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Everything posted by steve25805

  1. No response, eh? Perhaps there is such a thing as sharing too much information? Am I too open about myself? Honest opinions from anyone welcome.
  2. @LadySilver My role as a mod is essentially to help with the smooth running of the forum and helping to keep it a happy place. There are other mods too doing the same. I might respond to enquiries or queries and try and be helpful. Sometimes someone might be causing problems, eg sending unsolicited dick pics to the female members or something like that. If this is reported to me I will have a word with the offender and that generally suffices. We have rules designed to keep this place a happy ship and occasionally someone might break them and this will get reported to the mods quite often
  3. Thank you. I promise I will respond to your follow on questions, just not right now as it is 10.22pm already here and I must sleep soon for work in the morning. Probably tomorrow evening.
  4. Welcome to the forum, @Wetforge
  5. @spywareonya sent an email to Admin which was shared with we mods in which she stated that she is far busier than she planned but will definitely return someday. Let's all look forward to that.
  6. I have touched upon many of those things in response to your other thread, including the shame I long felt, how becoming part of an online community like this overcame that, and the fact that I cannot really get off without my fetish being involved. But I will let you go read that for yourself. I was very open and honest there.
  7. I have been here since the very early days of the forum, joining at the beginning of 2014. Before that I was prominent on another pee fetish forum from about 2010. In the early days I posted a lot of stories and was active throughout the forum but more recently have found it harder to become motivated to write stories and I now focus more upon finding and posting pics. Part of the reason for this is that one of my newer meds suppresses libido so I find it harder to get sexually interested enough to write stories. The fact that I am 54 and not getting any younger probably doesn't help. But
  8. @LadySilver, a warm welcome to the forum. I too have an interest in true crime but don't get to read much. One stand out book for me was Helter Skelter about the Manson clan. The way that guy used smart words and a whole load of LSD to brainwash his followers into hero worship of him is both incredible and creepy. But I still believe that whilst by inverting normal morality for them he provided license for several of his followers to do terrible things at his behest, their own inner sadism was necessary too which makes them culpable as hell. The fact that one of them did not share in
  9. @LadySilver, I could not give any meaningful answers to your questions because the answer to the first one is no, I have not sought any help with any sexual inclinations I might have, and the rest of your questions are based upon responding to an affirmative answer to the first one. So no meaningful answer could be given. But when it comes to "non-normative" sexual behaviours and desires - the overwhelmingly prevalent one here being urophiliac interests - I personally, like many you will find, draw a distinction between fetishes that can be indulged in between consenting adults, and those
  10. ….A place to stay. Enough to eat. Somewhere old heroes shuffle safely down the street. Where you can speak out loud, about your doubts and fears, and what's more....' no one ever disappears, you'll never hear their standard issue kicking in the door. You can relax, on both sides of the tracks, and maniacs, don't blow holes in bandsmen by remote control. And everyone has recourse to the law. And no one kills the children anymore. From The Gunner's Dream by Pink Floyd
  11. Yes, but dangerous men - and women - can become much more dangerous with access to dangerous weapons. As armed nutjobs in America keep demonstrating
  12. If we can find enough money to kill people we can find enough money to help people. Tony Benn There is no final victory, as there is no final defeat. There is just the same battle. To be fought, over and over again. So toughen up, bloody toughen up. Tony Benn The way a government treats refugees is very instructive because it shows you how they would treat the rest of us if they thought they could get away with it. Tony Benn
  13. Jennifer Lopez... Holly Willoughby... Susanna Reid... Agnetha Faltskog - the blonde one from Abba...
  14. Angelina Jolie... Madonna... Karen Gillan... Anna Kournikova...
  15. Shakira... Shakira again... Scarlett Johansson... Angelina Jolie...
  16. Rachel Riley... Jennifer Lawrence... Kate Middleton... Evangeline Lilly...
  17. @PissingBlonde, wow. Been so busy of late that I haven't checked out this thread for a month or so. So glad I did today, hence the large number of "likes" "loves" and "hots" from me all of a sudden. Your pics are awesomely sexy and you are one very highly attractive and sexy lady. I need to make sure I check out this thread more often.
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