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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/29/2020 in Posts

  1. Glad to have found this site. Looking for other girls that love naughty wet piss play. I know you're out there ๐Ÿ™‚ 42 yrs old.
    6 points
  2. hey everyone! just signed up. obviously im interested in all things pee play, some more than others. i'm mainly interested in women, but im bi and interested in men too. both my snapchat and my kik is janegraaayโ€” but i use snapchat way more. feel free to add me, but I really really really want to play with another woman <3
    5 points
  3. Erm, not everyone on the forum is a drooling bloke or a lesbian.... I believe there are quite a number of ladies who take an interest in guys peeing...
    3 points
  4. This is nothing too grand compared to everything on here BUT its my first experience so its special to me. I was driving around in Orlando one year when I was visiting my aunt and uncle and we were heading to one of the many bars close to her house. We turned onto international, and with it being late the prostitutes were on the prowl. So as we come up to a traffic light we spot one next to us and she proceeds to squat and piss right there it was great! she was still going as the light changed
    2 points
  5. Just a quick interaction I had a few weeks back, whilst I was hanging around the "pee spot" where I get most of my sightings, that I quite enjoyed as it ticked one of my boxes for scenarios I enjoy. As much as I enjoy watching girls pee I also enjoy desperation. I've always enjoyed scenarios where guys get to pee but girls don't due to privacy. Obviously guys can pretty much pee anywhere and keep it hidden. I was sat on the bench at the top of the steps that lead up to the area that is used a lot when a couple appeared at the bottom of the stairs. They stood talking for a couple of minute
    2 points
  6. I can understand u not like a manual after driving a ford escort. I had one too and I hated that car. The gears are very close together. I learned how to driver in that car. I guess it made it easier to drive others after that piece of shit I had. Was alway blowing a head gasket. I up graded now I have a charger
    2 points
  7. Er...given the original question, 3-4 times a day, depending on how much I have had to drink! If you mean Pee as a part of a sexual act? Every time that I sit on the loo!
    2 points
  8. This coronavirus thing spreading in China and popping up elsewhere has all the hallmarks of a global pandemic in it's earliest stages. It can be caught as easily as a cold. It has an incubation period of up to two weeks before any symptoms show, during which time it is still infectious. Infected people could be wandering around for up to two weeks, spreading it to others without even knowing they have it. Those currently known to be infected in China have rocketed from 2500 to 4500 in just 24 hours, though this is thought to be an under-estimate. It is therefore clearly spreadi
    1 point
  9. Hi there New to the forum and had a question to see if I am just weird or crazy. I've got a wife, who is very understanding of my fetish which is fantastic and I've realised that I love the idea of her (or any other woman really) pissing on things for me. That sounds quite generic I know, but I mean like food - basically any food that will soak it up and then I eat it ๐Ÿ™‚ - but also electronics! I know it sounds dangerous but I've managed to get my wife to pee on some old electronic stuff and I just love to hear it struggling to survive basically as she continues to pee. Does an
    1 point
  10. Despite my many deviant fantasies it turns out I was seriously deluding myself when I thought I had time for writing fiction, so will stick to real experiences for now. This is a bit rough as I just banged it out from memory but you get the general idea. It won't be to everyone's taste so proceed at your own risk... __________________________________________ When I was 18 I found myself at a large house in the country for a boring function. There
    1 point
  11. Went to one of the local salvage yards this morning with a friend of mine. It was a chilly morning. Of course when I got there I felt the urge to take a leak. As I picked parts I needed I felt the urge getting stronger and stronger. The cold didnโ€™t help. My friend was working on grabbing some parts, I walked some rows of cars over and saw a dark blue Volvo with dark tinted windows. I opened the front driver door. A group of 3 guys were heading my way but stopped at a BMW 2-3 cars over. I went back to see if my friend needed assistance. By the time I returned to the Volvo, the guys
    1 point
  12. Welcome to the group! I'm semi new myself but I'm sure there's an omiroshi category somewhere in the many subcategories ๐Ÿ˜
    1 point
  13. As always, ask me anything
    1 point
  14. thanks to speedy3471 and Sweets for the kind words ๐Ÿค—
    1 point
  15. The powers that be are idiots for not responding drastically. Because a virus recognises no international borders. It recognises no barriers of race, class, nationality or status. The powers that be with something like this are as much at risk as the rest of us. If it starts killing people, some of them will be it's victims too.
    1 point
  16. For sure. Only days ago flights were arriving in London from Hubei province where the infection began. No screening of new arrivals. No attempt to keep track of them. The only action taken was to hand all arrivals an NHS Direct leaflet informing them of who to contact if they should experience being ill. Meanwhile, if any of them are infected they are currently wandering our streets not realising it and infecting many they come into contact with. If this is happening - and it all depends upon whether or not any infected people were on that or other planes - within a week or two it could all st
    1 point
  17. It is sadly much more infectious than bird flu and can be caught as easily as a cold.
    1 point
  18. As far as I'm concerned, the second news hit that it went international, every effected area should have been quarantined, and all areas outside of it should have stopped all travel. The very fact that this thing is still spreading, despite lockdown, tells me that it's already further along than those lockdowns, and drastic measures need to be taken to contain it. If I were in charge: National State of Emergency. No travel, period. Not out of town, certainly not out of state. Officials want to stop this thing, they need to limit all contact, and keep it from moving from where it alre
    1 point
  19. So I thought today I would. I'd like to try and be a little more active here and try and meet a lady into the same things as me for a long distance friendship. Reason being I haven't ever got to explore someone with the same fetish as me and genuinely connect. I am male, 35 and live in Minnesota where its cold and snowy half the year. ๐Ÿ˜ž My name isn't John. I don't recall how I ended up picking my username but I have used it on various pornsites for years. I work in the construction trade. I do electrical work. I like plants and gardening. I have no pets but like cat
    1 point
  20. Iโ€™m sorry to hear about your grandma ๐Ÿ˜ข. Like speedy said we are here for you. โค๏ธ
    1 point
  21. he doing ok we got the carers in now to you kown make him some food and clean him as well i do like posting photo's in the chat ๐Ÿ˜
    1 point
  22. A personal favourite... https://xhamster.com/videos/crawl-piss-13199531
    1 point
  23. Looks like fun need help aiming
    1 point
  24. I got all dressed up for my husband tonight. I have been drinking and trying to hold it. But not to much so I didnโ€™t piss myself while getting dressed. Put my cute little apron on, some black thigh high stockings and black fuck me shoes. He went to go pee before we fooled around I asked if I could help. He said sure. So I very gently took his dick in my hand. I had experience with this before you have to be careful or youโ€™ll get him hard and he canโ€™t pee. He managed to dribble a few drips out which went on the carpet in front of the toilet. But I really wasnโ€™t to concerned if he peed
    1 point
  25. I hope so. He isnโ€™t grossed out by much. Some of the medical things he has helped me with, Pee is nothing lol. I am going really slow. You right donโ€™t want to scare him off it. I try something small and see how he reacts before going further. Iโ€™m sure he would completely shut all down if I say hey let me pee on your face lol.
    1 point
  26. You missed a paragraph of turning Jo from a dude to non binary.
    1 point
  27. @UnabashedUser I think you will like the video
    1 point
  28. includes peeing in public places โ€œGood morning,โ€ Clary heard in her ear and she smiled, shifting under the covers. She had fallen asleep thinking of the day before, wondering how this had slowly become her life. She had gone from being extremely bladder shy to her girlfriend opening her eyes to the ideas of exhibitionism and using the bathroom in public. Not just in public bathrooms, but just anywhere. And it was fun. After she had peed in the plant behind her chair, she had felt so much better. And it was exciting, knowing that there had been three people around that couldโ€™ve caught
    1 point
  29. Wow amazing story, so hot. Thanks for sharing
    1 point
  30. A while ago I discovered a perfect place in my town for desperation/pee sightings at the weekends and most weekends I go out after work for a few drinks with my workmates and then hang around this particular area to see if I can get any good sightings. I have plenty to share, and I will definitely will, but I wanted to start by sharing this lucky sighting from last night that came about purely by chance because of my kind nature. As I said above I ended up going out to the pub after work with my work mates and at about 2 am we left to head home. People split off in their respective direct
    1 point
  31. I'm a parent who keeps it hidden from my kids. I can do whatever I want when they're out (they're both teenagers, so I do get alone time once and awhile). But it's more difficult when they are home with me. I keep a container hidden under my bed and sometimes use it at night. Often I'll use it for my morning pee, then quietly go to the bathroom to empty it and hide it again before I wake them for school. Other than that, I'll pee outside in the yard after dark.
    1 point
  32. That did cross my mind. If I had the money and the confidence I'd do it in a heartbeat
    1 point
  33. so here a bit update my grandfather he back home but there going assess him for 3 days to see if he can cope being at home but after the 3 days there maybe a chance he migth go and live some were that he can be looked after better but there is some one there to help him in and out of bed and bath him aswell thats a bit of weight off my mind and also i like to thank the people for there support i appreciate it ๐Ÿค—
    1 point
  34. More bad news on my end guys and gals my grandfather has to say in hospital for a few weeks because two days ago he fell and broke his wrist and then it got a infection so yeah it has put a strain on my mental health I can't stop worrying about him but I'll cope with it in the best way I can ๐Ÿ™‚
    1 point
  35. its been awhile since i posted on and not been very active on the site and i am been missing spywareonya a bit (i kown she ok) and for the the last 3 days i been battle my depression but don't worry I AM NOT FUCKING giving into suicide i'll piss in face of death before i give up i did try Sweets (don't worry there NO hate) Skype Group chat look am not a bad person and nice person once you get to kown BUT there so MUCH this autistic person take form Mkbigboy AND THAT SAME FUCKING sentence does anyone need to pee๐Ÿ˜ก OK rant over and am going take it one step at a time ๐Ÿ™‚ thank you for re
    1 point
  36. sorry for the lack of vidoes {or anything} i just have not been motivation because of my mental health issues autism and depression is not a very good mix and also my mobile phone the one i use for record my video's because i may need to get new one the battery is not holding a FULL charge once I get that out of the way i'll resume making videos ๐Ÿ™‚
    1 point
  37. Weather forecast for wherever @spywareonya is. It will be wet and windy. But the rain should be quite warm. Though it may be torrential at times. In fact - to use a colloquialism - there will be occasions when it is pissing down.
    1 point
  38. Peeing in the pool was one for me๐Ÿคท๐Ÿ˜‚ One time I had drank a ton before I got into the pool and so within a few minutes I already had to pee. I went to the bathroom and got another sip of water feeling thirsty again. This process repeated a few times until I was swimming and really needing to pee again. I really didn't want to go and pee but I really had to go so I was either getting out and using the toilet or peeing in the pool. I had a mental debate over whether it was acceptable meanwhile feeling my bladder rapidly filling tunil I finally decided that it was an ok toilet and opened the
    1 point
  39. Definitely agree with alfresco and gldenwetgoose . I like to think of the thought processes that may have happened as someone gets more desperate, say for example... 1. I need a wee, I'll go when I get to the next pub 2. Actually, I'm pretty desperate, maybe I'll go somewhere closer so i can wee 3. Hmm, really I need anywhere with a toilet 4. You know what, I might just have to squat behind an alleyway, but only if it's quiet 5. Definitely need to go now, stuff it if anybody sees, I'm too desperate to care I think a lot of situations progress
    1 point
  40. Agree with both of you - definitely a topic that works for me. I find myself more excited at times by pictures of a clothed girl who looks like she's peeing as a last resort, be it on the street, in a park, on the beach or wherever it may be - rather than the brash full on nude with all on show. Would love to here from any others who can relate
    1 point
  41. A marathon of sex had taken place in the bed Ashlynn and her one night stand were currently hold up in, fast asleep and tangled up together in each other's limbs. They met at a bar the previous night and she shamelessly went home with him after he had flashed his jewels and money at her. He was a rich man, and if there was one thing Ash liked it was rich men. They had the biggest bedrooms, the comfiest beds, the best bath tubs and usually the best food in the morning. This wasn't her first time getting it on with a one night stand, however, she did have something new on her bucket list of sex.
    1 point
  42. I would stop and openly gawk.
    1 point
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