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Mom making son wipe pee

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Hi All Asking this here at it fits nowhere else My mom was adamant about me and other males in her care that they should wipe with toilet paper after a pee in order to 'avoid a drop in underwear'. I feel this is uncommon and there is no TP at urinals. My mom knows this but feels it is cleaner. Has anyone else ever heard of this o enforced it at certain times? Anyone else noticed pee drips in underwear etc?

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An incident where this has happened

There was a time where myself my mom and my sister were out somewhere many years ago. We were out for a while and soon after the need to pee it us. The first toilet we found was a public single use toilet with an automatic door which then locked once you were inside where you would push a button to lock it. We were all desperate and the toilet was in a fairly secluded-ish are so she said, 'me and your sister will use the loo inside, you have a pee round the back and aim against the stall. I had no issues with this and left it to them. My mom and sister went in so I walked around the back. Half way through my pee I heard the door open and then close and lock again and my sister came out. She said I have just finished on the toilet mom is on it now. She then said 'oh yeah mom gave me this to give to you, she said please use it',  and she handed me a small kleenex tissue. I said thanks as I had just finished gave it a wipe and then zipped up whilst we waited for our mom to come out. She did about 15 seconds later and said 'it is all good now we are relieved, did you use the tissue'? I said yes and she replied good lets get going then.

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I've never gotten in the habit of wiping after peeing, and certainly never been asked to. It seems like a rather pointless idea, too. Firstly, if the penis is really wet (from pee or just water) and a piece of toilet paper is dabbed against it to dry it, toilet paper can disintegrate into pieces that stick to the dry parts of the head/foreskin and make a bigger mess. And, the biggest problem with underwear drips (which DO happen) is pee that is trapped inside the body and squeezed out as walking or other movements shifts the pressure around--and a tissue can at best wick away moisture that is inside but close to the opening already.

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My mum didn't ever mention it to me and I've never used tissue to wipe my penis after peeing.   Yes, there are the occasional drips in clothing, but like @Carb0nBased said, I find that to be more dribbles afterwards rather than drops clinging to the end - those can be shifted with a quick shake and I find the best thing is to just wait a few secs and make sure everything is out - unless of course you want to have damp clothing, but that is a different subject.   If I do dribble a little, then it doesn't bother me anyway.   


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Yes - there are some drips from time to time, but absorbing those is part of the function of underwear really, isn't it? If it makes you feel more comfortable, I sometime wipe. I sleep naked and in the middle of the night I don't really want a few little drips down my leg or on the floor as I walk back to the bedroom. There's a time and a place 🙂 

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I always wipe, at least if I have toilet paper available. I usually pee through my foreskin so definitely need to wipe, and even if I retract my foreskin to pee there's usually a bit that's run under the glans or some still left in the tubes to blot out. There may be people who can pee and leave no trace on their skin, if so lucky them!

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I’ve not heard of this being guided/enforced. It seems a bad thing to insist your sons do because when they grow up a bit, urinals haven’t got any toilet paper, or anywhere to put it. I’ve occasionally wiped myself after peeing if I wasn’t wearing any underwear, but I don’t make a habit of it, and I’d never bother outdoors.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I remember a few times having friends come out of the men’s room with dribble marks on their trousers as they released a bit after finishing going. They hadn’t noticed and we all laughed at them at the time. I, as a mum, did give my boys toilet paper to give a quick wipe before getting dressed as I can’t see the harm. I guess it because it’s what we as women do so to me it’s normal, but also I don’t want them to have those dribbles like my friends did. I have also taught them to give it a little shake when toilet paper isn’t available though. As for it getting stuck, buy decent toilet paper 🤣

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6 minutes ago, Peewee123 said:

I have also taught them to give it a little shake when toilet paper isn’t available though. 

I was taught to give myself a shake, too. Of course, in some situations I may have taken it to excess.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/4/2021 at 7:35 PM, Peewee123 said:

I remember a few times having friends come out of the men’s room with dribble marks on their trousers as they released a bit after finishing going.

I have noticed that depending on the form of the urinal, there can be significant back-splash. As you said, embarrassing when wearing light trousers. Also, shaking may send the last dribbles all over the place: pants, floor, wall... That's one reason why I love peeing outdoors: no back-splash, no dribbles to clean from the wall and floor around the toilet, and if you're careful, trousers remain clean, too.

I admit to using toilet paper sometimes when on the toilet, or else wiping with my finger and washing my hands before putting "him" back and closing my pants.

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Don’t you all try pushing/squeezing under your balls  (like other side before your butt) after you finished?


if not or if so any update to see if that helps in some way?

sometimes it works for me sometimes not but If I’m not in the rush and outdoors I stand for a few more seconds after I finish, shake, squeeze the thing and then do the balls and squeeze any remaining drips out. There are male pads u can put in your boxers for it to adob the Pp. 

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On 10/15/2021 at 2:13 PM, Wolfpee said:

Don’t you all try pushing/squeezing under your balls  (like other side before your butt) after you finished?

I definitely do that regularly, except when there are others nearby (i.e. at a urinal in a crowded bathroom). It does help get the last bit out of the tubes, much more than wiping would.

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  • 1 month later...

I have a male friend who wipes after he pee's we were once both peeing into his toilet at his house when he did it and at that time to me it was odd because I'd always just been taught to shake it off... strange how differently people can be brought up. 

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27 minutes ago, M.Vixen said:

I know I’m rather lucky with my almost Barbie-ish very small labia, but even peeing sitting down, I don’t feel that the situation is much different from a guy who just took a piss, gives it a sqeeze and puts it back in his pants.


Just depends on your shape, I guess. Traditionally, guys are more likely to whip it out & pee against a wall or a tree or something, or into a urinal, and in either case there’s neither toilet paper to hand nor anywhere to get rid of it, so maybe it’s that as much as anything.

Edited by oliver2
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1 hour ago, oliver2 said:

Just depends on your shape, I guess. Traditionally, guys are more likely to whip it out & pee against a wall or a tree or something, or into a urinal, and in either case there’s neither toilet paper to hand nor anywhere to get rid of it, so maybe it’s that as much as anything.

Makes sense I guess. I wouldn’t be dragging tissues with me all day either is the toilet paper option wasn’t mostly available :’)

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  • 5 months later...

"No matter how much you shake and dance
The last few drops go down your pants."


Seriously, I've never wiped my prick after peeing, just shaken the last few drops off.

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I have also never heard of this.  When I finish peeing at home, I give Mr. Happy a shake, just like I do at a urinal, and I'm done.  I've noticed a rare drop of pee in my undies, but I've actually noticed more drops of pee in women's undies.  Probably one of the reasons we (male and female) wear (or should wear) undies. 

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