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Everything posted by steve25805

  1. Yeah, I'd convince her I was the latest model of a Terminator, and the only way to neutralise me was to piss on my face.
  2. I wouldn't. If I get to see it she can pee anywhere she likes, car included. Will worry about the mess later, lol
  3. How about doing this.....? You could always wash the curtains afterwards.
  4. You're welcome to do it in my car, hahaha. But only if I can be there to watch, lol.
  5. Totally agree. 7 of 9 was on a constant quest to reconnect with humanity and learning to do normal human things. Would love to have been the one teaching her how and where to pee, lol
  6. I have become a better person as I have aged psychologically, spiritually, and emotionally - less selfish, less hedonistic, more intrinsically sensible with more moral honesty about myself and fewer selfish moral compromises. If I could live my life again, I'd be a better person much sooner.
  7. Work has kept me away, plus a dear friend is facing an emotional upset due to what looks like impending bereavement, so a lot of my psychological energy is in reserve for her right now. But only short shift today with tomorrow off so hope to make it here a bit more.
  8. Well done Speedy A worthy winner. Congratulations
  9. Another great instalment. I love the way alpha male Lars gets put in his place by the girls and am wondering what Lars has produced at the end, Great pissing scenes too. Look forward to the next instalment.
  10. I guess if anyone had a good enough reason to track us down and expose us, it would be easy enough. I have revealed my first name, the city and country in which I live, my age and gender and the kind of job I do. If all this and more were put together I suspect I could be tracked down. It is just a matter of anyone having good enough motive or reason to want to bother. And there's the rub. Although only an ordinary footsoldier, so to speak, in my real life I am politically active, and under my real name am all over facebook politics forums and twitter with political posts. If I ever gaine
  11. @nopjans, you have always been one of my favourite writers of naughty peeing erotica and all your other contributions are great additions to our content. How could I not notice you going quiet? I tended not to worry too much cos all of us have real life shit taking over from time to time, and assumed - correctly it seems - that this was the case with you. Take as long as you need and I look forward to your more active return.
  12. Me too. In the early days, we had negative icons in our armoury, including one for "disagree" and another for "dislike". A small number of members used them incessantly to express disapproval of anything they didn't like, which utterly undermined our friendly and welcoming ethos. This was particularly so when "dislike" icons were applied to the first posts of new members, as sometimes occurred. And they also proved at times to be a gift to trolls. I campaigned to have all negative icons done away with and think I persuaded the Businessman Admin who was in charge for a while, who if
  13. Great idea for a thread. We all have those down moments. Luckily I am ok at this precise moment in time, albeit working long hours with little time to post.
  14. Welcome. I must tell you though that this forum does not really function very well in the way you seem to desire. Like everywhere else, the girls here tend to respond best to guys who are interested in them as people and who take the trouble to get to know them on a social level, even if via the medium of pixels on a screen. A brief introduction followed by requests for pee fun or sex of any kind are as unlikely to bear fruit here as they are down the pub. When it comes to getting to know the ladies, though, this place has one big advantage. You do at least know that all th
  15. Here is a good joke. Meet the new British Prime Minister....
  16. Well it seems that he is either a racist or and idiot. (I think he is both) Either way, it is not good that he is President.
  17. I think that just about sums Trump up.
  18. I am afraid this time I must disagree with you. Whilst he may well be superficial he is definitely a racist. I have so often heard people say of people of certain colours or ethnicities that they should "go home" even when born here. And without fail everyone playing this line has been a racist of some sort. Non-racists simply don't make the connection between different skin colour and not belonging. Trump is sadly a total racist. That he is also undoubtedly a total idiot does not detract from that.
  19. Or a perv like me, nudge nudge, wink wink
  20. Do you have a dishwasher? If so you could piss in that all over the dishes inside. The wash will thoroughly clean them. If not, you could squat over a sink full of dishes before cleaning them afterwards. Just an idea for added naughtiness though I understand if this is a step too far for you. Do you have a waterproof mattress cover? If so - and if you are prepared to wash soiled sheets afterwards - peeing on the bed might be fun.
  21. @Sophie, it has been a long time since one of my imaginary accounts of us meeting up. Will have to come up with something new soon I think. Not right now due to an influx of lager but hopefully in the not too distant future. Will give it some thought and try to think up something original with a plausible premise.
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