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Pissing location boundaries

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I would say I am the same as you. I feel outside is basically fine although I mainly do it in my own garden or the woods, I wouldn’t do it somewhere someone would have to sit or kids play etc. Inside I only do it in my own home and I either protect things before doing it or do it on easily cleanable surfaces like tiles or sinks etc. I don’t think it’s fair to inflict it on others. 

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I'm OK with peeing anywhere outside, including alleys, car parks, laybys, woods, beaches, secluded streets etc.   During the day in towns I'm generally discrete and like to find somewhere reasonably hidden.  Later evening when the nightlife kicks in I'm more relaxed about being seen and pee in more obvious places like next to a bin or in a corner even if people are likely to walk past.   If out in the country if nobody is about then I pee literally anywhere but if people are about then I try to at least make it look like I've gone for a bit of privacy, but if that bush doesn't happen to have too many leaves on it or the trees are quite sparse, then I'm not worried if people get a view.  

I am also fine with peeing in indoor unfurnished places like like car park stairwells, pedestrian underpasses (subways), bin stores, etc etc.

Indoors I am a little more select and try to be discreet, but I have certainly peed in hotel corridors, staircases and on the carpet in rooms.   I have peed in lifts (if I'm sure there are no cameras) and I have peed small amounts in shops and pubs.   Once I peed a full bladder through my trousers into a pub seat, but as yet I have not repeated that.   I have peed on trains and buses, although again, usually only small amounts.  I have emptied my bladder fully over a three hour trip on a train when I wet through my trousers into the seat because there was someone next to me in the aisle seat asleep.   I'm a bit like @ukpeegirl86 in that I'm happy to pee most places if I don't have to worry about clean up, but indoors I tend to prefer carpet as it will just get absorbed and won't affect anyone.   My pee is always dilute and shouldn't cause any lasting damage or smell as long as I don't repeat it in the same place.  However, it is much more common that I would pee outside (hence the name Alfresco).

Indoors in my own property I pee on towels, hard floor surfaces, sinks, bath, shower (even if not using them), washing machine, dishwasher, in glasses and mugs etc. etc.  I don't mind peeing a bit on my own carpets, but not usually a full bladder in one place.

I don't and wouldn't pee on things which would cause lasting damage, loss or inconvenience to people.  i.e. I wouldn't pee on merchandise in a shop or pee on papers or possessions that would get damaged.  The one exception was when I was visiting a storage facility where there were loads of old papers archived and I peed in a sink and then found that the drain was not connected, so I had effectively peed onto the papers in the cupboard below the sink.  The next time I needed to pee I moved some archive boxes, peed on the carpet tiles and moved the boxes back to hide the puddle, so I expect that the cardboard absorbed the pee and transferred it to the documents, but I'm pretty sure those documents were only stored out of legal obligation and would never be referenced.



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I would definitely say I base what I would pee on/in around the inconvenience of others, because I also think to myself- if I were to come across someone else’s pee, whether a puddle on the ground or soaked in a seat etc, how would I feel about it in that situation? 

So in terms of outdoors, if it’s anywhere I can’t be seen doing it, I’d go for it whether that’s out in the woods or more public at a park. As you mentioned, at least outdoors it can just be washed away easily. 

Indoors is where I definitely have to put a lot of thought into it. I wouldn’t mind going on any types of floors in a public space, as long as I did it in a spot where people can easily go around it and avoid stepping through it (because I wouldn’t want to step in someone else’s pee either). As far as furniture goes, I think if it was already kind of gross/dirty looking anyways, then I wouldn’t mind peeing on those either, but again would try to consider if it’s obvious or not that it’s been soaked afterwards so that others could avoid sitting in a wet spot. Like @Alfresco said, I wouldn’t want to go on things that perhaps belong to someone or cause lasting damage. Like I’d love to pee in a fitting room at a store, but I would never pee onto some of the clothes from the store as I’ve seen videos of before. 

In my own home, I just think as long as I can clean it up then I don’t mind. But there are things I’d only do occasionally since it’s more tedious cleanup, like on the carpet or spraying all over my bathroom haha.

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I will only pee outside mostly, on trees, bush, drains. I will also pee on side of things where dogs go they won’t know. I do enjoy marking someone only if they ask me to but they have to be in a shower nude. 

anything other then that is a no go for me.  Don’t like peeing where you have to clean up or if it will stain or damage something. 

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I'll also happily piss anywhere it leaves a mess for others to clean. Preferably leaving a stain that they can never get out 😈 a movie theatre seat is still on my bucket list. I want to piss on a seat a few rows ahead of me then move back to my seat and of course, make a mess in my own seat before I leave. It's not nice but that's what's hot about it for me

Edited by gldenwetgoose
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My girlfriends have been welcome to piss where they please. On my carpet, couch, backseat of my car. I enjoy cleaning up their pee, if I even clean it. I have a couple of ladies piss in my leather backseat and the piss has gotten under the seats and pooled on the metal floor where the seatbelt bolts to. The first time I hadn’t thought to check under the seat so the next day I thought I was smelling antifreeze. Thought I was leaking antifreeze, but no, day old piss pool I missed. 

Being arouse I have taken a nice long morning piss on the carpet in my closet. One of those pisses where you wonder when it’s going to stop. I cleaned it up after. 

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On 4/12/2022 at 4:06 AM, InOddPlaces said:

Interested in what your boundaries are about where you will piss.

My limit is not to do it anywhere it will leave a smell, damage anything, leave a mess for others to clear up, or where people will sit etc.


  • Almost anywhere outdoors (just runs/washes away)
  • Indoors with easily washable floors (toilets, kitchens, etc.) or where the surface is fully protected


  • Upholstery of any sort (seats, beds, carpets, etc.)
  • Anywhere the pee will run into corners/floor cracks that can't be cleaned
  • Anywhere outdoors where people sit

I love pee play, but the "disgusting" side of me doesn't want (e.g.) to sit on anything where someone has pissed, so I won't inflict that on anyone else.

A few years ago I would have been in complete agreement with you as far as anywhere outdoors and indoors on hard tile or concrete surfaces only, however, in the last couple years my husband has peed numerous times on hotel room carpets, which I once thought of as going too far. I've since come to realize is that in a matter of minutes all visual signs of it disappear and I have yet to notice any odor from it later. After hearing how common it is to find urine on the floors and walls of hotel rooms I purchased a small black light to check out our hotel rooms as we arrive and to my surprise they have all had obvious urine patterns on both the walls and floors. With this new experience I've added hotel rooms and store dressing rooms to my acceptable list.

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i love the idea of making messes anywhere and everywhere, but i get too in my head about others having to clean up after me. that’s why i usually stick to tile, finished wood, and concrete. i’d love to take a step outside of my comfort zone and just let loose sometime soon- haha

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On 4/16/2022 at 11:22 PM, Bigpiss1189 said:

I really wanna do it in more risky places just scared of a cleaning bill haha 

I would have thought so myself, but some time ago an ABC news investigation revealed that all 20 hotel rooms they looked at had urine stains on the carpets and walls. They're quite obvious under black light. Curious, I bought a cheap led UV flashlight and looked around every hotel we've stayed at and they're correct, they've all had stains. My husband, who's always been rather timid about peeing in public, once peed in the corner of a really trashy hotel as my mom was in the bathroom for a long time. To my surprise in a matter of minutes there was no obvious sign he'd done so. Since that experience a year or so ago, he's taken to peeing in the corner of 6 more hotel rooms we've stayed at, all having stains visible with the UV light previous and we're never heard anything about it. So from our experience, I wouldn't be to concerned about doing so, seems many people do.

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On 4/18/2022 at 11:33 PM, beachmom said:

I would have thought so myself, but some time ago an ABC news investigation revealed that all 20 hotel rooms they looked at had urine stains on the carpets and walls. They're quite obvious under black light. Curious, I bought a cheap led UV flashlight and looked around every hotel we've stayed at and they're correct, they've all had stains. My husband, who's always been rather timid about peeing in public, once peed in the corner of a really trashy hotel as my mom was in the bathroom for a long time. To my surprise in a matter of minutes there was no obvious sign he'd done so. Since that experience a year or so ago, he's taken to peeing in the corner of 6 more hotel rooms we've stayed at, all having stains visible with the UV light previous and we're never heard anything about it. So from our experience, I wouldn't be to concerned about doing so, seems many people do.

I think i found the article you were talking about. That's super interesting. I always thought that "we" would ruin the hotel staffs day. But reading this it seems like it is just another Tuesday xD. 

To answer the initial question: i think i mostly agree with @InOddPlaces here. My fun ends the moment i bother others. But i will gladly add to the mess others already made because someone has to clean it anyways. 

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16 hours ago, MaxWasTaken said:

I think i found the article you were talking about. That's super interesting. I always thought that "we" would ruin the hotel staffs day. But reading this it seems like it is just another Tuesday xD. 

To answer the initial question: i think i mostly agree with @InOddPlaces here. My fun ends the moment i bother others. But i will gladly add to the mess others already made because someone has to clean it anyways. 

I was quite surprised myself and even went out an bought a cheap black light flashlight, not believing their story. Since, I've looked around every hotel room I've been in and found every one to have walls and carpets clearly sprayed on, it's so obvious under the black light. After that, I realized we're not doing anything others haven't already done and no one really cleaned up after others anyway.

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  • 3 months later...
On 4/21/2022 at 7:50 PM, beachmom said:

I was quite surprised myself and even went out an bought a cheap black light flashlight, not believing their story. Since, I've looked around every hotel room I've been in and found every one to have walls and carpets clearly sprayed on, it's so obvious under the black light. After that, I realized we're not doing anything others haven't already done and no one really cleaned up after others anyway.

I found this review of a UV flashlight on Amazon and found it amusing in terms of this discussion:



Reviewed in the United States on August 21, 2016

Verified Purchase

NEVER take this into a hotel room... just don't... please please don't.... it's everywhere... just... everywhere... what happened in here? How many films have been shot here... oh my goodness, it's on the tv... how'd they get it on the tv.... I'm just going to sleep in my car....

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