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Things that made you smile.


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I think there is too much negativity in the world so this topic is for sharing things that made you smile. It could be a video, a joke, a funny conversation at work. 

What made you smile? 

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On a day to day basis, my family make me happy and today was nice as it's father's day and the cards and presents I got were very nice.

Other things that make me happy (which others may find sad and boring) are cleaning my bikes, drawing and finding some quiet time to myself.

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3 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

Yesterday I went to a local hospital for a scan - it's originally an old Victorian building, so is all organised around one long corridor, with wards and other departments off little corridors either side.  It must have been nearly a ten minute walk to where the map said 'Area 4 Reception' was, but no sign of it.  Then I noticed the appointment letter said it was on the first floor, which would explain it.

Finally on the corridor just above where I'd been walking I saw the sign for 'Area 4 Blue Reception' and turned through the double doors off that main corridor.  On either side were rooms with their doors closed, but in front on me the room opened up into a wider reception area.  A desk with the usual plastic screen above it and about a dozen and a half chairs.

About half of the chairs were occupied with pensioners and ill looking people, but I barely noticed them after my eyes met with the first person I saw.   Sat closest to my pathway to the desk was a member of the medical team (a nurse I guess, but wearing scrubs and sterile gloves.  It was impossible not to notice her really, partly because she was sitting sideways on the chair - long slim legs crossed and reaching into the corridor.  She looked athletic, maybe a runner - not over developed, but certainly no couch potato, and long blonde hair tied tightly back in a pony-tail. A lovely posture, leaning slightly forwards with her elbows resting on her knees.  If she was modelling and I was photographing it's certainly a pose that would work perfectly.

The main reason she was the first person I noticed though was the way she made eye contact and gave me the biggest, warmest smile you could imagine.  A really genuinely friendly look - not the sort of barista-trying-to-earn-a-tip smile,  but the sort of smile you'd give an old friend when they remember your birthday.  I think we may even have said hello, which wouldn't be too unusual given she was hospital staff and I was a patient, although I imagine she was just sitting waiting for an in-patient who was having a scan.

Now it's worth mentioning at this point that I'm a doofus - after a couple of minutes of the stern lady behind the reception desk looking for my name on the appointment list, she checked my letter and confirmed my idiocy.  It was Tuesday and my letter said Wednesday.  There was a brief discussion in front of all the patients about them 'possibly being able to fit me in as I was there but they were busy' and me apologising as it was totally my fault and I'd come back today.

So with the entire reception area having the knowledge I don't know what day it is, I turned around taking in their smirks and amusement and walked back towards the door - my embarrassment evaporating at the sight of that glowing smile again.


And that smile - that was the thing that  has been making me smile ever since.  Smiles are infectious.


Needs the 'care/hug' reaction too Goose. Good luck today!

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On 6/21/2022 at 9:54 AM, oliver2 said:

This is a spiritual successor to the venerable:


The turbo encabulator was a master class in ad lib bollox.  How that guy talked utter nonsense for that long, without missing a beat or laughing, is a mystery to everyone.  A nonsense ninja at work.  Thanks for the trip down memory lane.

That definitely makes me smile. 

Edited by Sexismygod
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7 hours ago, steve25805 said:

Things that make me smile and brighten my day in work (in a supermarket) are those special moments when you have a really friendly chat with a pleasant customer and ten minutes after they've gone a manager comes up to you full of praise because that really nice customer I was talking to took the trouble to queue at the customer service desk just to put in a good word for me. Doesn't happen often but it brightens my day when it does.

Good on you Steve.

My wife got told at hairdressing college, do a good job and the client will tell five people.  Do a bad job and they'll tell everyone they meet.  And that was pre-internet.  In your industry, that'll be a customer who comes back to your supermarket repeatedly and probabaly recommends it to friends and family too.

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10 hours ago, Sophie said:

I bought a knife yesterday and I was asked for ID! I'm glad she thought I still look under 25.

I'm getting carded again now,   when I ask for the seniors discount option at a pub lunch.   Nice to know people think I look under 60  😃

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