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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/25/2019 in Posts

  1. This is a true story that happened to me on Saturday 20th April. I live in Stratford-Upon-Avon UK, and my daughter came up from London to stay with me for the Easter Break. She had heard about a new large, (they say the largest in the UK) Primark clothing store in Birmingham. Lucy wanted to go to see what it was like and I wanted to try some of the new skinny jeans that were on sale. When we arrived at the store, I couldn't believe the queues both for the changing rooms and the tills. I picked a pair of denim jeans my size from a rack, and wanted to try them on for size, but Lucy got impatient
    4 points
  2. Hello all. I’m a truck driver from the US. I was introduced to water sports by, of all things, two Amish girls when I was 18 years old. I’ve been hopelessly addicted since. I’ve looked for some time for an online place to share with like-minded people. So far, I like what I’m seeing here. I cannot wait to explore further, and hope to actually get to interact on line with people who understand my attraction to this. But if I am awake, I have always up for chatting publicly and privately. I also love sharing pictures and videos. I’m looking forward to getting to know my way around
    4 points
  3. So kind of a funny story from last night! I went to bed after a super long day wearing only a longish flowy T-shirt. It’s only me and the hubby, so no need to be fully clothed. Fast forward a few hours, I wake up with raging heart burn. The kind that’ll keep you up all night if you don’t take care of it. So I get up, slip my flip flops on, heading to the medicine cabinet & I kinda feel like I have to pee. No big deal. But! I can’t find my meds and realize I’ve left them in the car. So I head outside, in only my T-shirt and flip flops (we live at the end of the street) and it’s cool out. So
    4 points
  4. Lol I didn’t! I’m like I’m outdoors, in the grass, what’s it going to hurt?! Lol
    4 points
  5. Thank you, both. I miss the Amish girls, one of them in particular. Where I grew up there was a large Amish and Mennonite community. I grew up with the Amish kids. These two particular girls were friends as long as I can remember. There were never any secrets between us. In another forum, I’ll have to tell you all the story. (Stories)
    4 points
  6. I would be peeing all the way through the movie. I just hope that the seat can take it all.
    3 points
  7. Hey, welcome to the site, I'm glad you found us! It sounds like you'll fit in very well here, but by all means give me a message if I can ever help with anything. Oh, and I'm sure we'd all love to hear more about that story with the Amish girls... 😁
    3 points
  8. A few months ago, I had to take my husband to work early in the morning. It was one of those rush out the door mornings, so no time to pee real quick before leaving. Dropped him off at work, the need to pee grew. Grabbed his breakfast and dropped it off to him and the need grew even more. Figuring I could make it home, I head that way but start leaking here and there as I’m driving. Just when I knew I couldn’t hold it anymore, I started peeing. Traffic flying by, no one knew. I grabbed my camera last minute and captured the tail end of my pee.
    3 points
  9. Every now and again - usually only for a minute or two at a time - my search engines refuse to load this site. Peesearch used to have similar problems in busier years gone by and the cause was said to be servers being overloaded with excessive numbers of people trying to access the site all at the same time. Is that the problem here? If so, at least it is a sign of our popularity. Anyone else been noticing this?
    2 points
  10. Wazzzup everyone! This is a true story, last saturday, i had a stag party to go to which we were downtown bar hopping right. And late at night, we were about 3 guys that went between buildings to pee next to a dumpster. Really not long after, 5 drunky women showed up and asked us if we can share spots, what am I suppose to say, no? Anyways, i tried being discrete but one said, no peaking and as a joke as i went to say sonething like, i didn't want them aiming at my head, one shouted out, wtf your pissing on my shoe, so my joke got disregarded. I took a second glance and there was nice la
    2 points
  11. Here's part 2 for you guys. There has been a little issue with the video though, there should be a part right at the beginning where I play with myself a bit while I pull down my pants and wet my under wear shortly after for a moment , but apparently I cut the part out after I edited the video a while ago ... don't know what came over me back then and to make matters worse I even deleted the original so I can't even show you the whole video. Luckily the wetting was fairly brief so my bladder was still full and I managed to still pee quite a bit. It's not much but I hope you like
    2 points
  12. @spywareonya Thank you. I’m flattered. I bottled a lot of things up in my life for many years, for various reasons. I’ve decided not any longer. I am who I am. I’m going to enjoy the rest of my life!
    2 points
  13. @HammerheadPilot I like you Sorry if I took all this time to reply, I had been traversing a dark moment I ADORE people like you, bringing your LIFE here and not only your desires and expectations, which would NOT be wrong, uh, but people like you do much, MUCH more I long for new interactions with people like you, so for anything PM me, yet I see you already (and justifiedly, I could add) conquered the respect you deserve Well done, can't say anything else, well fucking done and welcome aboard macho, post ANYTHING you want, the general chat is open t
    2 points
  14. Ok… I think it's time to move on I am speaking to everybody helping me here @steve25805 @speedy3471 @Peefreak99 CON2H4 @Brutus @will64 @Riley I am past my darkest hour I am forever more stern now, as I saw Beyond my illusions about the fact I can be all-merciful forever without getting mad at the lack of chances to be myself out there But I also discovered that I could master my life aggressiveness even better Subtler ways to channel my energetic and happy impatience (which so eagerly turns into rage upon meeting to
    2 points
  15. I chose to use three yellow candles in the end, but it was both deeply personal yet also positive.
    2 points
  16. Not even close lol it ran all down my legs and onto my feet.
    2 points
  17. I have the candles now. Thinking of using one each of three colours - black, white, and yellow. Wish I had brought a chalice of some kind, will just have to use a glass. Have a mini-bottle of chardonnay. But forgot to buy chocolate. Am going to go out and get some and also buy something new and spotless for a chalice. Then this evening I intend to light the three candles with some incense burning, with an offering of chocolate and wine, and imagine myself speaking to her of all my secrets. Will wait until after sunset. Hope that is acceptable.
    2 points
  18. Wow, I can only imagine how much fun it must be to have a whole house for you to pee EVERYWHERE, that's like a little dream come true.
    2 points
  19. Had a few minutes this morning to check out a second house! Didn’t have to go quite as bad but I took advantage as best I could. I’ll have to be better prepared for the next adventure!
    2 points
  20. I find that the more sheltered an individual, the more likely they have a secret perversion (or five). Welcome.
    2 points
  21. This is sad news. I will miss him as well.
    2 points
  22. I haven't tried this at all before. Iam gonna let my wife be in control and see what's happens hahahaha
    2 points
  23. My wife and I do this all the time she is the one in charge and when I get to the pnr I cum pretty hard. Then she will stroke me and I will usually get off again lol
    2 points
  24. Chapter 1 - Jayne goes to work ......................... The alarm clock rang out and Jayne, twenty three years old, six feet and two inches tall with brown eyes and long black hair, reached over and pressed the snooze for another ten minutes rest before rolling over on to her back. With her legs parted slightly she relaxed and slowly emptied her bladder. The feeling of relaxation was so complete that she was soon asleep again. Jayne lived alone in her attic bedsit and had peed in the bed ever since she could remember. She was awoken again by the alarm and this time the warmth po
    1 point
  25. Chapter 1 – Nice way to fly Calista ran from the taxi through the concourse straight to the check in desk waving her first class ticket. She had already missed the last call announcement. With no baggage to check in she was fortunately through in no time and told to hurry up and follow the lady with the yellow Samsonite vanity box that she would be sitting with to the first class lounge, as the plane was about to leave. Calista caught up with her fellow first class passenger and looked from side to side as she went through the first class lounge in the hope of finding a toilet. “
    1 point
  26. For quite some time I’ve wanted to find an abandoned house to have my way with. I do some real estate investing on the side and have a friend that owns a few houses that he’s selling. All are in various states of repair and should be knocked down probably. They are, however, full of old personal items, furniture, etc. I got full access to go look at any house I wanted any time. Let’s just say I couldn’t help myself!
    1 point
  27. @HammerheadPilot welcome aboard, you'll find lots to enjoy here!
    1 point
  28. That's the kind of true story we all love around here. Welcome to the forum.
    1 point
  29. This is my very first and so far only desperation video that I made last year. I was super desperate that day and I thought I challenge myself a bit by going out for a walk whilist documenting everything. All the bumps in the terrain didn't make the holding easy as you're going to see. I thought of splitting the video in two parts, today the desperation and next time the ... Well, let's not ruin the surprise. I leave the decision up to you if I should post part 2 or not, it depends whether you like it or not. But so far, enjoy the build up! https://www.ero
    1 point
  30. Not quite the Midwest, but Oklahoma and Texas here.
    1 point
  31. Is this not a series that you wrote some long while ago? I am sure I have read it before - at least the first chapter. Maybe on Omorashi.org? Are you saying that these two chapters were as far as you got and you may not progress further? Even if it was from a while ago and you haven't written any more, it would be great to be able to hear more of their exploits if you feel like continuing the storyline.
    1 point
  32. The best kind of sighting - when they come to you and ask permission to pee next to you! That must have been great.
    1 point
  33. Haha that's the spirit!
    1 point
  34. I love it, especially the fact that you just pee without even trying to stop the stream ... At least that's how I interpreted it 😉
    1 point
  35. Alright, part 2 it is! I thought I might wait to see what people think, it felt kinda pointless to post anything if nobody enjoyed the first part.
    1 point
  36. I'm in love with Amy's Organic Soups. Try them. They're delicious! They're all healthy, organic, and vegan. I'm not vegan, but I love them. My fave is her Chunky Vegetable. I'm not sure if they're sold in the UK. But, I'm sure you can order them. I've tried them all. You cannot go wrong with Amy's! 😋
    1 point
  37. Uh yes! Part 2!! This was hot!
    1 point
  38. If the traffic going by hand any idea what you were doing I bet there would've been a massive pileup hahahahahaha
    1 point
  39. That totally counts. Great story.
    1 point
  40. It does sound eerie to me as well. Iam gonna keep an open mind about it and try and reach out to her soon
    1 point
  41. https://www.eroprofile.com/m/videos/view/ME-peeing-in-the-toilet-12
    1 point
  42. Sounds like a joke or a prank Or a silly chaos magick ritual
    1 point
  43. Yes,judging by a lot of the attitudes of our lovely ladies on here,there is an enjoyment in being seen with panties down,accidentally on purpose. Maybe it is a sign of how women enjoy the fetish.
    1 point
  44. Nancy burped loud and happily, making Gwen to blush a bit. From her side, the local girl was amazed at the beauty and the boldness of her friend, temporarily sleeping at her house… “Tomorrow we may try again” she suggested, while the red haired lady was calling the waitress for another pint of beer. “Uh?” Nancy got her face out of the big tankard, and replied, with that lovely, bothering high pitch the voice reaches when the speaker is completely drunk: “But this time I want the Scath na deithe once again, the Gazer is ridiculous… ouch…!!!” and she burped again. This time it was real
    1 point
  45. I'd love to pee on my hubby's hand.
    1 point
  46. Or you can get someone else to pee in your cupped hands!
    1 point
  47. There was one time I took a high squat to pee against something. Maybe it's something I will do again to avoid splashing... If I choose to avoid it! I was at university and a female friend Katy wanted to pee, was very drunk as we were drinking at a friend's place and grabbed me as we were walking to town and said "come ooooonn it's time for a wee". I didn't hesitate as we'd both been drinking and could take a piss. And we crossed the road as everyone else carried on and at a junction saw a phone box covered in posters. I pointed us in there and Katy giggled saying "yeah that's quie
    1 point
  48. I normally make sure my legs are spread wide apart and I'll lean back so my wee sprays away from me and not on my feet / legs. If I'm mid-wee and I feel like someone is coming, I'll lean more forward so my vagina is not exposed or I'll re position my skirt so they can't see 🙂 Although whenever I'm going for a wee, I usually pick a spot where I'm hidden anyway
    1 point
  49. I have but I don't really. If things are going wrong I've done it a few times, like if I'm directly weeing up my leg or the splash from pissing on concrete is getting me too wet, l use my lips to move the stream to spray away from me. You don't need to touch the lips most of the time and your hands are dirty after that.
    1 point
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