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Everything posted by steve25805

  1. In practical terms, as a diabetic dependent upon a number of medications, I could not go back far into the past on any permanent basis because the meds I need to survive would not have been invented yet. I literally could not survive there. But going forwards into the future might be an option, in the hope they've found a cure.
  2. Do you believe in anything non-material or supernatural or not yet scientifically provable? A religion? Your own homespun beliefs? Ghosts? Aliens? Mediums? ESP? Gods? Demons? Astrology? Reincarnation and past lives? Anything like that?
  3. I would like to further add to this that any members seeing such posts please report them. We mods might not necessarily see everything, so if it is reported to us we can be informed of it. Thank you to you all.
  4. Can I ask several? 1. Have you even been peed on by - or yourself peed on - another lady? 2. What are your political persuasions? If there were an election today, who would you vote for? 3. Would your husband ever accept you being sexually involved with another woman or would that be considered cheating? 4. If you were not a teacher, what would your alternative ideal job be?
  5. I struggle to believe how so many people can believe in some unlikely mythical all powerful entity for which there is zero evidence, but plenty of evidence for his non-existence. To persuade me of the likelihood of his existence requires some form of evidence, or at least a very good logical train of thought that logically demonstrates the likelihood of his existence. Thus far the evidence has been wholly lacking, and the logical arguments for his existence often woeful.
  6. It is understandable for guys to be reluctant to pee outside in a society where you can be jailed and treated like a sex offender for the rest of your life because of it. Which is of course both utterly draconian and utterly ridiculous. But if that is the sad reality guys face the risk of if caught, then clearly they are only ever going to do it if it is a very last resort. I wouldn't want to risk prison or being labelled a sex offender just for taking a piss either. Fortunately here in the UK, urinating in public is only treated as the very minor crime that it is and you risk n
  7. Me too. I wish though I could physically be back in 1981 - the year I left school - as my then 16 year old self, knowing all I know now. There are many things I would do differently.
  8. None of us are going to boycott pornhub on your word alone when we have encountered nothing bad there. If you have, instead of moaning to us about it, report it.
  9. That's an idea. Will give it some thought and hope some writing inspiration comes my way.
  10. You need to have more confidence in your writing @Sophie. Because this really is very good.
  11. I very much want to be a member. lol
  12. Hi guys. My name is Chantal. At least that is my professional name. I am a 26 year old escort and am pretty open-minded and unshockable. But I want to tell you about an unusual trick. This guy paid me good money and wined and dined me. And the only special request he had was to watch me piss all over his kitchen floor! I've had clients into pissing before. Usually they want me to piss on them. Or they want to piss on me. Some guys like me to piss in their mouth. One wealthy couple paid me a stupidly large amount of money to take turns pissing in my mouth. Wasn't prepared to let
  13. I have never encountered anything paedophile there. If anyone does I suggest reporting it.
  14. At the moment both Sophie and myself are off work, at least until June in my case and probably September in Sophie's. So workload should not be a problem at the moment. If any issues are reported they can be readily dealt with.
  15. This is ultimately @Admin's decision, but my personal view is that limiting anyone's number of posts detracts from the level of activity here which we want as much of as possible. And it could send out the message to newbies that we don't value their posts. But the constant peddling of commercial videos and nothing else, or posting things in the wrong section, are things that can already be looked at. But in case we don't see it for ourselves we need members to report such instances. Then mods will make a judgement and, if necessary, take action. We can ban spammers and repeated rule brea
  16. You would have to run an idea like that past @Admin. He's the guy in ultimate charge. But my own suspicion is that such a psychologist figure - to gain wide acceptance here - would have to really be one of us in some way. Many here might not feel comfortable with such a person if he or she were not, I suspect. I personally would be cool with it, but I have an interest in psychology and have a mind that has an instinctive understanding of - and empathy with - it. That makes me biased in favour of the idea but I do not and cannot speak for everyone else. But will tag in the
  17. @LadySilver, I want to share a very negative experience I had with so-called professionals that I have never spoken about online before but which illustrates a big problem. It was about 20 years ago, a decade or so before I found the internet and started using pee forums. As I have said before such forums have helped me tremendously in coming to terms with who I am and what I am into, without shame. But before that my inner shame was all consuming and it leached into my everyday life, destroying my self confidence and acting as a major trigger for the anxiety disorder that developed and
  18. It is indeed worrying. Here in the UK we have police checkpoints stopping people to check they are out for legitimate reasons and fining them if they are not. There is talk of the army being drafted in to help with this, which would mean army checkpoints on the streets of Britain. Airports and other locations are being prepared to be used as makeshift morgues for thousands of bodies. The army is helping with this. New hospitals with thousands of beds are being set up. The morgues and the hospitals are not being set up for nothing. We are heading into deeply stressful times. Many of us will los
  19. The tremendous power of a hurricane as seen from space....
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