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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/04/2019 in all areas

  1. Leaving puddles is one of my favourite things to do! I often pee in the woods because of privacy but when I pee in the city I always try to go on a paved area instead of grass. I love watching the puddle growing beneath me and slowly trickling away. I always use a tissue if I'm not about to get caught, I keep a pack of kleenex with me at all times so I just wipe and drop it below me into the puddle. I love knowing anyone could stumble across my puddle and immediately know what it is.
    6 points
  2. The morning arrived, shafts of sunlight pressing in through gaps in the thick curtains. I awoke, half in and out of sleep. I had been dreaming of the ‘Kitty Litter’ and of a pressing need to return for another outdoor pee with other girls from the University. In my dream I had been denied my intent, always turned around before I could reach the spot by the tall spreading oak that had been designated an outdoor loo. I slipped a questing finger between my legs, seeking out the warm wetness of my love tunnel. I penetrated, pushing upwards with my middle digit whilst thinking of the boys I
    4 points
  3. I worked at a Gas Station many years ago, a small booth self serve kind that's so boxed in you can hear everything in the bathroom and here are three stories of Women desperate to pee, Story 1: I was sitting in the booth and all of the sudden a very curvy Nerdy looking College Age Woman with dirty blonde hair and glasses, in blue shorts and a flower tank top came plowing through the door with her hands up in her crotch saying "Do you have a bathroom I can use, I pointed to it and she ran in and I heard her booty plonk and then I heard Niagra Falls come out of her. It was powerful and las
    4 points
  4. Walking out in a pink bikini, Izzy gave her girlfriend a small smile. “Alright, I’m ready to relax,” she said with a chuckle, checking the other girl out when she saw her in a yellow one piece. “Aren’t you cute?” she asked with a smile, walking over to her and giving her a small kiss. “Thanks,” she said softly, putting her hair up in a ponytail before grabbing a towel and a couple bottles of water. “Let’s go,” Clary said with a nod. They made their way out of the hotel room and went out to the pool hand in hand, the temperature already high and the sun in full force, perfect for a pool da
    4 points
  5. So as a renter my landlord is a scumbag I have to leave in less than a month . He is gutting the place so I thought I might as well make the best of it I went to a storage place I have access to he has some of his things in there a table chairs extra doors microwave etc . I made sure I drank a lot of water and started my revenge I went to the storage and pissed all over the table and chairs went to the microwave and pissed in it and on it than I went to the extra doors and pissed all over them. I had to refuel. So I went and drank more water went into the closets and pissed all over the carpe
    3 points
  6. If in doubt, wank it out! 😀
    3 points
  7. Hi we are a couple: m38 f25. Australia Good looking and both LOVE peeing. We are looking to sell custom made vids to your request, also sell her panties, and in near future do live streaming. Can be just her or him or both. Happy to discuss your desires. Look forward to chatting soon 😈
    2 points
  8. Well today it finally happened. Coming home from work and traffic is at a complete stop due to a wreck. And what do you know, I have to pee so bad I can hardly contain myself. I kept squeezing my legs together and shifting from side to side hoping to make it home. Out of nowhere some jackass cuts me off and startles me, and the flood gates open. As hard as I tried to cut the flow off, it just didn’t happen and I peed and peed. All down my legs, soaking my seat and the floor of my brand new car. Below is just a quick clip I was able to capture before traffic started moving again. *sorry it
    2 points
  9. Hey, thanks a lot for the idea! Funnily enough, as mickymoist said, this idea was suggested quite recently and caused a little controversy. Whilst we don't want to turn this thread into a repeat of that, if any women reading this do feel something like this would really appeal to them, please PM me. We have no plans for segregating the site, but if there is real demand for this from female members, I will try to find a fair middle ground solution. Until some of the women on this forum have their say on this either way though, I don't think us guys need to debate it again.
    2 points
  10. I would so use this I think its fascinating
    2 points
  11. I was tempted to have a quick wank while I was in there,maybe next time.
    2 points
  12. Ok allo everyone, people ask me question of me pee on toilet seat. I message publique here. I pee on toilet seat yes many times. I not know how much times. My fiancé is like to lick pee. I sometime pee on toilet seat, he go lick seat after mamy times in 1 week. Voilà! Lolol
    2 points
  13. My recent post has brought up some deja vu feelings and has left a sour taste in my mouth. I had this feeling a few years ago when I was in a omorashi discord server... It was me, two other girls and 15 to 20 men in there. I had asked the discord server owner if there had ever been more girls... they replied that some girls joined in the past but left... because anytime a girl joined the guys would make a huge deal of it and scare them off. So I wanted to help bring more girls to the server. I tried to make suggestions about making 'girl topics' in the server or a female only side chat i
    1 point
  14. The worst part of music festivals, hands down, are the portapotties. There’s nothing worse than a fucking portapotty, in Maia’s eyes. Either they’re disgusting or they’re being used, usually not even to go to the bathroom but to do drugs or have sex. That’s all she can think about while she’s stuck in a crowd, listening to a band she wasn’t even there for, bursting from all the alcohol she enjoyed throughout the day. She turned back towards the portapotties, the lines stretching out longer than the ones to get inside. It was unreal. She watched guys sneak off towards the woods a
    1 point
  15. That is classic! You rock!!
    1 point
  16. Hi everyone. My girl and I are very much into pee and everything about it.... yes I know I’m damn lucky!!! (Australia) We are wanting to possibly do live cam shows for people, and videos on request as well as sell her panties. We are wondering what/where is the best place to go about this ? We’d rather not be on a specific cam site, and just advertise on sites like here and just have a hand picked clientele. Any advice greatly appreciated. thanks
    1 point
  17. Ohh I’m sure we will have sooner than later. My princess is super excited and coming over soon and what’s to get going ASAP! Lol. Curious what would be a rough guess on the % of male to female members here ? Thanks again for the super warm welcome 🙂
    1 point
  18. Thanks so much for the warm welcome and info. We are excited to be part of this special community. We plan to place an add soon 🙂
    1 point
  19. And here is an example of what I'm talking about.
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. I am posting this as of now, me and someone you recently met on here, decided to take a trip. We are going to the pool/spa. DivaQc want's me to pee in the spa.. soo woooohoo.. tell you all about later *wink* 🙂
    1 point
  22. Allo spywareonya, thank for compliment. I am happy you like. Me and Sephora are besty.. lot of years me and her. Today, we not do naughty. Maybe later. I saw concert out side, artist Ziggy Albert.. i love him. 😀😀
    1 point
  23. Update!! sephora told me to write, her phone is charging. We both was in the spa, next to each other. There was 5 people in spa to. She ask if i pee in the spa, i say yes. Then she tell, not loud, at me she need to go. I put my hand on or over to feel when the water got warmer. Not easy, water is warm already but i felt little bit warm from pee. Lolol Sephora is funny, a guy in spa ask date her in his room and wine, she show ring from mariage to guy lololol the pee go in direction of guy hahaha.
    1 point
  24. Hahahahahahah I had to pee, the toilet was far and need door car to open the pool door. I guess the couple saw us high. Sephora leave the spa, because laugh too much. No pee for Sephora.
    1 point
  25. You got a fucking point there Aghori stuff Jesus's metaphors ALWAYS implied death Because Jesus was an Aghori Now we are out to show the contrary Indeed we should. They are capable of anything. The shadow government within the Church wants us all enslaved. Everytime a Pope is too futurist, ooooohhh poor saint man, he's dead and he's with the lord now...
    1 point
  26. A bit of beauty now to recover from fear!!! Lilith in Her luminous form This had been one of the first pic of Her I ever downloaded, we are talking of almost ten years ago!!!
    1 point
  27. Guess who is She, judging by the Raven and the bald pussy?
    1 point
  28. An intentionally scaring, yet imposing and Majestic nonetheless, rendition of Kali in Her aspect as Spider Goddess The DreamWeb hosts the souls of the dead and purify them from bad karma, enwrapping them in Her magick
    1 point
  29. A black and White rendition of Archangel Michael So Majestic and beautiful yet, He really cannot manage to look stern! He is so gentle and kind!
    1 point
  30. A carving of ChernoBog, the russian Satan. ChernoBog Literally means "The Black God", and is of incredibly ancient ancestry, His cult already old when the first traces of both Russian and Gipsies started to appear in East Europe and Western Asia Very few of this carvings survived the Church's attacks The funny thing is that the Orthodox Church trademark religious chants are indeed an INCREDIBLY powerful magickal thing directly burrowed from the cult of the Gods!
    1 point
  31. Oh, this is great! Lilith, in Her total splendour In between of Dark and Light, Erotism and Death, this pic is complete, wholesome, and absolute
    1 point
  32. The way living side by side with the Gods makes me feel The way we ALL used to live when They ruled the world The way we Witches wanna bring everybody back to feel like Hope, Marvel, and The once-Impossible bowing down to the unfolding of new paths, strode along by personal enterprise
    1 point
  33. A Witch losing herself in Nature
    1 point
  34. The Siren is another symbol of Lilith for its link with the depths of unconscious, and her voice, able to drive people insane with desire The original siren of all times, the Phoenicians "Atargatis", was indeed a derivation of the Sumerian Inanna, first embodiement of Lilith known to History
    1 point
  35. This is a little, marvellous provocation Theorically speaking is an amateur dark rendition of Elsa from Disney's Frozen But since she is built upon the Ice-related version of Lilith, I felt fitting to post it I adore this image
    1 point
  36. Pan, striding along the spiritual world, enormous and all-powerful, eliminating evil forces
    1 point
  37. And this instead is Her in Her Dark form, appearing at the fringes of our mind to help us make the unconscious surfacing, thus helping the person to ease it...
    1 point
  38. A big one is enough usually I have no relatives at home and my comfortable bathroom is just next to my bedroom it is easier to just jump there!
    1 point
  39. I like her videos, she is really daring I would love to do that in my country, here piss vandalism is harder because of cctvs everywhere Her stuff on the web is amazing
    1 point
  40. Peeing into containers can be useful Last week I had relatives at home and all people were figthing over the main bathroom so to avoid problems late night I peed into a big cup, poured in the toilet the subsequent morning
    1 point
  41. Absolutely sure she would. Church almost swept Her away but Spring Festivals are like our Halloween, people playing tricks and cooking biscuits
    1 point
  42. Lilith's elder sister, my terrifying protector. She usually appears dressed with an armor, it is a powerful message to tell the magician that while Violence is used by the Gods when needed, and also understood as a tool, in Her case violence becomes the inherently primary commitment on a Fate-related level. She IS violence. Not the unjust facets of it, no. But the terrible ones, yes, even the worst, if needed be
    1 point
  43. Part of the booklet of the Aghori special, appearing on courtesy of a publishing house as it was originally an image from a book, written by an american journalist,who went to India to study an Aghori and ended up becoming one The Aghori in this image is eating a roasted arm took from a pyre before it may become ashes
    1 point
  44. Lilith, in Her role of Death Goddess "...and behold, I saw a pale horse riding, and the One mounting it was named Death, and Hell followed" The Book of the Revelations of John
    1 point
  45. An incredible photograpf from a BBC special about the Aghori This is a real eye of a real Aghori It doesn't even look human What was he reflecting upon? Could we ever really grasp it?
    1 point
  46. Another one for the rubric "If Lilith was a real woman"
    1 point
  47. A brazilian underground for the cult of Kiumbanda
    1 point
  48. At least you enjoyed a nice tingle. All I ever got from leaning on a washing machine was a nasty shock.
    1 point
  49. I was looking at some old photographs and found one of myself at Exeter Cathedral, this reminded me of this story. Many years age I was asked with a few lads to go to the cathedral on a Friday evening for a rehearsal for a ceremony on the Saturday. To get there someone from one of the Plymouth churches was going to drive a small mini-bus. On the Friday at about 5pm I drove to this church yard to meet someone with the bus, when I got there, there has a mother and her teenage daughter with the bus. We drove around to a number of other churches picking up the other lads, and onto the A38 to E
    1 point
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