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Everything posted by steve25805

  1. So glad you are back, @spywareonya But when you talk of being changed and darker, I do wonder what a sentence like the above is hinting at, even though I almost know it is not anything you can speak of. Maybe I am being silly but I worry about you doing dark things, and my imagination could run riot with all sorts of dark imaginings.
  2. Wow, @spywareonya, that was an original and enjoyable piece of writing that only you could have produced. And if Nancy the vampire needs a piss and wants to do something nasty, you know the way my mind works. Pissing all over the carpets or other stuff? Hehehe. The dark aspect works as fiction. It always does. Only when it is real life and involves hurting real people does it become more problematical
  3. I have noticed that girls peeing in guys' mouths is much more popular here than the converse, attracting many more likes. Yet they are definitely harder to find which is why I post fewer of them. It seems the porn industry seems to think we all love watching guys pissing in girls mouths when most would rather see girls doing it to guys. Clearly they don't understand us and are only in it for the money. If it were all produced by genuine enthusiasts it would better reflect our more popular interests. That is perfectly ok. I enjoy reading the comments people make to my pics
  4. Farming is hard work but I guess the plus side is you get to see and experience a lot of nature in it's true wonder.
  5. When it comes to pee porn - whether it be pics, links to vids, stories, or whatever - do you post primarily for your own pleasure or for the pleasure of others? I must admit that whilst I have posted the occasional link to a vid and have sometimes written stories - far fewer than I used to sadly - I mostly post pics. And whilst I am very glad if others like them and it is partly why I share, the actual process of finding and downloading pics, then uploading them here is something that brings personal pleasure. I do it mostly because I like doing it. If it were a chore I did mainly fo
  6. There are some who show up there only for a cheap thrill. It is all they are interested in, beyond which they give not a single shit about genuine socialising. Such members are tiresome as an observer, but they must be most irritating for females who are on the receiving end of their self centred pervings.
  7. How will you vote in the December 12th election? This is a UK election so this is primarily for UK voters. But if you are non UK and have any preference, by all means vote for who you would have voted for if you had a vote.
  8. I would have let my German girlfriend of three and a half decades ago know that I would like her to pee on me, and took my chances on her reaction.
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