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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/20/2018 in Posts

  1. The last in this series, though I'd like to visit these characters again at some point. If you want to go from the start, part one is here http://peefans.com/index.php?/topic/8297-the-holiday-pt-1-on-the-beach/ ____________________________________________________ I woke up late on the morning of the last day of our holiday. From the sunlight filtering through the canvas I could tell it was another gorgeous day. I glanced at my phone and saw it was half past ten. Later than I would normally sleep, but we were on holiday after all. I had a text from Maddie telling me that she and
    2 points
  2. Charlize gets better, not worse, with the passing of time, it's her inherent beautiful "darkness", she is "Life" even more than, and above of, "Youth"
    2 points
  3. She's asking if she can post about it here and if she should cut out the sex part. @Ivy1989 go ahead and post it all as long as it features pee somewhat I'm sure we'll all be happy to read it.
    2 points
  4. March 16th 2018 He initially went up to me and put his arms around me kissing my neck , telling me he wants to be bad if it’s okay, he wanted to try rough play, if I was up to it, was very lusrful in his voice, it was kinda hot, I told him he can guide me and we can do a good practice if he wanted to play too, he even asked (shyly) if I’d wear certain things lol I told him I’m gonna drink coffee and water and to pick out my wardrobe, no limitations =} He picked out a blue satin gstring with a black Lacey bra, natural colour nylon pantyhose, black button top, red school
    2 points
  5. All three of us could do bad things to the lovely Charlize, lol. I found this one late in life, she was already old, but I still love the thought of her.
    2 points
  6. St Patrick's Day seems to be the start of the annual sighting season. It's the first big excuse for a drink party when the weather has started to improve. It was the day I got one of my best views a few years ago. Two young women stopped at the entrance of the park. The shorter (wearing a dress) was carrying her shoes. They both sat on a bench and talked for a bit. After a while they headed off into the park. I saw them turn off the path and cut between the bushes. I took a route that took me close to them. I judged it right, and was able to stand at a gap between the bushes and w
    2 points
  7. I definitely get your point. It is something beyond sexual, like my first orgasm clutching my legs when I was less than ten years old, looking at a wonderful collector-edition doll with a soul-rockin marvellous blue dress. It is like being in love mixed with a sexual arousing so strange and twisted that it is almost like if you wanted to eat this person like she was a steak more than actually having sex with her It's not desire, it's CRAVING To me, it happens about Charlize Theron There is darkess in her beauty There is beauty in her darkness There
    2 points
  8. Part one is here http://peefans.com/index.php?/topic/8297-the-holiday-pt-1-on-the-beach/ ____________________________________________________ We bought coffees and walked around town for a bit, Maddie and Adam pointing out the major sights. It wasn't a big town, and there wasn't a huge amount to see, but it was a pretty place with a nice feel to it. Good company made it from a pleasant walk into a fun one. Once we'd finished our coffees we decided to split up. Adam volunteered to take David to the museum he was interested in, while Maddie and I thought we would go shoppin
    2 points
  9. Perhaps this explains why I haven't had any complaints regarding how it tastes. I would believe that my morning pee is not as transparent if I may say and seems to have a lite odor, how ever, as the day goes, I don't seem to have any bad sent to it. I do drink a lot of water and my health is quite good and my husband has never complained once. Besides no one is forced to drink urine.
    2 points
  10. Saturday only yielded one proper sighting, but it was a good one. I was passing two girls when I heard one say to the other “I am going to have to stop somewhere”. Now I could only think of one good reason for her to say that, so I followed at a distance. They walked through a park and passed several spots where they could easily have hidden for a pee, so I wondered if I had read it wrongly. However, very shortly, they stopped by a fountain and the girl in need lifted her skirt and sat on the concrete wall surrounding the fountain, with her bum hanging over the water. I had a clear view o
    2 points
  11. ...and a few more.
    2 points
  12. just random peeing around the house
    1 point
  13. Its no big deal,just id rather not be involuntarily forced to view other peoples uglies.
    1 point
  14. Mmmm, I liked the 'dark' direction of her portrayal of Atomic Blonde, most actresses seem to regret getting naked, and drop into obscurity, Charlize keeps getting bigger and better.
    1 point
  15. Balance of power and democracy in the Admins' attitude. For me, is the Speak of the Lord. Couldn't agree more, both on the fact that I understand Fanny and endorse his sensation of bother, and meanwhile in the invitation to simply tolerate/ignore friendly
    1 point
  16. As a straight guy, I agree I'd prefer not to see dicks in avatars. That said, I'm all in favour of boobs and vaginas in avatars, and it seems extremely hypocritical to specifically say male nudity should go. As for banning all nudity in avatars... well, it's an adult forum, it's hard to get away from nakedness really, so it just seems a little unnecessary. I like people setting their avatars and showing some individualism within their profile, and I don't want to discourage that so we all end up with the generic letters as pictures. Steve mentioned that it's my choice, but honestly on th
    1 point
  17. I'm sorry guys but... What does this have to do with pee shyness? @tompee @pee01 Can we stay on topic please? Thanks.
    1 point
  18. Oh, seeing me pee is much different from me actually peeing in a container. A Witches piss should never ends up elsewhere than in a human mouth or elsewhere dispersed in the world. The toilet is fine only as long as you do no have better options and/or flush often. This has a very deep meaning: we cannot be recoiled. We cannot be graspe in our entirety. WE cannot be contained because we ever change. We don't exist in the consequences of our actions (the observable container filled with pee) we exists in the act of pushing out the stream. Be there while it happens or imagine it by guessing at t
    1 point
  19. Great series of stories BeneathMyWillow, enjoyed them. May be you'll revisit the characters again when they start university?
    1 point
  20. Click the little + button to the left of where it says 'quote' and it will be added to the list. A little box will appear in the corner saying "Quote X posts', click that and they will all appear in the reply box, in the order you added them. You can also just highlight different parts of text and click 'quote this' instead of quoting the whole thing and chopping bits out. This works with multiple posts!
    1 point
  21. Oh yeah, I got a little sidetracked there. In response to the spirit of the thread: I would like to see you pee in any clear container. I would like to see the liquid...the color...the volume...your stream filling it. In short, I want to see your pee.
    1 point
  22. Well it is good to see you "a bit" back. For me, peeing in naughty places is the main key ingredient. From reading your posts, it sounds like being caught in your country could be particularly bad, so any public peeing is risky for you. I would love to see you peeing in a telephone box or bus shelter or in a car park stairwell for example. In nature, I would love to see you peeing into a river or stream - say off the side of a bridge or river bank, adding your golden stream to bless the moving waters below. For clothing, I love the fact that you don't wear underwear and favour
    1 point
  23. This second person 'hypothetical' plus the photos really did it for me! I become aroused every time I read it! It stirs my imagination totally up! It forms a living image in my mind! I am sitting here with wood even as I type this! I know you only meant it as an example but believe me, I got much more from it than that. Silly me! Mind always in the gutter Can't help it. I am just a dirty old man. Speaking of magic; Isn't it wonderful what the power of written language can do? Just those little squiggles and lines on a screen, made by one person and later, viewed b
    1 point
  24. I have to agree with some of the other above, there shouldn't be a rule against them. If we block people showing their genitals, what will be next? Theres a big difference between using it as an avatar and randomly sending it to people. And at the end of the day, it's an adult site after all. These things should be expected. Of course I don't make the rules, I just keep the website tidy but that's my two cents. If a gorgeous woman took a photo of her pussy, maybe even peeing, would there be as much of an outrage?
    1 point
  25. Will have to show it full size then....
    1 point
  26. I have been away for work this weekend and stayed in Canterbury, UK. I had a few decent sightings over Friday and Saturday night which I will describe below, but overall there were not as many as I was hoping. The first was an almost sighting. I saw a woman coming out from between a bush and a building doing up her belt on her jeans. She knew that I knew what she had been doing and she smiled sheepishly as she walked past. She had left a damp patch on the earth behind the bush. The second was a good sighting. I saw a man and a woman in urgent conversation in the queue to get
    1 point
  27. Thanks and good catch. I was wondering if the secondary purpose of her getting back at Ethan was apparent. Dammit I should've added a line about her enjoying revenge. I still have time to edit as I type this but, I'll leave it as is, most that will read it already have at this point.
    1 point
  28. I fingered myself while reading this. Slowly at first, then the quicker and the quicker until I just exploded. During all of that, I was listening to a personal compilation of Gorgoroth and Sargeist songs, it was a real trip You got what's inside my fucked mind You know, since a Witch is a Guardian of Balance, we are prevented from undertaking any exceedingly selfish/destructive behaviours unless under certain circumstance, but oh boys if I wanted to do the things you wrote! Maybe one day I'll find somebody who deserve it, since a Witch's limitations are called back when there i
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. I am "a bit" back, so ask whatever you like!
    1 point
  31. I once drank mine for a dare but I didn't enjoy it probably more for the fact of my diet at the time. I also sampled my ex'es once after we had both been out drinking, from what I remember it didn't taste unpleasant. But this could have been for the fact that copious amounts of liquids had been consumed so it was like drinking water. Would I do it again? Given the right circumstances I would consider it but I wouldn't want to commit to it.
    1 point
  32. Im sure we have all seen that classic film,beloved by all,"The Wizard of Oz". Think again compadres....no pissing,but very enjoyable all the same.Any porn is good porn,right?....https://www.xvideos.com/video11045872/the_wizard_of_oz_full_porn_parody_movie_thisisntporn.com
    1 point
  33. Ok, without wanting to disrespect anybody, and taking humbly this time, I have to say that in my personal experience, is better to endure something we don't like reather than to summon the power of outlawing. I don't trust that power, it Always create a bad atmosphere. And I'm not saying that because I love cocks!!!
    1 point
  34. No, they cannot, elsewhere I would be fined for public indecency That is actually the reason I gave up my original intention to put my videos on sharing platforms. In origins, this Whole thread started as list of requests from various forum-members about making videos where I pissed in the places they liked, dressed the way they liked, and (if they liked) talking to the camera, speaking with them. I also made a few, before discovering that the video gallery was down, but they are all still in my pack, stored for better use. I had been adviced to put them on various sharing platf
    1 point
  35. I am utterly honoured by your adfirmation, but I have to advice you that when "something" in magick is consacrated to "somebody", it is utterly pointless/forbidden to utilize it elsewhere. For example, a bottle of good liquor set on the altar as an offering must NEVER be drank by any human: it utterly destroys the energies of the altar, not only because in itself it is filled (if you are a real magician) with almost-radioactive energies from the quantistic Entities the altar is devoted to, but also because it as a clear sign that the magician understand NOTHING of how the Quantum works. I
    1 point
  36. And the seventh and final part is here: http://peefans.com/index.php?/topic/8935-the-holiday-pt-7-the-final-day/
    1 point
  37. They never notice I guess because they are too polite to look. They know of course that I do it and just think it is funny - I guess that is the British way. They were all a little shocked at first i think, but fully accepting right from the start as soon as they knew. PP
    1 point
  38. My wife either does it in a pint glass for me or squats over me & lets go & i swallow the lot,, & have had her freinds on a couple of occasions too, if they have been drinking rosie wine or alcho pops like blue wickeds ect it tastes nice & is easy to swallow;
    1 point
  39. Today I was out eating lunch, I happen to be sitting near the restrooms which are the single toilet ones. I watch a couple girls go get in line when a very beautiful brunette walked up. She looked to be about mid 20's and wore tight jeans that hugged her round ass and a hoodie. She appeared to be quite desperate to pee. She is the 3rd one in line. By the time she is next up in line she is crossing her legs, squirming around, and grabbing at her crotch in full view of people. And just my luck the girl before her took her sweet time in the bathroom while I got to watch a very good looking girl s
    1 point
  40. A speech by Sir Arthur "Bomber" Harris,the chief of RAF Bomber Command,n 1942 i think.."They have sown the wind-now they will reap the whirlwind"referring to the Germans thinking that no-one else could muster enough strength to bomb them back.
    1 point
  41. Churchills "we will fight on the beaches" speech-makes me want to bomb Berlin!It raises the hair on my neck everytime.
    1 point
  42. Hoovering is a good thing but a woman must think for herself first and hygien is never too much trash bin, a sink, the floor more than anything else... hoovering is stressful, just pee on the floor!!!
    1 point
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