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what if... it wasn't taboo?

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a recent DM/PM discussion i've had led to an interesting topic. if peeing wasn't stigmatized, or taboo, what would do? like would your mindset, feelings, or actions change? how? 

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I'd say it'd still be as hot for me as it is now. Even if it would be "accepted", others would still not know it's a huge turn on for me to watch a woman pee for example. I'd still enjoy peeing myself to turn myself on too I think. I'd definitely do more naughty peeing, like peeing indoors or on myself just to have that indescribable feeling. I guess it would be much easier to tell who's really into it because they'd keep staring despite it being normal haha. Peeing in public would definitely feel much less like a thrill to me though.

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It probably would have caused me to never become interested in it above a certain extent therefore never choosing this as my outlet. Because a great part of the fascination and fun i get out of it stems from the fact that it is considered naughty, dirty and taboo.

Edited by Remi
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3 hours ago, Sophie said:

I think if it wasn't taboo I wouldn't enjoy it nearly as much. Like how much of a thrill do you get from sitting on the toilet like a good girl? If peeing in public became accepted and normal it would probably feel like sitting on the toilet. I like peeing outside or wetting myself because it's different, it's naughty. 

I agree with you Sophie. Some aspects of pee that others might find exciting aren't to me because they've become commonplace. For instance K and I have seen each other peeing, with an open door bathroom policy at home, for over 30 years and simply being in the same room as K when she pees does very little for me, unless we make it different or special in some way. But for others where that familiarity doesn't exist it might feel different and fun or arousing 

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I enjoy pee fun because I enjoy the sensation, view, entertainment. If it became more mainstream that would give me more of an opportunity to enjoy it. Taboo has a little influence but is not a major factor in my enjoyment.

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I think about this from time to time. One side of me says I would love it. I would love for myself and anyone else to be able to pee where they want, but I have to wonder when the fetish would turn itself off and it would just be normal. When would it just be an every day thing to watch someone pee in a corner or a clothing store and when would it turn me on? Or would I just be perpetually horny lol. 

The other side of me says it would not be fun because then the pees would never be naughty 🤣 I dunno. I would enjoy it for a while I'm sure! And I would definitely not think twice about peeing anywhere i want!

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If it weren't a taboo, I'd still enjoy it. Certainly more often, although probably not as intensely.

10 hours ago, Eliminature said:

Well I think I'd still be interested in it. If nothing else than because the mechanism of releasing urine uses the same muscles that are used during orgasm/ejaculation. The tensing and releasing of a full bladder feels good. 

Eli make a very good point. Even if there wasn't the thrill of breaking the rules, a sense of pleasure would still be involved.

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On 3/25/2022 at 6:07 PM, Sophie said:

I think if it wasn't taboo I wouldn't enjoy it nearly as much. Like how much of a thrill do you get from sitting on the toilet like a good girl? If peeing in public became accepted and normal it would probably feel like sitting on the toilet. I like peeing outside or wetting myself because it's different, it's naughty. 

I agree with Sophie.  The 'taboo' aspect of peeing certainly contributes to its enjoyability.  At the same time I think we have to be aware of the dividing line between fantasy and reality.  If people were allowed to simply let loose where and when they fancied, would it actually be all that enjoyable?  There would be no rule about using the toilet to kick against  and, with nothing to kick against, where would we be?  

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On 3/25/2022 at 12:03 PM, puddyls said:

a recent DM/PM discussion i've had led to an interesting topic. if peeing wasn't stigmatized, or taboo, what would do? like would your mindset, feelings, or actions change? how? 

I think for me it's so much more about the feeling of not running to a bathroom and just letting go. Or that fact that it's natural and such a relief. Also yhe sexual attraction of watching a woman pee. Not sure I would loose interest if it was considered normal.

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I feel like for it to not be completely taboo, there would have to be some loosening of the existing nudity taboo as well— otherwise most people would still think to hide when they go so others don’t see whatever bits they may or may not be packing. In such case, there would still be some element of naughty to it.

That being said, my interest in peeing mostly comes from my own pee shyness when I was younger— it was still a taboo in my own mind, whether I was somewhere “appropriate” or not, so I might still be the way I am, just… less so. 

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It's a plus/minus situation for me

  • I enjoy a naughty pee.  If it's not naughty any more, then it would be less fun.  That said, I can't imagine a "pee wherever you like" level of acceptance.  There will still be naughty opportunities but, as often happens in these circumstances, it could actually make it much riskier.  A little acceptance often hardens to definition of unacceptable.  This is an overall minus for the naughty pee enthusiast.
  • On the flip side, increased acceptance of peeing activity could make it easier to find a partner willing to experiment.  Pee sex could be viewed more like oral or anal sex.  Just something to try.  That would be a plus, since I've yet to find a partner willing to play that particular game.
  • Lastly, there are legitimate reasons not to allow people to just piss wherever they feel like, so a certain level of taboo is actually a good thing.  We just need to be reasonable and practical so that @puddyls can enjoy herself more openly for our shared benefit. 😎
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It wouldn’t lose all its appeal.

Walking barefoot on a sandy beach isn’t illegal or taboo, but has a similar earthy quality to spraying piss over a tree or a wall. We don’t stop gazing into a loved one’s eyes because eyes aren’t taboo. I find it hard to imagine nudity being less taboo would detract from much, either.

Would I appreciate @puddyls’s avatar less, were breasts less taboo? Gazing straight at the camera with one eye, the other hidden by a swish of hair like a wink, one nipple half-visible… 🥰 Um. What was I saying? I lost my train of thought there…

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On 3/26/2022 at 10:35 AM, Kupar said:

Have you been to the Isle of Wight?

Been to it? I’ve pissed on it! (And off it, into the sea, I mean, as opposed to saying I’ve pissed somewhere that wasn’t the Isle of Wight)

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On 3/26/2022 at 1:59 AM, gldenwetgoose said:

If it wasn’t taboo, I wonder where the boundaries would be set - would it be like smoking?

interesting point. and yes. this is a good analogy of what i meant by this topic. there are a wide variety of opinions on smoking. like not everyone does, nor does everybody enjoy being around smokers, but generally no one makes a big deal over it occurring. 

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