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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/25/2018 in Posts

  1. The Farm Cassandra was back home full-time at the family farm for summer break having just completed her freshman year at college. There she was joined by her older sister, Stephanie, who had just completed her senior year at the same college and was now a couple months pregnant. Being recent grads, Stephanie and her fiancee had not being able to afford their own place yet and thus still lived with their respective parents. The girls parents owned the 90 acre dairy farm and managed the hay fields and dozens of dairy cows with the help of their daughters. The life was rigorous but rewardin
    3 points
  2. Dear Wet Carpet Magazine, I wrote to you a while ago about my experiences in the museum Victorian bedroom with Jade. If you didn't see that one, you can read it here: https://peefans.com/topic/2779-wet-carpet-magazine/?do=findComment&comment=92034 After that experience, Jade and I spent more time together - we shared some lectures (even though she was the year above me) and we often studied together in the library or went out socially. I gradually found out that she wasn't joking when she said that she would pee pretty much anywhere and being with her led me to f
    3 points
  3. Sherlock Holmes and Watson are camping out in the countryside one summer night. Sherlock says to Watson, "Watson, when you look up and see all those fabulous stars, what do you deduce?" "I deduce that the universe is vast, with countless trillions of stars, many surely with planets, and life. We cannot possibly be alone amidst such vastness. Why Sherlock,? What do you deduce when you look up and see all those stars?" "Watson, some twat has stolen our tent!"
    2 points
  4. Last night with a couple of friends I haven't seen in a year. After having lunch at a resto pub, we ended up, well me and 1 of the friends ended up peeing right next to her car in the underground parking lot. Actually we sprint waled there, it was too cold to pee outside, like -26c cold.. Why so cold? it's only end of November !!!
    2 points
  5. Here's a riddle for you: Q: Why did the cannibal eat a tightrope walker? A: He wanted a well-balanced diet! LMAO! 🤣
    1 point
  6. I felt like getting into the Holiday... and honestly since this was the 1st story I ever wrote, I'm sure some of the folks here haven't read it before (You'll see how much my style has changed.....): It all started with a dare. Everyone hated grandma's egg salad. So in a crazy game of Truth or Dare Sarah had dared Tina to "relieve herself" in the egg salad. At first Tina was reluctant, but after some convincing that no one would be eating much of it, no would notice if it tasted worse than usual with the extra ingredient. They snuck into the kitchen, absconded the bowl from the fri
    1 point
  7. This is the first part of a story I started last year around thanksgiving, but by the time I had finished it, it was almost Christmas. Let me know if you love it and/or hate it in the comments. So, first off, my name is Ashley, I'm a sophomore in college, and twenty years old. I have strawberry blonde hair, that is a little longer than shoulder length, nice firm C cup breasts, an ass I think is too skinny, but it hasn't ever stopped anyone from staring when I wear the right shorts. I have long runners legs, from years in high school doing cross country. I wasn't quite good enough t
    1 point
  8. lol. i kinda knew i’d have a pantyline in these pants. but didn’t realize it’d be this noticeable.
    1 point
  9. How can we omit Lincolns "Gettysburg address"? I cant quote it,but its only 269 words.It was over so quickly that photographers,using the cameras of the time,couldnt even get picture of him giving the speech. Yet it says so much about the nature of civilisation.That the reason 20,000 men have died here,was not to be ever forgotten.Fighting and giving your life to ensure that freedom of speech,and freedom of all the things we take for granted,will not be taken away. "Government of the people,by the people,and for the people,shall not perish from the earth".
    1 point
  10. A phrase by General Cota,then of the 29th Division on D-Day(he later commanded the 28th Div),upon finding his men pinned down,being killed by heavy resistance on Omaha beach,unable to really move out of their scant cover,suffering heavy losses,he decided to take charge and get his men out of it,and move off the beach inland. "Only two kinds of men are staying on this beach-those that are dead,and those that are gonna die!" I guess,reminding them that they are soldiers,and if you dont die here now,maybe tomorrow you will die.You have to take action. Then within minutes he organis
    1 point
  11. The warmest pee competition. I will be the judge. A number of girls in turn each take turns peeing on a sensitive part of my body. My dick is the best spot. And the one with the warmest pee wins. Also, noisiest hiss competition. I would have to get in close to hear the volume level to best effect.
    1 point
  12. "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." Napoleon Bonaparte
    1 point
  13. "Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few." Winston Churchill, 1940
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  14. "A house divided against itself cannot stand." Abraham Lincoln
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  15. "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." Franklin D Roosevelt
    1 point
  16. We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender, Winston Churchill, 1940
    1 point
  17. Also maybe Sephora,i gather she wees over a litre occasionally.Get the 4 girls to all wee into a bath altogether,then average by 3 the amount.You could do bets on who guesses the closest to the average or something..I would bet they would produce about 1.5 ltrs,average about 360ml each.
    1 point
  18. I would also invite puddyls along too.She also enjoys a bit of naughty pissing i think.
    1 point
  19. I'd certainly like a little get together at my place with @Sophie and @spywareonya They can play a "which lady can make the biggest piss puddle on my living room carpet" competition. I of course - being the judge - will have to observe very carefully with my undivided attention. Extra points for particularly good spray patterns and hip gyrations, lol.
    1 point
  20. I reached a turning point in my life today. A situation at work resulted in a coworker needing me to swap scheduled days off, so I took today and came back home shortly after arriving this morning to use today as my off day. At first I was pissed that this happened. When I got home, I started my pc and dove back into my porn, all 8 tabs, which is my usual amount to have open before my ram chokes and can't take any more tabs. I binged on it for 3 hours and finished with a quick jerk like always. Afterward, I laid down and felt a wave of depression hit me all the sudden and I started crying. The
    1 point
  21. If it is as good as the other 2 where then it will be worth it to wait till december
    1 point
  22. It is fun! Great shots ..
    1 point
  23. Fantastic , Love your panties ..
    1 point
  24. Ladies, I found these 2 GIF's that you can use for profile avatars, if you like.
    1 point
  25. i also have conversation with my gf regarding this and she did in knee length skirt. She did in parking area between 2 cars and no one is around.... I can see her pee stream which is exactly between her legs.
    1 point
  26. I do have a fantasy about holding a penis over a urinal, and helping with the direction and aim, the setting would be a Gents, perhaps in hotel, shopping mall, restaurant, bar, pub. I'd also like to feel the splashback on my face.
    1 point
  27. :) yes My gf did many times when we are in garden.. She always find the grass area or rain harvesting gutter or already wet place in public So that wet patch is not easily identify. and if no publis around then ground and mud area will be fine... the best part is like when she pee beside me, the water dripping sound inside her saree is awesome.. She is not hiking her saree. many times she didnt touch her saree and she apart her legs bit wide but saree hides everything... even a pee stream too. if we stand near her then we can only hared a water dripping sound...
    1 point
  28. Yeah, I like to see a guy swimming right where I just peed! We're probably not the only ones 🙂
    1 point
  29. Confucius says... "Man who cooks carrots and peas in same pot is...unsanitary."
    1 point
  30. Here's a riddle for you, pee fans. Q: What's the difference between a chick pea and a lentil? A: No guy would ever pay to have a lentil on him!
    1 point
  31. Thanksgiving Weekend 2 Hey, this is Ashley again. I hear you want to know how I spent the rest of my Thanksgiving break. I didn't film any more during the week, not having the time(or the privacy mostly) to edit. Filming itself was impractical for several reasons, and I kinda didn't want to upload a porn clip from my Aunt Carla's house, mostly out of paranoia. I was not, however, a 'good girl'. Not that my family (outside of my cousins, but that is getting ahead of myself) knew otherwise. In front of the family, I did my best to be the model of perfection. This allowed me to have
    1 point
  32. I just logged back in to show appreciation to the incredible responses and to tie a few things up. Thank you all so much! Hope to return one day.
    1 point
  33. Yes I have.Only once in real life.The girl in question stood with her legs slightly apart and peed right in front of me.It was a strong stream which left a large puddle on the ground.I've never forgotten it.
    1 point
  34. Brutus, that is one of the most powerful posts I've ever read here, and I am truly sorry to see you go. I of course completely understand though, and genuinely wish you the best of luck in overcoming this. I am certain that with the attitude you have, you can. I doubt you will read this, but if you ever do, stay strong, and know that you will be severely missed.
    1 point
  35. Yeah, it's not eveyone that see's and feels the same way. From what iI have been reading, some are just doing it for pleasing the other. I strongly believe that it can improve with people that are less open minded. I do remember the first time I was approached by my ex. There was no build up for me, instead it was thrown as a demand.. i want you to pee in my mouth! For me, its a turn off. I'm not saying buy me flowers and an expensive supper. However I am open for getting a bottle of wine lololol
    1 point
  36. My husbands sister (my sister inlaw), had a small fire in their house which was caused by bad wiring from a samsung dryer. So, for a few weeks, we asked them to come and live with us while the house gets repaired. The bathroom is quite busy at night and while she was in the shower. The urge got to me this weekend and I decided to wait. After 15 minutes, the pain started to get to me. My hubby really wanted me to use him, i could have went outside and pee in the cold snow, however I decided to use him since the offer is there and went to our bedroom, which I asked him to be quiet because the ou
    1 point
  37. My girlfriend and I enjoy having drinks by the pool on hot summer days! There are a few hotels and resorts than are not too far away from where we live! We will often go somewhere either for the night and relax by the pool during the day or even just go lie by the pool for a few hours after work! We like to sneak a few cold bees in when we do! It didn't take long for us both to admit to each other that we both peed in the pool. During our first time to the pool we both knew as neither of us took a bathroom break once and we were laying out drinking beers all afternoon! She told me that i
    1 point
  38. Ok Sophie,nice to hear from you.x
    1 point
  39. Hiya, sorry for being away for so long, and especially for not saying anything. I've been having personal issues so I haven't been online much at all, both here and on non-fetish sites, but I'm hoping to return to my usual activity self soon! Thank you so much for asking about me. Sophie
    1 point
  40. This is my favorite photo of Niagara Falls. I hope you all like it.
    1 point
  41. Years ago I was able to use a school swimming pool in the summer holidays. The pool was in its own building, and the changing rooms were separate sheds outside. The toilets were in the main school building, a little way away. They didn't get much use. I remember one occasion when I'd got out and was changing. There was a window in the shed, so I could see out, but if I stood back from the window, it was too dark for anyone to see in. I looked out and saw the door to the pool open. A young woman in a one-piece swimsuit came out. She walked down the steps, then turned right, a few pa
    1 point
  42. I once saw a lifeguard get off her chair, sit on the side of the pool, pee and return to her chair. She was quite hot and I guessed what she was up to. She sat on the poolside where the water lapped over the edge of the pool, so her bum was in very shallow (like 5mm deep) water and her legs were in the pool. I swam towards her and I could see that her swimsuit was wet way above the water line. She was there about 30 secs, then splashed water from the pool over her body and swimsuit so that she was all wet and disguised the wet patch of pee. Then she got up and went straight back to sitt
    1 point
  43. If you put a basketball on the ground and put a BB from a BB gun 93 feet away from the ball, you'd have a perfect scale model for the size of the earth to the sun and the distance they are from one another. The sun is 93 million miles from earth, so each foot would be equal to a million miles. This is one thing I vividly remember from my college astronomy class. LOL!
    1 point
  44. Here's another that I truly hope you'll like. When asked what he thought of the "Me Too" movement, Bill Clinton said, "I remember the good old days when 'harass' was TWO words!"
    1 point
  45. Dear Wet Carpet Magazine, Oh my goodness, I can't believe I found this publication! What fantastic stories. I found them because I did something the other day which gave me very mixed feelings guilt and embarrassment, but I also felt an intense pleasure and a sexual awakening, so I went online to try and find out whether my feelings were normal or whether I was just a mixed up young lady. Now I find that there are many ladies out there that have been through the same feelings and even DELIBERATELY enjoy peeing where they shouldn't. Let me explain what happened to me. I am 21, brunett
    1 point
  46. I've never had trouble with thongs, it doesn't even feel like I'm wearing them.
    1 point
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