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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/13/2019 in all areas

  1. To all of my friends on here, hope you have been able to have a good holiday!
    5 points
  2. A special thinks to @spywareonya for being an awesome contributor, sexy as fuck, highly intelligent and interesting, and a personal friend whom I love dearly and who has definitely had a big influence upon my thinking re spiritual matters. And a thank you to @Admin for being such a great and active admin, friendly and involved and also a good contributor. We have him to thank for the very existence of this forum. Thank you to my fellow mod @Scot_Lover for being a great mod and also a genuinely nice person with a heart of gold. A thank you also to @Sophie for also being a great m
    5 points
  3. I had to get my bf at the time to pull over I needed to go so bad. I was too shy to get out on a busy motorway, so I opened the door and sat as far on the edge of the seat as I could and sprayed my wee out onto the side of the road.
    4 points
  4. Hopefully these are good enough @F.W
    4 points
  5. I've done this a few times, mainly out of curiosity😂 in a lot of the single room restrooms in my area, they have a toilet and a urinal (btw I don't really understand why there would be a need for both so if someone knows why please tell me😂) and sometimes I'll have fun with the urinal🤷 I usually have more success with the bum in strategy but I haven't been completely unsuccessful with the front in strategy. A few of the urinals I have found that are really nice to pee into are ones that come a little further out of the wall and usually with those they are very easy to pee into relative to
    4 points
  6. That's awesome news! First time I've found a bug, I actually feel proud.
    3 points
  7. @Sophie On the pee forum - peefans - in a thread the sexy mod Sophie was running asking for suggestions of naughty places to pee, I had a great idea. At least I thought it was a great idea. I posted a screenshot of the outrageously naughty Tamtam South, sitting back in a chair in a hotel room with her legs pulled up, and pissing against the curtains. I suggested that Sophie do something like that, pointing out that she could always wash the curtains afterwards. She said she wasn't sure but would think about it and might do it. Though clearly she wasn't certain if she could do th
    3 points
  8. Usually it's not me trying to hold it until my destination, it's me trying to hold it until the next available bathroom, and I don't make it ..... A lot😂
    3 points
  9. So my husband and I went out walking this evening. As we were walking back to the car he suddenly had to pee and let me snap this beautiful pic of him lol
    2 points
  10. Lets make eachotter happy in this thread we will tag people and tell them what we like about them. @Admin great job with this site and you are always friendly and nice not bossy at all a great and motivated admin. @Misspy you are one of the best newcomers friendly nice and social. @mickymoist really cool guy always has,something good to say and you are a great contributor. @steve25805 same as admin really active and cool friendly to everyone and not bossy a great mod. @speedy3471 one of my best friends here you contribute in every way possible and you make everyone happy wich makes this whole
    2 points
  11. I could only think of-Sophie is at my house.How better could it get?😁
    2 points
  12. DO NOT STAY IN BED LONGER THAN YOU USUALLY GET UP AT.Get up and seize the day.Go for a walk,get on a train,go to a different town. Take up fishing or any country activity that gets you out.But i find if im off and i stay in my pyjamas as it were too long,thats the day gone.
    2 points
  13. @Sophie Postscript. A couple of days later Sophie and her husband were driving home, detouring through my home town on the way. Turned out Sophie needed another pee and thought another fleeting visit would be fun. First I knew was the knock on the door. Upon opening it I was surprised to see Sophie, this time clad in casual jeans and a sweater, saying she was on her way home, couldn't really stop because her hubby was in the car but badly needed a pee. Did I mind? I was actually fucking delighted. I let her in and closed the door behind her as she jigged about in my hallway
    2 points
  14. But the question is - things you hate about pee porn. Of course people are going to complain in the thread.
    2 points
  15. In Australia, the newer style of urinals (like the one in pictured in your post) are relatively rare. We have more of the older style, closer to the wall urinals: I guess the reason for the new style is to reduce the amount of pee that ends up on the floor, but they could almost be designed for women who want to use a urinal!
    2 points
  16. I thought I would say a recent experience that happened to me😬 I had been drinking a lot, it wasn't a hot day but I had a headache so I tried to drink a lot of water knowing it wouldn't be that far until I was home. I was wearing jean shorts and a long sleeves shirt. Suddenly traffic drastically built up and I was a little frustrated but knew that things happened and it would probably clear up soon. I put on some music and waited, not moving at all. I started to feel a small twinge in my bladder and started to get a little worried but thought it would be ok. The cars occasio
    2 points
  17. I am amazed at the number and variety of your experiences! Thanks for sharing! The situations you describe are at least as interesting as the phrases used. This is one of my favorite subjects. I had one girlfriend, "Lisa," with whom I shared many, very similar experiences, to those you describe. I posted one of my experiences with her, on Pee Fans, yesterday. More will follow. Although the variety of places and situations where she peed in my presence was large, her vocabulary was simple: She would establish strong eye contact with me, and say, simply, "I have to GO," with heavy emph
    2 points
  18. In UK we call them knickers ok?I find it a slightly more sexual word than "panties",but its all good.Knickers,panties,what ever you call them,they are basically a drip tray for women,and we love you for it of course. If any of our own beautiful ladies would wish to model their favourites for us,we would much appreciate im sure. Here are my favourite styles.(for women to wear,not what i feel comfy in...😉)
    1 point
  19. I owe you a story. Pick a scenario at your flat and I'll make it happen x
    1 point
  20. The light was fading fast and it was time to leave, the house having no electricity. However, Suzanne was desperate for a pee and likewise, the plumbing had yet to be commissioned. This left only one very obvious solution, she would just have to pee over one of the old carpets, it not being too much of a deal given that her damp patch would dry before anybody returned to the house, that and the fact that all the carpets were going to be ripped out anyway. Despite her logic, Suzanne found that she was trembling with a mixture of nerves and excitement as she entered the empty space that w
    1 point
  21. Just an update for you Sophie - this is indeed a glitch with the forum software (affecting all sites using this software, not just us). I've reported the bug and the developers will hopefully update this for the next version of the software. Good spot!
    1 point
  22. I can think of three: to save water, because a toilet uses a stupidly large amount of fresh water to wash away a little pee, and because a urinal is higher so easier for someone with a penis to aim at accurately, so you don’t get as much piss on the seat, floor, etc. Edit: And so a boy and girl can share and pee together!
    1 point
  23. From my imaginary archive of "I wonder what Sophie looks like in white knickers"?😁
    1 point
  24. I once was so desperate at work once i foolishly got out my dick right upon entering the gents,about to go into a cubicle,unfortunately, straight into one of the female cleaners,it was kind of hidden in my hand,but she would have seen it.I had to barge past her saying excuse me,but she said its ok and i peed as she carried on cleaning outside.Then she asked if i felt better for that...
    1 point
  25. I had an experience of this today. I stopped at Charnock Richard Services on the M6 motorway Northbound. As I entered the toilets, I saw one of those yellow cleaning cones that they put up to say wet floor, but this one said “Cleaning in progress - Female cleaner in attendance”. I went in regardless and saw that the lady in question was mopping the area around the urinals. The urinals were in a U shape around three walls of a small area - maybe 6 or 8 urinals down each side and a few across the end. I noticed several men turn into the area, see the lady cleaner and double back to go in cu
    1 point
  26. Aww shucks @Riley - that's what this site is about. What was it Lennon & McCartney said "And in the end, the love you get is equal to the love you give"
    1 point
  27. Wow thank you for the kind words. Great thread, I don't know where to start lol Everyone here is great and amazing. We all add our own touch here which is why it feels like home to me
    1 point
  28. FEB DEC FEB 09 2008 2011 2012 11 captures 4 Aug 2004 - 18 Feb 2012
    1 point
  29. Hi Wet Carpet, You might recall my last letter about a year ago - I'd just discovered the liberation that is not caring where to pee, now a year on I just wanted to share a top tip with you all - it is after all festival season. I've just come back from a weekend in Glastonbury with the girls and let me tell you - I can't believe how uptight some people are. Imagine the scene - it's been a hot day and you've been following all the advice on staying hydrated. In fact, guzzling water, gin, wine, lager all day. As the sun's setting you''ve got your prime spot right in front of the Pyram
    1 point
  30. For those that might be interested, I have returned, my personal pee story collection now in excess of 450. I am posting on this site and others so hopefully you can stock up. As always, my heartfelt thanks to those who have been so positive in their feedback. Best wishes, L.
    1 point
  31. Eerie harmonics rape the skies electro-magnetic field increases like the size of a cock under the whip of a mistress Scientific laws shift to their extremes Iron is fixed in water in addition to Oxygen and Hydrogen And the sky is red like during H-bombs tests Overseer's wrath, planets relinquish their orbits Horror on the face of the worlds Horror in the ways of the skies Tsunamis of blood lay waste the still fighting humans Continents shatter under the rage of something that pre-dates and predates Time itself opening to the drumming roar
    1 point
  32. @Brutus Holy motherfucking shit!!! I got wet Brutus, and is all your fault ahahahahahahaah!!! Not only hot that way, nor pissing that way, but also with an OST like that?! You know how to make me slobber down there man...
    1 point
  33. no, in an alley near it, I think
    1 point
  34. It could need a fitting room so far from employes that she can talk happily about it
    1 point
  35. hahahahahha happy you are not the God of our universe!!! I hate peeing myself ahahahahahahahaha
    1 point
  36. Look at how many naughty girls great story man, marvellous!!!! Holy shit you make me so hot!!!
    1 point
  37. it can be a problem I often blow my man in public parking lots but if he notices a regular car we stop to avoid being recorded or whatever Once Alex almost chased one wielding a tree branch as big as a club!!! Anyway @Starks2010 I am reading the Whole production with this title, your stories are really fabulous, and great for fingering!!!
    1 point
  38. hahahahahahahahah this is so hot baby!!!
    1 point
  39. I did sometimes, when I know I could get away with it Finally a girl who do NOT simply wet herself on the seat, which is something I really cannot understand!!!! Piss proud!!!
    1 point
  40. Indeed big corporations will not miss it, but have to admit that the thought of having Others clean my piss is a bit of a turn on 😋 what I like is the actual action of pissing in them, THAT is naughty, and care little for consequences the problem, not only for piss but also for cum, is cctvs imagine this scene I work in a place I find cum on the mirror I get wet and horny then, I have to pretend, unless being fired, that I am angry at the customer who did I use cctvs see the last person who entered for privacy's laws, I can't see within
    1 point
  41. Quite true, as my videos clearly show!!!
    1 point
  42. Hope you enjoy them!!! I love to entertain my friends around here!!!
    1 point
  43. @puddyls You Always look so cheerful in everything you do!!!
    1 point
  44. Lilith in Her most sensual form Dark and seductive... Glorious...
    1 point
  45. They are Dangerous because though incredibly spiritual, they consider everything a game They like to trouble people, mainly with cheating It is their way to force mankind to go Beyond hatred and vengenace and become more free and slutty, but they can be a bit extreme with that Gods are most diplomatic!
    1 point
  46. Oh this is probably the holiest image I'll ever post This is the Labyrinth of Thorns, where Ammut reigns Men who enters there should not touch ANY of the Thorns or they will sleep there forever, as vines suck them dry of life Only people with the utmost humility and eagerness to submit to Her can walk there and reach the Blue-White Rose in its core, the Graal, granting immortality The Holiest of all places of the spiritual world, and the most dangerous
    1 point
  47. Exactly how I love this passage: ARTIFICIAL Revelation of every single thing in greek is spelled APOCALYPSE exactly is the Tree of Knowledge, the Snake entrusted us with a knowledge that must be used to pass from being children of God to be actual SOLDIERS of His ideals this is the real meaning behind the Myth of the Exile from Eden: though interpretations about an envious god are fascinating from a rebellious/hollywoodian point of view, the real esoteric meaning is that with knwledge comes the possibility to THINK, which is good, but if used with
    1 point
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