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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/24/2020 in Posts

  1. Held all day at my desk, could have held out longer but was ready for some fun.
    4 points
  2. A professional photographer helps a young bride build her confidence with a bit of desperation and peeing along the way, and maybe a happy ending too. I have to say, I have absolutely the best job in the world and it’s largely down to my awesome clients. Photography is a tough game and it’s getting tougher year by year. Everyone has a camera in their pocket, but just because everyone has a camera doesn’t make everyone a photographer. People think that professional photographers just spend their Saturdays pitching up at weddings, taking a few photos and having the rest of the wee
    4 points
  3. A few Saturdays ago my wife and I had a few drinks and then couldn’t decide on what to watch. So I ended up with the tablet device and went to our back room while my wife put on her chick flick. While I was still deciding what to watch my wife surprised me and with a gleam in her eye sat on my lap. Of course I took this that she was signalling that she wanted sex. Well, she did. But her way of initiating it was to pee on me! Immediately I’m in heaven!! Now my wife knows I love watersports and we do have some play based around that bit it’s usually me initi
    4 points
  4. Continuing the story of Lisa the Wedding Belle and her wedding photographer. Some three weeks had passed since the test shoot with Lisa. I’d been through my normal workflow - filtering hundreds of images down to about a quarter, making some very minor tweaks. Colour temperature, highlights, a bit of contrast pop. Then I’d uploaded and sent Mark & Lisa a link to access the images. Our next planned meeting was to be the wedding rehearsal itself which would be in the week leading to the big day, but then I had a slightly cryptic text from Lisa asking if I could help her with some
    4 points
  5. Thanks everyone who posted their nominations! Going to be a tough vote! 😄 Also a very big thank you to @Alfrescoand @Sophie for the nominations for me - I really do appreciate it! However, I would like to pull my name out of the actual voting part please, because as admin I wouldn't want to risk taking any votes away from really deserving members. But again, thank you! Looking forward to seeing the voting. 🙂
    4 points
  6. Look what I found under the tree...
    4 points
  7. So I live with my girlfriend near a big city and she has these friends in that city that she goes out with from time to time. One of her friends names is "J", a very cool and accomplished girl that lives on her own in the downtown part of the city. J has a nice place that people like to crash at when they drink too much. So one day J comes over to visit my girlfriend and she is very distressed. She explains that she had recently met a girl through her job and they just went out clubbing together. They had drank a lot and J invited the new girl back to her place to crash, where she
    3 points
  8. Oh my I am lost for words... My knickers are soaking and it's not because I needed a wee! That was hotter than the sun, mind blowingly hot.
    3 points
  9. Be VERY careful what you wish for ! 2020 has a way of messing things up Merry Christmas
    3 points
  10. One of the stories to remember and come back to. Thanks!
    3 points
  11. Thanks so much for the nomination, @Sophie, that means a lot to me!
    3 points
  12. After several months working at home I went into the office today and spent my day working alone in a single office on the top floor. Going to the toilet would have meant a trip down to the third floor below (the building is an old town house with the top floor offices in the attic space). I needed a wee mid way through the morning so I locked the office door and closed the blinds over. There's a palm tree type plant in a pot in the corner so I pulled my skirt up and my knickers aside. I squatted over the pot and pissed into the soil. My pee soaked away quickly so I rearranged my skirt a
    2 points
  13. 2 points
  14. In the UK we have the system where the light goes from red to red yellow, and then all the old codgers start fumbling with their gear sticks, let the clutch out with no revs and stall. By the time they get away the light has gone all the way through and back to red again so only one car goes each time. I might have exaggerated a bit, but you get the idea. While manuals are very widespread, especially in small and underpowered cars, there is very little mastering of the manual transmission. The sooner they are gone the quicker weekend traffic jams will be a thing of the past.
    2 points
  15. Actually I attended Roskilde as well as quite a few other similar European events but in the nineties and let me tell you, it was far more open and casual for ladies to pee. Most didn't even bother with any privacy nor made any issue, if they had to pee, they would simply move to the fence and squat down in full view. I was chatting with a group of what appeared to be a mixed crowd of university students. We were seated on the ground and I observed that from time to time girls and boys from our group would get up and just walk a few feet to the fence and relieve themselves. Girls would drop th
    2 points
  16. Looking forward to it already. Don't worry about the preamble ... it'll be nicely written, and good to read 🙂
    2 points
  17. I'm glad you picked up on that lol. You'll be pleased to know I've started on the next instalment, although it seems to be getting to the action even more slowly 🙄
    2 points
  18. Ok - a couple of related questions from me... If you were to travel anywhere in the world and you could choose any method of travel, where would you go, what would be your choice of transport and why? I know the world is a big place - so how about a semi-feasible realistic answer and then a money-no-object fantasy answer?
    2 points
  19. Obvious questions, though this is general chat so I’m not sure whether they’re off topic. And they’re kinda personal so obviously feel free to not answer: How did you find out you were into pee, and... when did you realise you were pan?
    2 points
  20. this champaign bottle didn’t make it to the recycle bin when it went to curb. oops. so i was planning on running it out just before the trash truck showed up. had my coffee while i waited, but i kinda felt horny too. what to do, what to do? 😇🤔 oh my. i ended up sitting on it. ☺️😳 and kinda just meant to let the tip slide into my muffin while i keigled it. but, it felt too good, and i ended up bouncing and rocking my hips as i let as much of it as i could enter and pleasured myself til i came. i totally missed the recycle guy too, as i couldn’t bring myself to stop when he showed up. 🤪😬🤩
    2 points
  21. I was out and about yesterday and I had to stop at the post office to get a stamp to post a letter. Because of the current pandemic there is a restriction on how many people are allowed in at any one time, only two people at once and everyone else has to wait outside. It was because of this queue I was able to catch a lovely little desperation sighting. Stood in front of me was a young, slim woman. Average height, blonde hair wearing a coat and some black leggings. I immediately knew she needed a wee from how she was standing, legs slightly crossed and squeezed together, unable to stand s
    1 point
  22. So glad you enjoyed it - it was a pretty amazing occurrence, one that doesn't happen more than perhaps once in a career. That wasn't the end of the evening's excitement - if you're interested I may tell you the rest of what happened there. But the reason for this post is just a quick follow up on the images themselves. My workflow is that after any shoot the very first action is to transfer all the image files onto my hard drives, a main working copy and two backups. Then I import all the images into my favourite editing tool - Adobe Lightroom. The main benefit is being able
    1 point
  23. And of course number 1 rock Christmas song since 1973
    1 point
  24. Great story - that's such a lovely thing to happen isn't it? I love it when my wife takes the initiative like that - it's just the best 🙂
    1 point
  25. That is hot. I'd happily take that.
    1 point
  26. omg! i would have never ever considered something like that happening. 😬😨 if i do it again, i’ll definitely keep that advice in mind.
    1 point
  27. Might be too late to reply to this lol but I got bored watching porn and needed something more stimulating. So, I typed in pee stories and this site popped up. I read a couple of fictional ones and forgot all about it until I rediscovered it a few weeks later. After that I remembered the name. Then this summer I created an account so I can lurk around lol and only few months ago I gathered up courage to actually post anything
    1 point
  28. Yes but it was so nice to see ladies of all age groups peeing openly along the fence or any other spots they could find. Sometimes among other men peeing and best of all some of them would hold a casual chat as they peed. None per pee or pussy shy.
    1 point
  29. Sounds like your situation is like ours then @Geepee9 - we have both children with us for a few weeks. And while that's lovely of course, it's nice when there are more opportunities for spontaeous and uninihibited playtimes!
    1 point
  30. I stand because it's more fun plus can't squat because of my big fat cock
    1 point
  31. I have a mental image now of the pressure building inside a sealed champagne bottle, to the point of popping the cork. I can just imagine the surprise on the mortician’s face.
    1 point
  32. So exactly the opposite hazard of fucking a cock
    1 point
  33. The one and only time I've ever peed in my pants was when one of my children jumped onto me in bed first thing in the morning. My bladder was full and it gushed out without any dribbles or anything. Other than that I've never wet myself in my adult life and I've never dribbled, so I certainly can't tell you for sure if it's a real thing or not. I'd imagine once you start you can't stop, and a dribble would mean the flood gates would really open.
    1 point
  34. I always thought champagne was a little overrated but not I am beginning to see the attraction, amazing pictures thanks for sharing
    1 point
  35. Nah. As long as they weren't being weird about it, IE following me around and peering at me through the cracks of the stall, I wouldn't mind. I've been in many family restrooms which have both urinals and stalls and have never been bothered. I'd like to think the majority of men would be/are decent about the matter.
    1 point
  36. I've posted many times that as an obsessed guy, it's ladies that I'm obsessed with - and very much exclusively ladies enjoying the experience. I have this possibly unrealistic imagination of the long held release and relief always being 'peegasmic' - a myth supported by many of the staged videos and a few more natural candid ones too.
    1 point
  37. From a TV show, but I think it counts. A deleted scene from the Green Wing.
    1 point
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