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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/07/2020 in Posts

  1. I am in such a wetting mood at the moment, I don’t know what has come over me but I’m not complaining! I came home from work earlier today quite desperate to pee, I wasn’t absolutely bursting but full enough where I couldn’t sit still properly. After spending a few minutes with my family I went upstairs for some much needed relief. Everything was pretty normal until I closed the bathroom door behind me and saw the toilet. It was like a switch inside my head, I suddenly had this huge urge to be naughty and pee through my clothes again instead of pulling them down. To be honest it didn’t ta
    11 points
  2. I love to pee in the shower! "Just keep it to yourself"(in the article) You can't talk to anyone about it, that's a fact! I find it very arousing for myself and I'm tired of not talking about it, I'm old enough and accept it for myself. I love it very much! It excites me a lot.
    7 points
  3. Very good question. So recently only 1-2 years ago, when I was 36, it actually started with peeing "outside". See other topic. Peed on my feet outside,by mistake, no chance. It was an accident but i thought it was very sexy. Today I still think it's sexy.
    7 points
  4. I was taught how to pee outside by my mother when I was young. I remember it well. We had been to the park for the day, I can't remember exactly what we was doing but I remember needing a wee but not wanting to say anything, I was enjoying myself too much and didn't want to stop. My mother eventually noticed my desperate state and took me to the toilets, the usual brick like structure with a gents and a ladies side. They were locked for some reason and I was too desperate to make it to some other toilets, it probably wouldn't have been the case if I had spoke up earlier! My mother to
    6 points
  5. So this happened to me Thanksgiving weekend. My mom was doing thanksgiving dinner this year at her house and she lives over an hour away from us so we took a little road trip to see her. On the way, I decided to get a large hot coffee for the trip there. Long story short, about 10 minutes from her house, I thought I was gonna die because I had to pee so bad! I pulled into the next gas station, scooped up my daughter from her car seat and bee lined it to the bathroom as best I could so I didnt wet myself. Got into the bathroom, hiked up my dress and barely got my panties down before I
    5 points
  6. I had no experience with "Pornhub" or anything. Found it here and must say very exciting! It's not me, but that's how I do it! I think I'm thawing😏😎 https://de.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5fb66d93e1cbd
    4 points
  7. Best Forum Contributor: @speedy3471 Best Picture Contributor: @Wolland66 Best Video Contributor: @Sweets but I also think I have a decent shout here too Best Fictional Writer: @Gotah Best Real Story: @Sophie Best Newcomer: @Kupar Wettest Member: @puddyls
    4 points
  8. I remember teaching my younger sister to pee outside. We had been playing together in this patch of trees.Too small to be a woods I think but dense enough it was great for hide and seek etc. After a while we both needed to pee and of course there was no toilets, we were in natures toilet! I showed her what to do and she basically copied me, pulling down my clothes and getting into a squat, telling her to pull up on her jeans so she didn't pee into her lap. She was right next to me copying what I was doing.
    4 points
  9. I'll reply to your lovely messages tomorrow but I just wanted to say... he liked the story! He hasn't been able to keep his hands off me all evening, even "helping" me make an omelette earlier (read - fondling my bum while stood next to me) so I'm going to have an early night and make some more memories 😉
    3 points
  10. i play the keyboard, not professionally, just as a hobby, im not very good, ive never bothered to learn to play properly. I got up to grade 3 at school, and then GCSE's got in the way and i gave it up to concentrate on the learning.Part of it is my hands are just too small and i dont have a lot of dexterity in my hands. But i do like decent keyboardswith good sounds and rhythms, so i have a Tyros 5 which cost me nearly 4 grand.
    3 points
  11. ? Is this only for Men? I love it too! But only under the shower or in the bathtub. So now I've outed myself, doesn't hurt at all...omg! I love it too! 😏
    3 points
  12. Lol have @Eliminature teach her to hone her newfound skills!
    3 points
  13. Very early, I remember going to the beach with my mom and family friends daughter who had come to visit (who also happened to be a huge crush of mine). She told my mom she had to pee and she said to just do it in her bikini under the water. From that moment on I couldn't stop imagining it.
    3 points
  14. Once peed in the storage rooms for my apt complex, on some bikes and seats, didn't do it too much though as I was still scared of getting caught.
    3 points
  15. I woke up about 9 o'clock this morning and after some cuddles with my husband I told him I needed to pee. He said he needed to as well so we both got out of bed, I had slept only in a pair of shorts so I put on a t-shirt and and we walked across the landing to the bathroom. He said that I could go first so I kissed his cheek and stepped towards the toilet, turning to face him. I was still feeling a little naughty after my wetting fun with the chat last night so I did something a little different, I smiled as I sat down... still wearing my shorts! I had been sitting for only a couple of s
    3 points
  16. When I am peeing into a toilet it depends on my mood. Sometimes I will wipe and other times not. When I pee outdoors or somewhere that is not the toilet I never wipe because I do not want to leave the tissue behind. I am a nature girl so I hate it when people litter everywhere. It is just so ugly and bad for all animals so i really dont want to participate in that. And even paper tissues take a few years to completely decay. Also on the less serious side of things I like it when my panties are a bit moist. It feels naughty 😉 I have to be careful though because after not wip
    3 points
  17. Hello! This is my first story here and also happens to be my first sighting ever. Hope you enjoy! It was summertime in New England (U.S.) and I was just finishing my 9-5 job when I was asked by one of my friends if I'd like to join her and one of our other friends (also female) at a country concert happening in a few hours. At the time I wasn't that into country, but I figured what the hell, it's a nice sunny, hot day and it'd be fun to get out and party a little. I told them I was down and they insisted I hurry home and change as we were going to be pre-gaming in the parking lot ahead of
    2 points
  18. That made me wet to read! Sorry! 😆 You're a very good writer. I love how descriptive you are.
    2 points
  19. bloody hell that was hot! 🔥
    2 points
  20. I have the basics of reading music, just about. Treble and bass. Don't ask me about the alto or tenor scale, though! I can sight read, but practice is helping me to get better. I'm using my metronome too and getting better. Reading and playing is one thing, getting the timings and rhythm precise is a whole new skill. I also strum a ukulele and throw chords together on an acoustic guitar just for the fun of it, but piano/keyboard is my main instrument.
    2 points
  21. You can sometimes get 4 foot by 2 foot rugs in charity shops for well under a tenner.
    2 points
  22. He was making a joke, relax lol. You're more than welcome to write about it, we'd love to read it.
    2 points
  23. 2 points
  24. I started at about 11 i would lie in the bath and stick my cock in the air and let it all go so it sprayed my face and chest - been enjoying ever since
    2 points
  25. mmhhh...ok. Nice! Me too, but only with my best female friend and that was also an accident ... hihihi....but very nice😏
    2 points
  26. Hi, I couldn't have written it better than @Naughts !!! Respect! Very well!!!🤗👍
    2 points
  27. A very good friend of mine once told me that as a very small child she saw her brother standing in front of the toilet, pants pulled down to mid-thigh as young kids do, peeing into the water. Being one year older, if he could then obviously she could too. Apparently her parents found it too funny to tell her off too much for flooding her clothes and the bathroom floor the next time she tried to pee just like he had. So possibly yes, having spent months being taught to pee on the potty and toilet seat, perhaps it does need some guidance as to what will work and what won't.
    2 points
  28. Yes - that's why he could play it. It is not at all like a guitar, cello, violin etc, where you get all the notes from just a few strings and have to work out the fingering.
    2 points
  29. If you think about it, a harp is really quite like a piano stood up on end, where you pluck the strings instead of hit them with hammers via a keyboard and a wonderful, beautiful mechanism. (A big concert harp also has a wonderful, complex mechanism ... most people have no idea it has seven pedals, and dozens of multi-part metal linkages hidden inside it.)
    2 points
  30. The advantage of playing something like a brass instrument is that you only have to worry about one note at a time. You can only physically play one note at a time so you can read the music more easily. You can play the piano like that, but to play the piano to its potential you need to play multiple notes at the same time, co-ordinate both hands and do different things with each hand at the same time. That is where I find playing the piano a challenge - isolating what each finger and hand is doing - especially if they are playing different timings.
    2 points
  31. My dad used to be in a brass band. He played Eb bass, Euphonium, Trombone. He taught me the basics and I tried to learn the cornet, but I found the mouthpiece too small. He told me that I may find the Euphonium easier, which I did, but never owned one, so I only ever had the odd go at it when I was at his house. It is actually a baritone euphonium to give it the proper name.
    2 points
  32. Yes, totally different mindset. I really admire people who can do either set well. A lot depends on how the individual's brain works and how they have been taught. Some can play very complex pieces from written music, but ask them to play twinkle twinkle little star or happy birthday without music and they can't even play the melody line. On the other hand, someone who can play a complex piece by ear may not have a clue how to play the simplest piece from music. I'm somewhere in the middle - I can do a bit of ear and a bit of music reading but don't do either to a high standard. I'm
    2 points
  33. I play the piano - to a certain level. I am still very much learning it and have a long way to go. I play the music line accompanied by chords mainly. I can read music, but I can't read it fast enough to play multiple notes simultaneously, so I read the music line and put my own accompanying chords with it. I am trying to develop more on the theory. I do play a certain about by ear rather than from music, but I have to "know" the tune well in my head to be able to do that. I'm not great at sticking to any one focused practice routine and tend to dip in and out of different things. I'd
    2 points
  34. Some excellent photos today, thanks @Alfresco!
    2 points
  35. @Bacardi, Yes, I would definitely say walking counts - especially if it is active walking as it sounds like yours is. Well done for losing all that weight! great effort. Talking of walking..... My exercise today was about half an hour walk to the lake near me. It was a misty morning and eerily quiet. Just a few birds for company and the only other people I saw were two ladies walking a dog who happened to walk along the path behind me whilst I was peeing in the lake - the account and photos of peeing in the lake are here: When I was nearly back at the car I did see another
    2 points
  36. Last submission here for today. I went to the post office at lunch time and decided to have some fun. I went to where there is a path that goes over the motorway by way of a bridge with a spiral approach ramp. I had to wait for the coast to be clear, then I walked up the ramp and peed from the higher level down onto the lower level where the spiral crosses the entry to the ramp. It was a little risky as several houses have a view of the ramp and the approach view is pretty open so anyone who appeared on the approach would see what I was doing. Pics show the location, showing the ramp set
    2 points
  37. This morning was a still and misty start to the day. I went for a walk near a lake. I stood by a the edge of the lake and peed into the lake. There were some very clear reflections which my pee then disturbed. The photo clearly shows the reflections was the ripples started to spread. It was a quiet morning and it made a lovely splashing sound. Whilst I was peeing, I heard some people chatting as they walked along the path - about 50 metres behind me. I guess they would have just seen me standing looking out across the lake and wouldn't realise what I was doing unless they could hear
    2 points
  38. I don't really remember where or when I first peed in front of my partner. I think it was probably something really simple like using the loo whilst she was in the shower. She's done the same in reverse. But this isn't one of her turn-ons so it's just peeing. That said, she's not uncomfortable with it and I've peed on her whilst taking a shared shower and she's held & pointed me whilst out walking in the woods. Just random events, nothing sexy.
    2 points
  39. I would love to see anybody peeing who wants to share...
    2 points
  40. Thank you all. There's been little to report over lockdown, sadly. We've barely left the home except for necessities. I am peeing exclusively in the sink now to save water. The lavatory is a lot cleaner now, too. No limescale! My husband is used to this, though he doesn't seem too inclined to do it himself.
    2 points
  41. College students have lower expectations of behavior in general and college campuses want to keep the boarding revenue so if anything is ever fair game it is as a student on campus. Landscaping, fountains, parking lots, alleys, out dorm windows, openly in stair wells and dorm halls - go for it. I was in on campus housing for the full duration and it was 1960s brick and cinder block build that was all demolished shortly after my graduation so asset preservation may have been more lax than elsewhere. Best story was one I only got second hand. One of the fraternities was holding a part
    2 points
  42. I think you're right there... If men do talk about anything pee related it's generally in very macho terms, like perhaps talking about Russian prostitutes peeing on someone. Talk in real terms though, and I'm sure a lot of men wouldn't know how to deal with it. And if the conversation were to cross over onto menstrual matters.... that's a whole new fenced off minefield.
    1 point
  43. That's a real skill in its own right. Quite a lot of people who've had a more formal piano-lesson-based upbringing struggle to do that. It always surprises me how different people's musical brains work. Some (like my wife) can play, at sight, complex music they've never seen or heard before; others, like my son, can't do that to the same degree ... but play more by innate musicality. With my son, if he's heard a song, he can play it - melody, accompaniment - the lot. Then play it in a different key. No sheet music required. Mother and son have huge respect for each other's completely diff
    1 point
  44. This was about a year ago. At the time, I had just told my then-boyfriend about my pee fetish and he had agreed to control my bladder for the night. We went to the grocery store to get snacks and drinks and I went off to look at the cosmetics. I thought it would be a naughty little thrill to let out just a squirt into my panties in public. With a sneaky grin, I ducked into one of the aisles and relaxed just a little bit. But I gravely overestimated my willpower and underestimated my desperation... I tried to curb the flow almost as soon as it started but that didn’t happen what
    1 point
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