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  1. Hello everyone, I’m Mike, 37 from Georgia. Been on here a little while but I’m finally opening up and being more social. I’m a truck driver and my interests are woman who are desperate and have to pee where they aren’t supposed to like beside the car or in a cup in traffic, situations like that. I love the real stuff not the staged because I’m definitely what you could call a voyeur. Being a truck driver I’m always having to stop and piss somewhere and I hate bathrooms and prefer not to use one just to pee, I’m local so I have a few spots on my route where I frequent to go and use bottles and
    3 points
  2. I am really busy right now so im sorry if the writing isn't as good in each chapter as normal but i just really don't have the time right now. I also really love this story though and sometimes it's nice to just sit down and write for a while, so that's what these current chapters are. Usually its me sitting on the floor or in my bed cross legged with my laptop typing, sipping a cup of tea xD I hope they are still ok! sorry!! Also The bold button won't let me unbold the text at the minute so unless that fixes itself the story will just be bolded. Im really sorry i have no idea whats going on w
    3 points
  3. I worked for a few months as a driver for a well known delivery company, just local, but the sheer quantity of parcels I had to get through in a day around Christmas was ridiculous. I would have to start at 7am and not finish until 10pm some days. Eating was done as I drove and peeing when ever I could. I got caught a few times while having to wee in public either behind the van or hiding in a quiet area. One night I was weeing in what I thought was a deserted area of a half built housing estate when two women appeared from no where with one of their boyfriends, all appeared a bit drunk. They
    3 points
  4. Hello everyone. I am new to the forum and wanted to contribute with a series of experiences with a lady from uni. I'll start with a warm up. This is a true story. Talking a few years ago after our first year, a group of us from different courses went camping to the southwest coast in the UK. it was a long trip down and once we set the tents up we all got hammered as students do before walking down to the beach for sunset. We were all a few sheets to the wind and went for a swim which developed into a skinny dip. I wasn't brave enough to drop my trunks but the best looking girl o
    2 points
  5. 2 points
  6. am really happy this still going love seeing them sexy woman bottoms
    2 points
  7. You can try one of these sites https://wetransfer.com/ https://anonymousfiles.io/ Both are simple to use - upload file, get link, share link everywhere you want) P.S Thanks to @girlspeelover who told about these sites
    2 points
  8. Note: I've had more time to myself lately so I can "find some inspiration," as it were and will have some more to come! Oh wondrous yellow muse! Writer's block is super real even without any time to indulge, but who can live alone in this economy m i rite Entering the cafeteria I decided to pay a visit to the chef, Erin, and her sous-chef Emilia. During uni I had worked in the student hall cafeteria and was more than comfortable in a kitchen. In fact I found myself there in my free time. Old habits you could say. Erin kept a tight ship here at the embassy, even though it was just t
    2 points
  9. Any if u guy want to post themselves on here please feel free. Alway enjoy the real thing. 😈😈😘😘
    2 points
  10. Some sexy hairy goddesses!
    2 points
  11. I have a husband and some kiddos living with me that have zero clue about my fetish and love for pissing on the carpet. Actually I've had my fair share of naughty pees, but nothing like any of these dreams I always have.
    2 points
  12. Note: I thought I'd write something different. If you couldn't tell by my poorly veiled attempt at a title this is a parody of Conan the Barbarian, a wonderful series of pulp fantasy by Robert E. Howard. Just a warning some of the descriptions and language might be "out dated," this is not the reflections of the author, just an attempt at capturing Howard's voice coming from the 1930s. I am going to try to keep this as a one off with 3-4 parts to keep distraction from my other 4ish on-going projects. That being said I've got another one off sloshing around in my head that I'd like to get in wr
    2 points
  13. Clothes, chairs, carpets, showers, sinks, towels, the floor, cups, buckets, trash cans, the washing machine, the bed (protected), plastic bags, backyard, the beach, woods walking trails, the grass next to the pool, on my husband’s cock. Probably more. Once on the carpet in a room in my church as a teenager. When I was a kid I would pee in the flood pump drain in the basement or over the drain grates on the cement floor, & on a stone bench behind a row of trees in the yard. Love slowly peeing myself in leggings or a swimsuit!
    2 points
  14. I want to share a pissing experience today for those who are into dude peeing. Went to one of the local salvage yards, it was about a 45 minute ride. I peed before I left, especially since I had a partial cup of coffee and water. When I arrived I had to go. I always get turned on at this one particular yard because my ex pissed in the parking lot there once next to my car. There was a line to check in to the yard, I’m thinking I hope I find a vehicle to piss in quickly. I got out in the yard and started towards the vehicle I was there to see. I came across a minivan, a Nissan Q
    1 point
  15. I recently bought a leather skirt it is stylish and has the added bonus for me of not showing my my leaks. Last week I had a major mishap (I wet the floor) and still it looked dry. Anybody else got items of clothing which can mask an accident?
    1 point
  16. I know writer's block really well. But I am glad you're working through it. This was so hot @Vassal. I hope to see more chapters soon! I'm going to check out your other new story, as well.
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. Riley, You have absolutely nothing to apologize for! I think your writing in this chapter is outstanding. It "flows" very well (pun intended), and there is plenty of detail, to make the story very erotic. Thanks very much for posting. Looking forward to more, when your life is less hectic, and you have more time. By the way, the "bold" text didn't come through on the PF screen, and it was not objectionable, at all. Dr.P
    1 point
  19. Maia walked back into the kitchen, tying her apron around her waist. At her second job she worked for a catering company, and while she usually bartended or waited tables, today they had her at the sink. She looked at the large three basin sink and pushed up her sleeves, starting to get to work already. There wasn’t many dishes, but she wanted to keep a check on it so things wouldn’t pile up. Hearing the door open, she turned to look at the bus boy and smiled when she saw he had a couple drinks in his hands. He handed the completely full glass of wine to her and she leaned against th
    1 point
  20. My alarm clock went off as I got out of bed, jumping as my feet found a cold wet spot from my late night toilet. During the night I had to go and simply rolled to the edge of the bed and hung my willy off the side from under my covers and messily urinated all over the carpeted floor, not caring where it went. I loved the sound of the splashing against the carpet as it struggled to absorb my hot wee. This morning I marveled at the large fan shaped stain, reaching nearly halfway across the room. Tempted to add to it I dressed and quickly made the way to the cafeteria taking note to go down the f
    1 point
  21. This is amazing. And as far as I know, unique to the internet. I've spent many hours searching for something similar, but for the most part this is it. Please know that i am deeply appreciative of your efforts. You satiate my interests like no one else does.
    1 point
  22. With Vanessa gone and our toilets finished, I sat back at my desk to finishing editing the syllabus for this year's PISS course. Pushing up her black framed glasses, Emma laughed as she heard the wet slapping of my shoes on the carpet as I resumed my seat. Leaving me to my task she left the office to return Vanessa's chamber pot. Once finished I printed out the syllabus and gave it a look over for tomorrow's orientation. The syllabus was simple and out laid the course to have the students acclimated to Lavatria's culture. Broke down by week the syllabus read as follows: Week 1 – No peeing
    1 point
  23. Ahahahha never did it, but I farted in the face of one of them that was squatting angrily trying to clean up the mess I left on her capert after she begged me not to piss on it as her parents were getting home soon...
    1 point
  24. I really adore how much you two love each other… there is an incredible complicity between you...
    1 point
  25. it's adorable to invent silly reasons to explain obvious things ahahahahah
    1 point
  26. I can't help imagining you two like in a gunfight of the old wild West, in the morning with you with your cock in your hand and the snowbank looking at you with a nasty glance… ahahahahahhahahahhah
    1 point
  27. These things are fascinating I ook forward to see how it goes in the remaining part of the world... With all that nature where you live, I am sure I could get away with a #2 among bushes ahahahah
    1 point
  28. it's like a ritualistic goodbye… ahahahah
    1 point
  29. If I had social power I would convince everybody to be fetshists But upon failure, I would invent fetish designed toilets and then STRIVE TO INVENT AN EXCUSE TO MAKE THE LOOK FITTING ahahahahahah
    1 point
  30. @speedy3471 Hahahahahah I would love so much to play this game with your wife In order to make my fantasies about her more real and actual, I would love for you to write HER questionaire according to what you know of her...
    1 point
  31. It is a first form of introduction to a more pure and sincere world...
    1 point
  32. HAHAHAHAHAH that is cool, in that case I mark my territory everywhere, not even Attila The Hun conquered so many lands HAHAHAHAHAHA
    1 point
  33. What do you expected from Canadians??? (Sorry for the joke, it's from South Park movie, which I find ABSOLUTE ahahahah)
    1 point
  34. Ahahahahha some of the expressions listed here made me die of laughter ahahahah I also love, just about politeness, to use some VERY HEAVY terms almost ghetto slang, like "taking a slash", "unload my bladder", "spur out" or things like that When you look at me angel fance and then I say "I know this city block, there's a corner without cctvs, let's had that way, gotta spray my piss on someone's door" and your jaw drops ahahahahahahah
    1 point
  35. Amazing account!!! It has been so long since I last had a piss friend… I usually end up fucking them ahahahahahah!!!
    1 point
  36. Once again, I adore how you write things You make us live it all like we were there… thank you...
    1 point
  37. I got near that in the past It was awful!!! @2prnot2p She's adorable, yes!!!
    1 point
  38. I don't feel like entering too many details, but I was helding it in for a ritual which required me to fill a 1,5 liters bottle (partially filled anyway with other stuff, uh) with one single piss I cannot remember he exact number of hours I held it in, but it was the Whole day, since after my morning piss/poo and a couple of another toilet trips just after breakfast, at a certain point I started to hold it in after drinking a special brew, and it went on for the Whole day During its final hours, I was laying down on my back on the bed to ease pressure... It was the most absurd p
    1 point
  39. Ahahahha that's exactly why I use the word piss ahahahahah You are a real sweetheart
    1 point
  40. 1 point
  41. Imagine the lifestyle you have, the way you described to me, ok? Then add technology but only for sake of possibilities and NOT in contradiction to Natural lifestyle and now imagine that every single person you meet is just like me about sex and just like you about work and family and weapons No politic (Witches anarchic totalitarism) and no religions beside worship of ancestors and Gods of Nature THAT is a Witches world
    1 point
  42. @steve25805 There was a Peppa Pig episode (I love that cartoon for the brazeness of Peppa) where they fly from UK to Italy and they drive in the wrong side of the road Everybody honks at them and Daddy Pig says "Helloooo, thank you for welcoming us this way" and people keep calling them names in italian slang HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
    1 point
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