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Everything posted by steve25805

  1. I am prescribed diuretics. They are not quite as powerful as the ones you took but I do have to pee often. And wow. I know you'd probably prefer this if it were coming from another lady but that whole account is kind of hot. The thought of you pissing in public like that is one I am enjoying imagining. And OMG that was a close call with the cop! I wonder if he noticed the aftermath puddle, lol.
  2. Welcome to the forum, @Funner Yes, there is something awesomely erotic about watching ladies pee.
  3. Welcome to the forum, @MarleyMarley Huge pee fetish and into wetting, eh? You should fit right in around here. Love that you play the guitar. Have dabbled in the past but never learned to play properly. Wish I could.
  4. Scene from Terminator 2. The friendly terminator payed by Arnold Schwarzenegger has been sent back in time to protect Sarah Connor. The evil shapeshifting terminator has them holed up in a building and wants to flush them out rather than go in after them. He has acquired a gun firing tear gas cannisters which he is firing into the building. Sarah Connor is starting to cough. Arnie suggests making an escape down into the sewers but the tear gas is growing too thick. He knows Sarah may not make it. He says "you need to make a gas mask so you can make it to the drain downstairs so we can esc
  5. Will have a go at this when I have more time.
  6. Next time I pee my name in the snow I want it to be in Shakira's handwriting.
  7. steve25805

    ROOM 101

    Here is my succinct 10 of pet hates. 1. Narrowminds. These go around being all negative about other people just because they do, or are into, things that they don't like. 2. Judgementalists. These go around judging people for liking things they don't like, and arrogantly assuming the right to chastise them in an effort to make them feel bad. 3. Rude people. Manners cost nothing. There is no excuse for being rude and obnoxious. 4. Selfishness. This is an ugly trait borne of a usually undeserved sense of entitlement. Selfishness is ugly. 5. Cruelty. People being cruel to
  8. @lesley, you are in a class of your own when it comes to writing such tales. I rarely find the time to read many stories anymore, let alone writing them, but I like to find the time to read yours whenever I can. Your words paint some fabulous pictures in my head, using my imagination as a canvass. Nice one.
  9. What I would really like - and see comparatively little of - is girls pissing in naughty indoor locations just for fun, with big grins or smiles of pleasure as they are doing it. I love that kind of thing.
  10. Sex is fun, but it is so much better with love. I don't do the casual sex thing and am not into one night stands. This might be unusual for a guy - I fully recognise that many would fuck any girl who offers without a second thought - but I need to care about someone on some level before I could ever consider sexual intimacy. A friends with benefits would be a minimum requirement rather than someone I'd only just met. When it came to simple peeing though, I'd happily let any lady enjoy non-intimate pee fun at my place by mutual agreement, peeing on the floor or something. Or the
  11. It is concerning yes. I think all our efforts are merely slowing down the spread. Like a kid trying to build a sand circle to keep out the encroaching tide on a beach, inevitably the incoming tide will prevail. As I think it will do with Corona virus. It is going to be a global pandemic I fear, though I hope I am proved wrong. Chances are we are all going to have to accept the likelihood of catching it at some point when it really lets loose, and just hope we are amongst the large majority who recover. Would love to be fed a dish of humble pie as I am proved wrong. It is not often I welc
  12. This has nothing to do with political correctness in my opinion and everything to do with shortsighted greed. No one wanted the flights to stop because of the money that would be lost. Greedy capitalist short-sightedness and the stupidity of governments - including ours - lie at the root of this. And the sale of live animals for home slaughter has now been banned in China in response to this outbreak. But that is a bit like closing the stable door after the horse has bolted in this case.
  13. I sympathise with this but the problem is that some nations - the UK being one of them - do not produce anything like enough of their own food to feed their populations. Food importation is necessary for survival. But we ought to be far more stringent with passenger flights than we have been.
  14. Some worrying developments. The virus appears to be spreading beyond Chinese control. We have had a third case in the UK , the first two being a Chinese student and his mother. This third case was a British national who caught it in Singapore and never went anywhere near China. This strongly suggests that it is starting to spread in other countries. He is now hospitalised with the complication of pneumonia. The number of cases here and everywhere else is likely to multiply in the weeks and months ahead. National health services are going to struggle to cope. In China they are already fill
  15. The Swan nebula... A space eye view of the Earth....
  16. Three scenes of scenic beauty I have found....
  17. I understand your frustrations. The time zone thing must be a nuisance. As for the other stuff, I am with you on that. People rocking up with "I have to pee" and shit like that are fundamentally boring when that is all they have to say. It is not a normal and interesting conversation. It is possible to talk about pee as part of a normal and interesting conversation, but some people do not seem capable. The impression I get is that they want to use chat to masturbate to rather than actually interact more socially. It is inherently selfish behaviour. There are in fact chatroom rules n
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