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Everything posted by steve25805

  1. Awesomely sexy. Lovely face and hair with perfect bum and breasts.
  2. I would love to think so. We need a German like @PissingBlonde to confirm it.
  3. When was the first time you ever peed on the carpet? Where was it? Was it deliberate? How did it make you feel? A completely different random question. If you had a time machine which past event would you most like to be present at and why?
  4. I believe it is someone who does not believe in organised religion and god.
  5. Germany sounds like the place to be! And yeah I have noticed how much pee porn has come out of Germany over the decades. Mind you, you are being seriously rivalled by the Czechs of late. So methinks perhaps the Czech Republic might be worth a visit too.
  6. Is the same with me. Only got around to reading it today. In my real life I am active politically and we have a national election campaign under way, so an especially busy time for me.
  7. I loved all the explanations contained within Chapter 4, @spywareonya. You have created a world which at one and the same time sounds both plausible and extraordinary. And it all makes sense. And I love Nancy the vampire. She is so you in so many ways.
  8. I think my urination liberation law would also include the provision of public service naughty peeing porn on the BBC from midnight to 1am every day. Top quality directors with an interest will be tasked with producing it to top production quality standards. Working in this field will be made very lucrative with much higher rates of pay, attracting the most talented pee fans. And forums such as this would have their running costs met by the state with Admin and mods as salaried employees. The forum would also have state-funded employees attached to it producing porn using members' storie
  9. If you could be absolutely anyone - past or present - who would you be and why?
  10. I would introduce a urination liberation law. All consenting adult pee porn would not only be legal but also tax exempt, with government grants for it's production. Public urination would cease to be a criminal offence, and all local authorities would be obliged to provide open public areas for public urination for those caught short in every part of every city. Hotels and inns and B&Bs would be given tax free status and government grants, for allowing guests to urinate wherever they like. Such grants would cover the cost of such things as carpet cleaning and carpet and furniture replaceme
  11. So does that mean that the things I believe in in politics and suchlike are somehow obsolete? Because I do not believe that the things I feel strongly about are obsolete. It is true that like everyone I feel a range of such things and some I prioritise over others. For example, I choose not to be selfish. I naturally wish to express the best aspects of myself as I see them. As yet I see nothing of my core values that I wish to ditch. I know there are often deeper parts of us in our subconscious that we may not be consciously aware of or consciously acknowledge exi
  12. Took me a long time to come to terms with my fetish too, mainly because I was well into middle age before the internet came along, and in pre-internet days it was much harder to reach out to like-minded people. Welcome to the forum.
  13. I wonder what my dear friend @spywareonya will make of this. I had a dark dream last night. I was with my brother and others in this house and the guy next door was arguing with his wife terribly. Then we heard a load of banging and it went quiet and somehow we knew he'd killed her. A short while later we heard a circular saw loudly in action and knew he was cutting up the body. Throughout this we were debating whether to call the police and I decided we had to. I dialled 999 and was asked which service I required. "Police" I said. Then I started explaining what was happening next do
  14. I guess I am similar in many ways. I mostly post pics when they are the ones I like and use this forum as a pic store, but I always hope others like them too. When it comes to things like stories I enjoy writing them when in the mood, but do find it demotivating if I get little response. If I ceased seeing any signs of appreciation I would stop writing stories altogether. So I guess when it comes to stories I am writing just as much for others as for myself.
  15. @spywareonya, what can I say? A perfect mix of eroticism and fantasy world with a pinch of humour. The notion of the boy having to fan away the vampire's farts - the mental picture of it I imagined - brought a smile of amusement to my face. Because someone fanning away someone else's farts is funny. I love the vampire's self assured dominance and not giving a fuck attitude - which I see as an aspect of yourself and how you inwardly yearn to be. Man made rules and norms are things you have no respect for unless they are fitting on a deeper level. Without actually hurting anyone you yearn
  16. @spywareonya, your imagination is awesome. I can remember the stories from childhood about hobits and various monsters. Yours seems to be an adult, darker version of something similar, a world inhabited by monsters and vampires and dark lords but also people. And with sexualised happenings and pissings too. You have created a fascinating world, and the vampire character is clearly a projection of an alternate version of yourself which incorporates so much of your real self. You seem to be using this form of fiction to project a deep inner part of yourself and express yourse
  17. I would happily do so, but first I would encourage you to post them publicly instead so we can all enjoy them
  18. If only there wasn't several thousand miles of Atlantic between us, lol. Cos I would gladly let you do it.
  19. Pity you live so far away. Cos you'd be more than welcome to come and piss on my carpets and let me worry about cleaning it up, lol
  20. The sexy @MissAutumn and her partner are the inspiration for this story, but it is a work of fiction and I have chosen to make both characters female. …………………………………………. Dear Wet Carpet. My name is Lucy and my partner is called Charlotte. I'm bi and Charlotte is a lesbian. We live in sunny California but travel around a bit. I'm British but Charlotte is an American. We both work in Silicon Valley, a couple of gals doing well in a male-dominated industry. I'm a big breasted, brown eyed brunette, Charlotte is a busty blue eyed blonde. We are both in our late 20s. And we have a
  21. This looks like good fun for those who know how to do it.....but it also looks like very scary fun to me.
  22. Arsonists are total scumbags, and little other than murderers when the fires they start cost lives. And all those homes with all their possessions going up in flames. So much personal tragedy. It is so sad. Here in the UK we are constantly moaning about rain, but right now with all my heart I wish for 24 hours of heavy rain for New South Wales.
  23. I had an erotic dream last night, the first I can remember, albeit only in part, for ages. And this one featured @Sophie, lol. I remember dreaming that Sophie was here in my flat and in need of a pee which she was here for. The dream was laden with highly charged erotic anticipation. I remember pointing out the big carpet in the living room and how it was just waiting there for her. Sophie grinned a sexy grin.... but sadly I woke up at this point and never did get to dream her actually peeing. Woke up with a raging boner, though, lol
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