Sea basin.
  2. Things happen in threes for sure. On Monday night I did not win the Set for Life draw. Last night I did not win the Euromillions draw. So if I don't win the Lotto tonight, that proves it, no?
  3. What is your star sign? And do you think it has any significance? I am Cancer. And it seems to have some relevance to me because temperament and character wise I am typically Cancerian - emotional, compassionate, loyal, shy, a champion of causes who wishes to set the world to rights, perhaps a little too emotionally vulnerable sometimes, yet also very self-contained and in that sense strong. I have an emotional shell and limit who gets in but care deeply about those who do.
  4. I have Type 2 diabetes and lately have been thirsty a lot and drinking a lot and my sleep is very interrupted by the need to pee every couple of hours or so. But one of the meds I am prescribed is a diuretic which dehydrates by causing frequent peeing, because this helps flush out blood sugars and keep levels down. This of course also induces thirst. So I cannot be sure whether what I am experiencing is due to high blood sugars or simply to my meds. Last time I was concerned about such symptoms blood tests revealed that my blood sugar levels were pretty good so it was the meds.
  5. Go back for a blood test. I was getting similar symptoms and saw a doc where I was given the all clear. But the symptoms grew worse and others appeared so I went back 18 months later and was diagnosed with diabetes. As well as thirst and frequent need to pee, other symptoms can include cramps, especially in the feet, frequent and sudden bouts of intense tiredness, and blurred vision.
  6. What song was at number 1 in your nation's music charts when you turned 18? For me in the UK it was the Police with Every Breath You Take
  7. Quite a few of the members here have an interest on so called naughty pissing or naughty peeing, essentially peeing in naughty places. I am certainly one who seriously gets off on the notion of girls peeing in naughty locations - all over the floor, on the table, on the furniture, on the bed, against the wall, in or over all kinds of things. It really floats my boat. I love pics or vids showing this, and true tales and fictional stories featuring this. @Sophie's true account of pissing on her kitchen floor, or @lesley's awesome fictional tales especially of carpet pissings are just two example
  8. Another question of the week - my second this week because I am on holiday and trying to trigger some discussion. Will try something a little more overtly political. But let me say in advance that let's debate nicely regardless of how much we may disagree with any view. All views are equally valid. Should the UK leave the EU? Well we had a vote on it 3 years ago in which the people voted narrowly for it having been issued a load of false promises about the ease with which we'd obtain a best of both worlds deal. And yet every reputable economist says leaving would be economi
  9. Johnson in his younger university days was also a member of the infamous Bullingdon club, basically a bunch of rich kids going around getting drunk and wilfully trashing and vandalising pubs, clubs and restaurants for fun in the knowledge that their rich parents will pay whatever it takes to fix things. One of their charming initiation rituals involves burning a £50 note in front of a homeless person. Is this the kind of absolute cunt we want running the country? Never in my name.
  10. But all the polling evidence points to the fact that now we know the stark reality a majority of the public want to Remain. Which is part of the reason why Leavers are running scared of the democratic will of the people, opposing a second vote on the actual reality before us with every breath. Is he also right to call black people piccaninnies with watermelon smiles? Or gay men bum boys? Because there is a line which when crossed indicates bigotry which is an ugly thing in a leader. He and Trump will be two of a kind in that respect. It will cost us a whole lot mo
  11. We are going to hell in a handcart. A narrow majority voted for Brexit upon the strength of a load of false promises. Now we know the truth a majority oppose it but they wont let us vote on it. The governing party has become a joke and made of us an international laughing stock. They negotiated a Brexit deal without consulting anyone back home to see if we liked it and thus it was voted down in Parliament. Everyone hated it. Yet the EU negotiated it in good faith and refuses to waste time trying to negotiate anything else. The choice on offer is thus the negotiated deal, call the who
  12. Movie - Der Untergang (Downfall) Book - The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William Shirer. Song - (No not Deutschland uber Alles, lol) Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd
  13. As an introvert myself, I have found that whilst tapping away on a keyboard at home alone - as now - I come right out of my shell online and converse easily. Have made some great friends through the internet. I guess online socialising combines - for an introvert - the benefits of having your own space in the real world with a whole load of social interaction via a keyboard and pixels on a screen. All of which can be turned off at a moment's notice when you want solitude. In some ways, the internet - as a social medium - is tailor made for introverts, yet is equally accessible to ext
  14. First thing I'd do is raid all the empty chemists and obtain a lifetime supply of diabetes meds.....a practical necessity if I want to live very long. Then I'd drive all around seeing things. Not experienced with boats, I'd be limited to mainland Britain as an island though. Would raid the stores to obtain supplies of candles, matches and lighters, since no one else would be around to provide heating or lighting. This means that in winter I would have to locate my home in an empty house with an open fireplace and seek out firewood for heating. In the summer I would be more mobile, d
  15. I am a total introvert. I love being alone and never feel lonely. I enjoy my own company more than most other people's, most of the time. I can be passionate about things I feel strongly about and am politically active, and can talk a lot when fired up about something. But more often than not am happier in silence. Small talk has never come easy to me. I think extroverts and introverts can be friends but a little space and time apart is necessary I think. I don't think I could live under the same roof as an extrovert or share the same space with one permanently. I find extrovert
  16. Apologies if my descriptions of the mindsets and motives of such guys has made you feel uncomfortable. It is what it is. Just speaking truth as I see it. Just tell such assholes in no uncertain terms to fuck off right at the start.
  17. Some guys actually get off on the knight in shining armour rushing to the aid of the damsel in distress thing. For them it is not just about compassion. It is part of their thing erotically. They probably nurture fantasies about rushing to the aid of a lady which culminates in sex after he's sorted all her problems. That is I suspect the kind of mindset at play. So whilst they only ever want to talk about you and your perceived problems, it is in reality all about them and what they want deep down.
  18. My problem - from your point of view - is that my natural inclination is to try and help someone with any kind of issues, insecurities, upsets, or whatever. But I respect the fact that this is not what you want with any interaction with any of us. I will always remember and respect that going forwards.
  19. @Blackinksoul30, I am the kind of guy whom if I think someone is suffering or vulnerable in some way or just feeling a bit shit, I genuinely want to help. I can at such times come across a bit psychological and even a bit like a therapist. But that's only because I genuinely care about the feelings of people more generally. That is especially true where ladies are concerned because deep down inside there is something of the old-fashioned gent about me who wants to rush to the aid of damsels in distress. But I mean well, and am perfectly capable of normal conversations too. But the type of
  20. I think friendship between men and women of a wholly platonic kind - just friends - is perfectly feasible and normal. My very best friend in life is a young lady half my age and we think of each other almost like close family. Nothing at all sexual or romantic about it. Just buddies. Any woman coming into my life as a partner - or any man coming into hers - would have to accept our friendship for what it is and not do the whole insecure jealousy thing. At the moment though we are both single.
  21. Scaffell Pike, the highest point in England...
  22. The highest point in Cornwall on Bodmin Moor, rather comically named Brown Willy (lol)….
  23. steve25805

    ROOM 101

    You know what pisses me off? Those poor people who are stupid enough to blame those even poorer than themselves for all their problems instead of the rich dudes actually in charge. They often let the latter tell them what to think via their propaganda sheets, aka tabloid newspapers. I don't get the stupidity involved in blaming the powerless guy at the bottom instead of the powerful one at the top. Do they not realise that the fact he is rich and powerful, and they are poor, might well be because they believe too much of his self-serving shite?
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