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Peeking while at the urinal

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I found this interesting article about people who break the "eyes front, no peeking" rule of Urinal Etiquette™, and there are some pretty good stories on there.


Have any of you ever snuck a glance at someone's goodies while taking a piss at the urinal? Compared sizes perhaps? 


EDIT: Probably should have posted this in Men Pissing, but oh well. Maybe I'll get some answers from closeted or open trans women who use urinals.

Edited by Ms. Tito
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Ive only ever done it once as a bar in Sydney, but it was more the layout of the urinal that made it easier. 
I’ve been tempted so many more times, especially in the last year or so since joining this site, but my main concern is the other person reacting angrily rather than taking it in a lighthearted or even likeminded way. 

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A favourite great-uncle told a story many years ago about a trip to London he'd taken. He had was in the gents' at a pub close to Westminster where politicians were known to attend (this was in the days when politicians weren't quite so remote from the people that they are supposed to represent than they are now). He happened to end up standing next to a well-known MP who had a reputation as a drinker. As he reported it to me later ... "And I can tell you, he dribbles there too."

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I've been tempted to peek, but always an eyes forward guy while at the urinal. Not everyone is as open minded as me and I wouldn't want to offend anyone 

I certainly wouldn't mind if someone was peeking at me

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29 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

back then was a lot harsher in my view of sexuality... Today, well even during the couple of years of membership my attitude has changed dramatically for the better.  

body image hangups that mean in my mind I always compare poorly to the guy next to me

People grow and change - just one of those things that happens. Or at least, should happen. What's the point otherwise?

And one quick thing: simple optics / perspective will tell you that when looking down at your own, you're likely to compare yourself unfavourably in size terms to when you're looking across at someone else's. To put it bluntly, your own dick tends to always look smaller to you than that of the guy standing next to you 🙂 

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I have no great desire to see men's equipment, but I have done in a few circumstances.   Getting changed in communal changing rooms is one where it is pretty much unavoidable.   Peeing at urinals, I don't have any fulfilment from seeing other men pee, so I don't tend to look, but I have sometimes noticed, particularly if the person is doing something slightly unusual like peeing hands free or standing well back from the urinal.  

I don't care if someone watches me pee - but I'd prefer it to be a woman.  I've certainly had a couple of times where I have been peeing at urinals and ladies have been queuing to use the cubicles in a men's toilet where I've noted them looking at the men at the urinal, so I take the nearest urinal to them and stand back a little so that they can enjoy the view.  I'm just a bit disappointed that they don't return the favour but choose to go in a cubicle and close the door.   I've also had a few cases where a woman has sneaked into the gents toilets when they are quiet and have come out of the cubicle to leave whilst I've been using the urinal and they have definitely sneaked glances.  One time a lady washed her hands and took a while about it whilst watching me in the mirror, getting a side on view.  I realised what she was doing as I could see her in the mirror and I just changed my angle a bit to give her a better view.  She never said anything but the look on her face said she was enjoying it.


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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/27/2021 at 3:44 AM, Ms. Tito said:

I found this interesting article about people who break the "eyes front, no peeking" rule of Urinal Etiquette™, and there are some pretty good stories on there.


Have any of you ever snuck a glance at someone's goodies while taking a piss at the urinal? Compared sizes perhaps? 


EDIT: Probably should have posted this in Men Pissing, but oh well. Maybe I'll get some answers from closeted or open trans women who use urinals.

I do it quite a lot, take a sneaky look 

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  • 1 month later...

These days- if I can do it without being obvious- then sure.

In my younger days I was 100% straight- no gray area. So no peeking.

As I got a bit older, I became more bi-curious. Haven’t had the chance to act on it yet - but would be willing.

As I got even older - I have started to see the beauty of all sexuality. All sexuality turns me on. I am turned on by sex with men/women/trans-men/trans-women.  

So now, if I get a chance to peek at the urinal - I will definitely do it (and would love to see a man/woman/trans-man/trans-woman).  All bodies are beautiful.

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  • 1 month later...
On 4/26/2021 at 10:44 PM, Ms. Tito said:

I found this interesting article about people who break the "eyes front, no peeking" rule of Urinal Etiquette™, and there are some pretty good stories on there.


Have any of you ever snuck a glance at someone's goodies while taking a piss at the urinal? Compared sizes perhaps? 


EDIT: Probably should have posted this in Men Pissing, but oh well. Maybe I'll get some answers from closeted or open trans women who use urinals.


I've done that several times. In high school I compared the sizes I had the third biggest penis out of the 10 guys at the urinal one time. 


Another time I did sneak peaks was during a baseball game. The urinals were open so you can see lots of dicks and I kind of liked it mine was around the biggest at the time. 


There was also a time at a trough urinal which had guys on both sides taking a piss and naturally you could see penises all over the place. You couldn't miss it. 


2 times trans girls have peed next to me and I could not help but look at what they had.

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  • 9 months later...

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