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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/02/2019 in Posts

  1. So yesterday I’m in work, and desperately need to piss, I purposefully leave it a little bit too long. i went to my normal toilet space, a large room with a solid door ( not a cubical type) this is where I piss on floor, in the bin or spray the seat, but not today.....engaged!! I head downstairs there are cubical type ones downstairs, I nonchalantly walk in heading for the larger disabled cubicle as it has one of those drains in the floor, I’ve been building up to squatting and pissing straight down the drain as I look at the toilet for weeks but not had the courage yet, today was t
    5 points
  2. I have this short recurring fantasy that was again triggered this morning by a post in another section. Here goes A young woman knocks on my door. I answer and she is clearly desperate to pee. She says she was jogging by and suddenly needed to pee. She begs “Could I pleeeease use your restroom???” She looks a little surprised when I tell her no. But when I give her a mischievous smile looking her up and down, and then offer her my hand, she shoots me the same mischievous smile in return. “But....do come in” I take her by the hand and lead her into the middle of
    4 points
  3. Rumble…rumble… rumble… The sounds these trains make is annoying yet somehow hypnotic. The lights flashing like cheap disco strobes… at least at night. Yeah it’s not just night. It’s almost the time when you can’t legally call it night anymore. We sit bouncing, swaying, eager to get home. Me? Cleveland’s the name. My partner here is Tiffany. Husband and wife of oh… 4 years last month. High school sweethearts then separated for different colleges only to meet back up and wind up married and working for the same advertising firm. That’s no accident. We both were go-getters through schoo
    3 points
  4. Someone asked me about a video that contained the entire act, unzip to zip up. Here it is. Nothing special, just a very enjoyable piss after work! https://www.erome.com/i/qBd6RB3t
    3 points
  5. @speedy3471 @HammerheadPilot The moment of that movie that never will slip outside from my memory, is when Costner is jailed and inquired and he gives up trying to make his former military superiors understand how wrong they are, and shouts out in Native Language "I am Dance-with-wolves!!! There's no point in talking to you!!!" and they look at him in disgust because he's speaking native AMAZING It completely made me to understand that some human are so blinded by their convicements that they are not humans anymore (scientifically speaking a human is supposed
    3 points
  6. I have! But not for a while. Usually if we are out drinking we may share a toilet cubicle or wee together somewhere outside 🙂
    3 points
  7. Iam glad us guys here can provide you ladies with some eye candy hahaha
    3 points
  8. I will say one word and the next user another and so on this is going to become a story so your word has to fit in i start One
    2 points
  9. This is from yesterday. I actually heard two good pees. So I had to take my cousin to his eye doctor. I wrote the story of hearing a great pee there the last time I took him. It is called "Woman's pee at doctor's office" if you missed or want to read again. The first pee I heard was before we arrived. I'd had a coffee that ran through me faster than it normally does so halfway on the trip I pulled into the lot of a furniture store to use the restroom. I'm walking to the back of the store and in a hallway past the carpet section were the toilets. The men's and women's were right next
    2 points
  10. It is a while since Funland was on the telly, but it had some great characters and great story lines. Being set in Blackpool was fun too. You should be able to find some episodes online to familiarise yourselves with the characters:- So here is the episode I would have made.... Funland - the clippings ======================= Lola was now getting uncomfortable. She had tried not to squirm but now it was getting much harder to keep still. Her predicament meant that she was as focused as she was ever going to be. "I need to pee." said Lola, her
    2 points
  11. I do.I do see him as a kind of Zeus character,all fury etc.A bit like Charlton Heston with a white beard. But,i also take the advice of a Hebrew Rabbi,at Auschwitz.The Rabbi,and hundreds of his flock were about to be forced to the gas chambers.Upon learning this terrible fate,he said something along the lines like,"God,we are YOUR chosen people!,give us a sign now,that you hear us in our despair,smite our Nazi guards,allow us to escape!" Of course nothing happened,and as the unfortunate people were herded to their deaths,he declared"There is no God".This was related by one of the sur
    2 points
  12. Well actually it was just me that peed against the wall haha ... She did it the opposite way while leaning on the wall with her back.
    2 points
  13. When I pissed myself whilst sat in my car in traffic on my way home from work, you know that feeling when you can no longer hold it in and it just starts seeping out and you have no control at all
    2 points
  14. Yes yes absolutely All you said is true!!! But with Frozen I say they went to the black market to buy a gun and ended up with a H-Bomb They weren't ready for it themselves and are just surfing a wave they did not create We have seen NOTHING BUT SNOW from 110 000 b.C. to 10 000 b.C., Ice and Snow is rooted in the emotional response we inherited from one HUNDRED THOUSANDS years of ancestors And a blonde, blue-eyed and blue-dressed figure in between erotism and aloofness, is EXACTLY how ALL humans deeply hypnotized imagined THE SOUL Now you start
    2 points
  15. 2 points
  16. Great story you seem to be desperate often so if you don't mind a desperation freak asking what's the most desperate you ever been? Btw you problaby made that guys day so at least you did a good deed haha
    2 points
  17. If she was pissing with that much force, you know she sprinkled the seat. 😋
    2 points
  18. No problem at all, you said two weeks ago your life would have been terribly busy for a month or so, so I suppose you won't be that free until next week to say the least!!! But yes I missed you ihihihih and I am so happy you like this story, the next installment may be a bit late cannot deny this, because I am getting through a very busy moment myself in the next week, so I am not sure when I'll write it, but the plot is already made and it will be worthy the waiting, believe me Thank you for being here!!!
    2 points
  19. I loved the film Dances with Wolves, in large part because unlike so many earlier westerns it portrayed the native Americans in a more realistic and sympathetic light. One had a real sense of a way of life so very close to nature but under siege and doomed.
    2 points
  20. @HammerheadPilot @speedy3471 Guys THANK YOU for all these so heartfelt contributions!!! Holy fuck the Frontier LIVES for real!!! The scythe is a great tool because it preserves the integrity of some nutrients in the plants it harvest, so to better feed animals and preserve them from illnesses connected with unproper feeding Never forget horses, goats and cows were all free animals eating very different kind of grasses in very different places, so they should be considered as fragile as any other specie and feed fittingly Indeed the physical labour is
    2 points
  21. You’d be surprised how easy it is and how much you get done. An entire family using them? I can see it being a VERY effective tool before power was available
    2 points
  22. The colt single action revolver. Everyone likey had one of these. General Patton had a couple of these revolvers
    2 points
  23. Tools??? Well, one that is not regularly thought of but WAS used then and is used to some extent still now is the scythe. I use this tool now. I did today, in fact. It was used for mowing hay, primarily, but also for mowing yards around houses. Also used for harvesting other crops. I use it because I sit behind a screaming engine all night long. The LAST thing I want to do when I get home is push another one around my yard. Plus, I like using tools from previous eras.
    2 points
  24. Something a little different that I haven’t seen yet and haven’t ever done before. The pissing into the glass was an idea I got from another forum member.😉. Not sure exactly what made me think of the rest. It was oddly satisfying. I may experiment more with this unless you lovely people do not like it https://www.erome.com/i/tHD2qubV
    2 points
  25. Lol I sure wouldn't. I need my burgers to be made from meat lol
    2 points
  26. CHAPTER FOUR Previous ones are both in this and in the first page!!! The party. The party… Last days had been so intense and filled with events, that Nancy completely forgot about it. On her behalf, Gwen was so stoned by what the red haired tempress tricked her into, that she dared not sway her from the search of the mythical creature, which seemed her only true interest… Yet, they were so drunk and late when they went to bed, that they forgot to set the alarm, and when they finally awoke, it was much past lunch time Nancy remained pet
    2 points
  27. Development is a way to upload alertness and wiseness in the quantum texture of brute matter, to make everything spiritual in the end Souls syphon spirituality in the bodies they inhabitate, and then disperse this light both during life and upon death The intervention of Overseers could achieve this is an instant Not threatening, but speeding up natural development, just because they are HUGE SOULS, same process We would be anyway entitled to our own morality and challenged about moral firmness, so yes development would still take place, only on a subtler leve
    1 point
  28. He is a good spokesman. What he says though about any supreme being being all powerful and all good not conforming with reality as it exists, assumes that any such being would be an interventionist one if it had the power. But I tend not to believe in an interventionist supreme being, believing instead that any higher universal entity would mostly let us develop on our own path with only subtle guidance, since allowing us all - and life itself - to develop naturally is itself essential to our spiritual development and any overall plan. So the lack of any intervention to prevent
    1 point
  29. Lovely ghost story.
    1 point
  30. Whether overseers, a universal life force, or whatever, I too tend to believe there is an all encompassing "something", but like you I believe it allows us free will and does not overtly interfere with our fates, except perhaps in the most indirect of ways. The one aspect of @spywareonya,s beliefs I most struggle with is the notion that the overseers actually intervened to create her gods a mere 10,000 or so years ago. This is far more "interventionist" than I'd ever believed or imagined any supreme being or force to be. Yet I am open to the possibility of it, and indeed provisionally ac
    1 point
  31. I am not daring to comment one's belief, too intimate, I bow in awe at something so intimate YET if you ask me, you got embarassingly near to the truth we Witches believe in Our explaination for this, but again may I die raped if I DARE go around like Nanct knows best, I am just telling you a story, our explaination is that for every layer of existence there are forces of Good, much similar to a Bearded Charlton Heston (who's also my favourite actor of all time, guess what?), yet they are not allmighty This lack of absolute power makes that though They actually and con
    1 point
  32. The image of you weeing outside with a friend is one that's hard to get out of my head. Maybe other places as well. 😉 I just hope you're not too desperate, lose control and drown the poor girl or badly cut her with your errant stream. 😝
    1 point
  33. surprised, but not; woke up to my monthly visitor. lol. decided, to leave my panties on without a pad or anything since i would have been changing out of them soon anyway.
    1 point
  34. I love how sensitive it is, so the lightest feathery touch or the softest kiss can give her pleasure. I love the feeling when a woman comes with her clit in my mouth. It feels so intimate, as if her orgasm is wrapped around me.
    1 point
  35. Because girl's bathrooms always have such long lines and as soon as your friend gets a stall it's kind of like a courtesy to share with your friend and have a quick wee. Honestly so jealous that men can all wee at a big trough at the same time and just walk straight out 😞
    1 point
  36. The reason they sell so much is because Disney is expert at pulling people in of all ages. Most of the merchandise is cheap produce which is vastly overpriced, but because it is Disney, people flock to it. Plus they have the captive market at all their theme parks and they spread it through toyshops of the world where every kid who sees the films wants to have it. Marvel Universe is more directed at a niche audience.
    1 point
  37. I have finally gotten around to reading it. You have crafted an excellent story. Can't wait for the next instalment. And apologies for my tardiness. I have been extremely busy in real life and often don't look at the stories until I have plenty of spare time. I never realised until I saw your PM that you'd written another instalment. I would never ignore anything by you.
    1 point
  38. Hahahaha no worries, so can I hahahaha. I figured you are secure enough with your sexuality(as am i) that you wouldn't take offence hahah
    1 point
  39. I have to agree with you haha
    1 point
  40. Not possible in this case. Cameras in the hall would've seen me walk in.
    1 point
  41. Chapter 1 – New year’s day January 1st 2001 03:30 GMT and now there could be no doubt that this was the 3rd millennium. As Tanya stood on her doorstep in her long black skirt and white jumper locking the door she had to decide. Could she go through with her New Year resolution? In some ways it seemed now a bit silly but no, it had been thought out thoroughly and as she looked back at the event that had started the process off she carefully prepared herself.... It was in August when she had emerged from the ladies loo on the other side of her building from her office t
    1 point
  42. i did not kown were to put this here a photo of my pee in a bottle 😁
    1 point
  43. Great videos. It looks like you enjoyed yourself hahaha. Thanks for posting
    1 point
  44. Chapter 4 yes. Very good indeed
    1 point
  45. A very very good way! Those gifs are incredibly hot!
    1 point
  46. Chapter 5 will be a turning point Not only the pissing sessions will be likely everywhere, but it will introduce the characters that will be part of the book from now on The actual plot will start to unfold from the party onward
    1 point
  47. Awesome chapter 4, it left me waiting almost impatiently for the party hahahaha What kind of situations will Nancy and Gwen find themselves in I wonder?
    1 point
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