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6 hours ago, marking my territory said:

No, I have to imagine if a woman peed ideally it was at the very least into a bowl.

perhaps of interest.... some more historical interest follows the initial post


Us humans are really into the pee and sex thing for loads of many+  years

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3 minutes ago, marking my territory said:

f you read back in this thread you'll find mention of the bourdaloue ☺️

Yes I think I did 🙂 The great thing about history is how it.....

Is most enjoyable Thanks I really look forward to this thread.I kinda like the earthy connection between the past and where we may be

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22 hours ago, marking my territory said:

From what I know about long dresses with multiple layers and peeing as a woman, I would say it would've been a very messy affair to just pee standing. Generally urine falling fron standing height tends to splatter against the feet and calves, your legs must be spread very wide to ensure pee doesn't run down your leg and into your stockings/boots. I understand why so many petticoats were worn, to protect the dress from body oils/odors and urine. No, I have to imagine if a woman peed ideally it was at the very least into a bowl. It does make me wonder, perhaps handkerchiefs had use as a method for women to wipe themselves if they did find themselves in a jam?

Anatomically, squatting makes more sense than standing however if you have very long and multiple skirts your dress would be soaking up the piss if you were squatting. As for the introduction of women's underwear I believe modesty is the culprit although hygiene became a fringe benefit. When hoop skirts came into fashion it meant that your legs weren't protected by all the petticoats anymore. As you can see in this photo, without the bloomers if the woman falls or a strong wind etc. then she'll show the entire world everything, yes the bloomers have a large slit in them but its better than nothing.

Fun thing about the beginning of women's toilets, business owners were all for them, it meant they stayed out longer and spent more money. Before public access for women, a woman could only travel or be present in public as far as she could hold her bladder. It mostly shortened women's activities to just church, visiting each others homes, short trips out shopping etc. I imagine it was especially difficult for women who had been left nearly or incontinent from childbirth.


I appreciate those details on the practicalities of peeing in the various skirts and dresses that were worn in the past.  Not being a woman myself, I was a little hazy on how it all might have worked.  It's interesting, though, how there is still some uncertainty about all this since these more intimate topics were less likely to be written down at the time, and once the culture changed these practices were quickly forgotten.  Fortunately, there is still some information out there, even if some of it is speculation, because the topic is fascinating. 

I agree with your point about business owners being all for women's public toilets.  I've read about the introduction of the first department stores in the late 1800s and they were specifically designed to get women to want to spend more time there, so as to spend more money, and I'm sure that public toilets were an integral part of the design.

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On 3/1/2023 at 6:04 PM, DoctorDoctor said:

The older chamber pots and bourdaloues probably held enough, but their odd shape makes them seem small.  I doubt that bladders have changed that much in capacity.  Women's bladders may have been even larger back then, because of the lack of women's facilities and the need to hold until a socially acceptable place is found.

I suspect that before the invention of toilet facilities, there was very little expectation of privacy. People, whether male or female would typically pee when the need arose, usually around the level of 5 or 6, rather than the 8 or 9 we often hear about today. Although, I suppose all through history there have always been a few who liked to hold.

In general, people were smaller in general a few centuries ago. I'd imagine the size of their bladder was proportional. And, there was little incentive for them to work on developing their capacity when they could pretty much pee at will, whether at home or in the field.


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On 3/1/2023 at 12:48 PM, marking my territory said:

I want to hear about your love of history! Any era! Any subject! 

Fashion, politics, war, weird phenomenons, religion, family history tell me about it! Whats one thing from the past you would bring back? I would probably bring back chamber pots and their everyday use.

 Whats one part of history you can talk about for hours? The wild west? Revolutionary France? I want to hear it all!😍


I don't often look at the general chat section of the site but I'm very interested in history. I love understanding the history of where I live and where I travel. I tend to look at the built environment and cultural norms of a location as clues to that history. Sometimes this is more subtle in the US where everything is relatively new, compared to Europe where you can often walk around and see centuries of historical architecture, relics and city planning. I also love looking at old books, periodicals and media.

History obviously has a big impact in regional attitudes towards peeing; puritans establishing a new and conservative culture in the US in contrast to thousands of years of life in Europe influenced by much more open cultures. China's cultural revolution leveling upper and middle classes to agrarian standards complete with centralized infrastructure and toilet design. The history of every region of the world influences how people pee today.

Not that you could bring back horses, but if you go back to the time when they were commonly used for transportations, I think it probably has a correlation with public peeing. When you have horses walking around peeing gallons wherever they please, it is bound to make people care less about a human taking a comparatively small pee. 

I've also thought about bringing back the 60s-70s culture of free love and associated movements of Nudism and Jaybirding. Hearing stories from older generations, I think I missed out on that era. I can't help but think there had to be some free peeing that went along with those natural lifestyles. Two interesting books that cover that era. 

Naked as a Jaybird by Dian Hanson https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/1279232

Psychedelic Sex https://www.amazon.com/Psychedelic-Sex-Eric-Godtland/dp/3822825581

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2 hours ago, Havelock said:

I don't often look at the general chat section of the site but I'm very interested in history. I love understanding the history of where I live and where I travel. I tend to look at the built environment and cultural norms of a location as clues to that history. Sometimes this is more subtle in the US where everything is relatively new, compared to Europe where you can often walk around and see centuries of historical architecture, relics and city planning. I also love looking at old books, periodicals and media.

History obviously has a big impact in regional attitudes towards peeing; puritans establishing a new and conservative culture in the US in contrast to thousands of years of life in Europe influenced by much more open cultures. China's cultural revolution leveling upper and middle classes to agrarian standards complete with centralized infrastructure and toilet design. The history of every region of the world influences how people pee today.

Not that you could bring back horses, but if you go back to the time when they were commonly used for transportations, I think it probably has a correlation with public peeing. When you have horses walking around peeing gallons wherever they please, it is bound to make people care less about a human taking a comparatively small pee. 

I've also thought about bringing back the 60s-70s culture of free love and associated movements of Nudism and Jaybirding. Hearing stories from older generations, I think I missed out on that era. I can't help but think there had to be some free peeing that went along with those natural lifestyles. Two interesting books that cover that era. 

Naked as a Jaybird by Dian Hanson https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/1279232

Psychedelic Sex https://www.amazon.com/Psychedelic-Sex-Eric-Godtland/dp/3822825581

  Its rare to consider history and an interest in urine together or indeed any fetish. Urination is older than humanity itself, not exactly nothing to talk about. When looking at history through our lens, we're detectives, considering every aspect of our lives, including transportation, not as though george washington had a Ferrari ahah. I'm sure in the time that horse's have been domesticated, plenty of men have added to the puddles their horses created in the streets.

    I adore the naturist movements! Theres absolutely no way they don't answer nature's call outdoors more often than the non-nudist. I've love to live on a hippie commune for a month, see how intimate people are, physically, emotionally, spiritually, sexually. I have to imagine the smaller and more primal the group, the easier they bond.

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On 3/8/2023 at 7:03 PM, marking my territory said:

  Its rare to consider history and an interest in urine together or indeed any fetish. Urination is older than humanity itself, not exactly nothing to talk about. When looking at history through our lens, we're detectives, considering every aspect of our lives, including transportation, not as though george washington had a Ferrari ahah. I'm sure in the time that horse's have been domesticated, plenty of men have added to the puddles their horses created in the streets.

    I adore the naturist movements! Theres absolutely no way they don't answer nature's call outdoors more often than the non-nudist. I've love to live on a hippie commune for a month, see how intimate people are, physically, emotionally, spiritually, sexually. I have to imagine the smaller and more primal the group, the easier they bond.

I agree! Well said there is a lot of truth to this

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I have a thing for the medieval age, castles, knights, sword fights and everything. And on the pee side of things, that era was full of nature and outdoor peeing, wich is one of my favourites side of the kink

Edited by AWN_84
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There was a post, was it in this thread about Ancient Roman latrines?   Last week we visited part of Hadrian's wall and one of the settlements alongside it.

This pic was on an outdoor wall of the visitor centre, showing the facility in all it's glory.   I only had a second to take the pic and completely missed the recreation bench under the display.   But it did amuse me to see it displayed so graphically in public like that.




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8 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

There was a post, was it in this thread about Ancient Roman latrines?   Last week we visited part of Hadrian's wall and one of the settlements alongside it.

This pic was on an outdoor wall of the visitor centre, showing the facility in all it's glory.   I only had a second to take the pic and completely missed the recreation bench under the display.   But it did amuse me to see it displayed so graphically in public like that.





I wonder why the opening in the benches went so far forward and down. It looks like a forward stream would end up on your pants/floor if you were not careful. 

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On 3/1/2023 at 8:48 PM, marking my territory said:

I want to hear about your love of history! Any era! Any subject! 

Fashion, politics, war, weird phenomenons, religion, family history tell me about it! Whats one thing from the past you would bring back? I would probably bring back chamber pots and their everyday use.

 Whats one part of history you can talk about for hours? The wild west? Revolutionary France? I want to hear it all!😍


I have been interested in history since I was a kid. My favourite topics have been the overlapping topics of the Third Reich and World War 2, though an fascinated by 20th century history in general. I do in fact have an interest in all history from ancient through medieval to modern. But the 20th century has always been my favourite historical era of interest, notwithstanding the fact that I lived through the last third of it.

For my 15th birthday when most kids my age wanted the latest fashion accessories or the latest album, I got my parents to buy me a copy of The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by Willian Shirer. The history books I possess now run into the hundreds. 

Undoubtedly the part of history I could talk about for hours would either be World War 2 or the Third Reich. 

What would I bring back? War comics for boys which were popular when I was young but seem to have died out now.

Unless I had my naughty head on, in which case I might be tempted to bring back outdoor toilets, the better to persuade any ladies in my life to save themselves the bother by peeing on the floor beside the bed instead, lol

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A couple of pee related historical, alleged facts I have picked up along the way.

Some Roman brothels had rooms supposedly fitted with glass floors with viewing rooms underneath, the purpose being that men could pay to watch ladies peeing on the floor from underneath without getting wet, lol.

I also heard that it was a common practice in pubs in 19th century Victorian England for the naughtiest girls to piss in beer glasses which the guys were then supposed to drink from.

Pee porn is nothing new either. Nor have the Germans ever been shy of it when not repressed by authoritarian nutters in uniforms. This is an example from Germany from around 1900....

Edited by steve25805
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On 3/3/2023 at 12:06 PM, niceguy1 said:

I was aware of bloomers, but did not know that they were open crotch.  As I understand it, before underwear became common women would sometimes pee standing since nothing could be seen under their long dress and it would have been less obvious than squatting.  But with the open crotch bloomers as seen in the photo, I would imagine it could get a little messy when peeing from a standing position.  Do you think it would be more likely that a women would have to squat down to some degree to get the fabric to move out of the way?  Or would they reach a hand underneath to clear it away?  It seems like the previous underwear-less approach would have been simpler and more efficient.  I wonder why underwear was introduced in the first place.  Was it thought to be more modest, or more hygienic?  I can certainly understand your comments about women being concerned for their personal safety, but unfortunately, I'm not sure that underwear would have been much of a deterrent to a determined rapist.  

I had always thought of women's underwear from the past to be kind of conservative and frumpy but what you show in the photo is surprisingly attractive, even sexy.  

That is an interesting question about how common public urination would have been in the past.  I had always thought it would have been unavoidable.  From what I've read, it was pretty ubiquitous for the men, but in those male-dominated societies women were not expected to spend that much time outside of the home, so therefore the need for peeing in public would not normally arise.  Apparently, when the first public restrooms began to be built they were designed for men only.  Obviously we've come a long way since then, although there is the common complaint that women have that there are never enough toilets to serve all the women at large events, hence the long lines where women wait in discomfort for one to become available.  I think some progress has been made in that area, although I have to admit that in my younger days at a concert or bar it was a little exciting (and sometimes a little intimidating) to have a woman walk by on her way to a stall as I was peeing at the urinal. It would be a shame if that sort of thing went away. Although I understand that in France in some unisex public restrooms that is commonplace.

We gotta bring these back.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've always liked history a lot. It was my favorite subject at school. The Roman Empire interests me the most, but I am curious to read and hear about almost everything related to history.

I’m planning a trip to Italy this summer to see ruins from the Roman Empire. I've always wanted to see them. 😊

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On 3/1/2023 at 3:48 PM, marking my territory said:

I want to hear about your love of history! Any era! Any subject! 

Fashion, politics, war, weird phenomenons, religion, family history tell me about it! Whats one thing from the past you would bring back? I would probably bring back chamber pots and their everyday use.

 Whats one part of history you can talk about for hours? The wild west? Revolutionary France? I want to hear it all!😍


I'm a huge history nerd. As to how this ties into our fetish? Whenever I'm getting into a particular era, my mind can't help but wander into how they peed? Where they peed, etc.? 

As for bringing stuff back from the past? Maybe the practice of casually pissing in the street? You mentioned chamber pots. Maybe bring back those wildly obscure female urinals from the 30s? 

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  • 4 months later...

History is fun, I especially like finding out where common sense and unspoken rules have their origins. The most popular example is the diamond wedding ring standard created by De Beers.

Regarding pee I find it great that it used to be seen as mythical and as jist a useable resource.

Like how Hennig Brand, in his search for the philosphisors stone, dried a shitload of urine and discovered phosphorus instead.

Also for staining garmets urine was used for its ammonia, especially so for blue garment. This is even a proposed reason why in german you say to be blue when you are drunk, since supposedly the urine of drunk people, containing alcohol worked the best.

Similarly romans used urine for cleaning things like wool and it has been used for a long time to stain copper roofs. 

Obviously urine therapy was and still is a thing and depite beeing happy when people drink or apply their urine to themselves, I hate the pseudoscientic alternative health bullshit. 

I see urine often being a part of performance art as well, just recently i met a girl whose current art prpject is to pee anywhere she can get away with it. So a fascination with it is somewhat widespread.

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9 hours ago, nenTyp said:

I see urine often being a part of performance art as well, just recently i met a girl whose current art prpject is to pee anywhere she can get away with it. So a fascination with it is somewhat widespread.

@nenTyp is her art published or shown anywhere?

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A lot of my graduate study centers around American westward expansion and its social consequences, both for individual communities and the nation’s identity as a whole. I’ve always loved studying why systems are the way that they are and why we act the way that we do, and history is the primary context for all of that.

Internal shame kept me from doing much research on the social history of peeing/bathrooms in undergrad, but I’m finding a few resources now that I’ll be ordering from Thriftbooks in the near future. This article by The Washington Post is immediately fascinating to me—it summarizes the dramatic shift that industrialization and sanitation had on our society and how modern public restrooms have been used to maintain social hierarchies, i.e. patriarchy/gender binary, white supremacy, and economic class. 


That’s one of the features of all of this, that in public restrooms people are exposed, and they are made socially vulnerable in a way they are ordinarily not. Things like clothing, and our habits, mask our animalistic privacies, and the bathroom unmasks, or risks unmasking them. So the distinctions among human beings, and who has the right to see whom, come fiercely into play.

Will try to update if I find anything particularly cool in my research!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I love history and I have a related education but the only path forward was the doctoral track and I was firmly turned away when my favorite professor told me how stressed he was about his minivan's tranny going out. It just hit me that if a man this smart and educated with a job at a major university was worried about a transmission in a relatively cheap car I needed to do somethings else. (So I did red neck shit and made a bunch of money and bought a house). The outcome is that I am board, have a house and an easy job. Regrets? some

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