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Everything posted by steve25805

  1. Sometimes I wish my car were armed with a bazooka-like cannon of some sort, so that the pensioner in front who thinks the 60mph speed limit is actually 30mph but who lacks the courtesy to pull in every now and again to let others pass, can be blown the fuck up and blown out of the way.
  2. I thought I'd bump this thread so that newer members have the chance to read this account of a visit by @Sophie to my place, where she peed on my living room carpet. Sadly only a fantasy encounter. But if you search the name "Sophie" under this forum you will find other stories of mine featuring our sexy mod, as well as some great stories from others featuring ladies called Sophie.
  3. Sadly I haven't really met any celebrities. Not many make it down to my neck of the woods. But my best friend who lived in London for a while and worked in a fast food place that was occasionally frequented by well known faces, met Rita Ora who invited her back to her place for a few drinks
  4. Not exactly listening to it but woke up and unable to get back to sleep at 4 in the morning, and I have Queen's It's a kind of magic going round in my head.
  5. There are more than just the ones I named. They were only examples.
  6. It might be too late now but an idea for next time. Why not be really naughty and just piss on the kitchen floor? Yeah you gotta mop it up afterwards but think how much fun you'll have doing something so naughty.
  7. Dixie walks in on her cleaner pissing on the living room floor. The cleaner is mortified to have been discovered and Dixie goes off on one. Dixie then says something like, "Right you can clean this up then, bitch". And she then herself takes a standing piss on the floor. That's a Dixie Comet style vid. If I were suggesting one of my own fantasies it would be her and a friend standing naked - legs parted and hands on hips - and pissing all over the carpet together for a laugh.
  8. Nice one, @Sephora And do we have you to thank also for this pic, @DivaQC? Nice one, lol
  9. I don't know the exact ratio, but men do outnumber the ladies here, I am guessing by about 4 to 1. But don't let that put you off. There are plenty of great active ladies here - @Sephora, @Sophie, @Lilipee, @spywareonya, @chubbybirb999, @Blackinksoul30, etc.
  10. Another awesome chapter. The pissing scene was superb but I am loving the suspense re the whole Nessie thing too.
  11. @spywareonya, you of course already know that I am of your legion already, and I admire your aims for this site. One of the reasons for it's success is it's friendliness to fellow fetishists and the way that lots of us reveal ourselves to be nothing more than normal, decent human beings in spite of our fetish. So how can our fetish -which harms no one - be bad? Yes, let this forum be a safe place for all of us, where no one will be judged badly because of what they are into.
  12. I would drive all around my home city, destroying all the fixed speed cameras with fire. Then I would enter the police yard armed with Molotov cocktails with which I would destroy all the mobile speed camera vans. I would find the nearest traffic police car and take a shit on the driver's seat. And go for a long drive driving at whatever speed I felt like. A day of not conforming to laws designed for excessively cautious pensioners.
  13. He's a lovely little guy - a real character. Living in a top floor flat and needing to go out to work for long hours with no one else at home I can't really keep a cat or a dog. Could not give either a good life. But a hamster - being nocturnal - spends most of the time when I am working sleeping. I am usually home when he wakes up. And he seems happy in his cage with toys and his favourite foods. And he gets let out for runs in his running ball most evenings and mornings.
  14. Welcome to the forum. Am sure you'll love it here. But if you ever get any problems we mods are here to help. We're all a pretty friendly bunch here.
  15. My car, days on the beach, the company of my best friends, my hamster, a good laugh and a joke.
  16. If you pull your spacesuit off to pop a squat on Mars, the pressure inside you will be so much greater than the pressure outside you that you'll do the most tremendous rip roaring fart, lol
  17. The atmospheric pressure on the surface of Mars is extremely low. We could never survive it outside a space suit. So the only pissing you could do is inside your own spacesuit. Perhaps when space travel is common in the 22nd century there will be a fetish for pissing in your own space suit, lol. More seriously, even if you could survive long enough outside a spacesuit to piss on Mars, much of the planet is exceptionally cold. The pressure is also simply too low for piss to exist in liquid form. It would either instantly freeze or instantly boil away, depending upon how cold or warm i
  18. Another excellent addition. I love the sense of yearning fore what comes next that you engender, keeping us on tenterhooks, all interspersed with erotic pissing episodes, all with the possibility of Nessie in the background. There are several layers of interest which is the hall mark of a great story teller.
  19. Sadly have overslept so will have to wait until I get home this evening to read it or else I will be rushing it. Something to look forward to, lol
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