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The role of pee in your life: limited to internet forums, or present outside websites?

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Just curious. I realized that I tend to be a more reserved and quiet person, someone who you'd probably not assume to be into pee, so I was wondering if anyone is open about their fetish in real life (with a partner, close friend, etc.) to any extent.

- If not, what is holding you back? Would you ever tell?

- If so, with who? How do you feel about someone or multiple people knowing, and how did it go telling them?

I myself will probably never tell anyone since this is a personal thing for me. I prefer to be "open" with my fetish behind a screen, lol.

Edited by Abyz
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Im open about it, mostly with my wife but sometimes with others and it doesn’t really bother me. Im autistic and its always been really really hard for me to understand emotions or why something i say would make someone angry or uncomfortable etc. So i tend to be really blunt and one night my wife asked what is it that turns me on the most and i just told her its pee, then when she asked for details i explained it to her in great detail and that was that. As for does it bother me well no i’ve never in my life really cared what people think of me so if someone really wants to know i tell them but usually i just enjoy it myself.

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This is a good question @Abyz. And you are right @gldenwetgoose it does elicit responses that reveal people for who they are - a great deal more than comments on photos or videos or stories, or even in chat. It's why I love the "ask me anything" threads too. I like to think I have got to know you reasonably well over the last few months, but there are things in your answer that surprised me. The perspective of @Albionis is fascinating - thank you so much, but it's @Yawyd's position that probably corresponds most closely to my own: my wife is the only person that knows (apart from people on this site), and she's not really into it for her own enjoyment but I know I am hugely lucky that she's happy to play with me.

I can't see myself telling anyone else - except perhaps my (grown-up) children, who may or may not have guessed anyway: they are used to the other strange aspects of life at home of course. I am happy with the situation as it is, and as I'm in a monogamous long-term relationship the issue of talking about it with a potential lover isn't likely to come up. I think revealing kinks to others (friends, not lovers) in a conversation is a possibility, but a remote one for me, even though I am a pretty open person. For a start, while she is very tolerant of what happens on this site, I am sure my wife would be upset if it came up in conversation with our mutual friends (she's a more private person than I am and cares more what her friends think) and I wouldn't want that. 




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I didn't tell my now ex-wife - it would probably have hastened the end of our marriage! She didn't like anyone in the bathroom with her and I never saw her pee. 

I have only shared with one ex girlfriend before my marriage and that was because she admitted to being interested before me. We were talking about fetishes and peeing came up fairly quickly. 

I have remained single since my marriage broke down so haven't yet had to think about having the conversation yet. 

On here is the only other place I have shared my interest - knowing I am in good company with like minded people!

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I've written about this several times, but the only person who I know for sure knows about my fetish is my old High School ex boyfriend. He was not the greatest person to begin with, but when we started having sex I found I could be open with him about what I liked. Once I was comfortable with him I told him I was into pee, and he shamed me so bad. He would make these dumbass jokes about peeing inside of me while we were having sex and asked if it was wetting my pants as a kid that did it for me. It hurt a lot. So much so that I don't think I did much or any pee stuff in my head when I masturbated because I was just so ashamed of myself. From that day forward I didn't tell anyone about my fetish and I dont intend to tell anyone else either.

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My wife knows about it and has indulged me from time to time. And as indicated my the thread I did about her telling me stories, she is always on the lookout for me and will intimately tell me when she heard/sees anything pee related.

I also have two friends who know, and in turn I know things about them that will never be repeated.

In my younger days I was way more publicly brash about my peeing interest and so I think many people know or suspect based on that. But in recent years I have taken it entirely underground (I do go out for sightings sometimes but alone) and never discuss it except with the three people mentioned above and even then quite rarely. Every now and again if I see a perfect opening in a casual conversation I will try and take advantage of it, but those opportunities are few and far between.

The main reason that I don't ever bring it up is because honestly I can't help myself once I get started, and I find it impossible to see the line.  I can joke about many topics and see where it is going too far and stop but the truth is that when I start discussing peeing, I cannot stop or see the line.

As far as how I feel about people knowing I kind of don't care with two exceptions: 1) I wouldn't want my friends to ever be uncomfortable with it; and 2) I think it is looked down upon by the average person.

Edited by The99Club
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1 hour ago, Bacardi said:

I've written about this several times, but the only person who I know for sure knows about my fetish is my old High School ex boyfriend. He was not the greatest person to begin with, but when we started having sex I found I could be open with him about what I liked. Once I was comfortable with him I told him I was into pee, and he shamed me so bad. He would make these dumbass jokes about peeing inside of me while we were having sex and asked if it was wetting my pants as a kid that did it for me. It hurt a lot. So much so that I don't think I did much or any pee stuff in my head when I masturbated because I was just so ashamed of myself. From that day forward I didn't tell anyone about my fetish and I dont intend to tell anyone else either.

If there was a "care" or "hug" emoji @Bacardi I would have added it. You know how much I care x

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My partner knows and has indulged a little into this kink.. if she gets some liquor in her she lets me do almost anything I want she’s very submissive so I’ve took videos of me peeing in her drinks and gave them to her.. she will drink it all too. I also tell her all the time to not wipe after she’s done peeing let me lick it up lol. She only has let me a couple times but I know ima get her to do a lot more 💪🏽👍🏽 I’m pretty persuasive lol.

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It is a very personal thing, nothing you discuss at work.

Most of my intrest is secret, very personal but my girlfriend and some people at messenger knows about it.

My girlfriend think it is okay and she is performing to me somethimes when we are taking a shower or a bath.

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My partner knows, but doesn’t enjoy it herself. Other that that it’s one friend from years ago and friends I’ve met on here. 

I’ve been fortunate enough to have one or two friends who’ve been able to share some of this stuff with, but it’s mostly just online these days 😞

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Only my wife knows about my fetish, but she doesn't understand me. She doesn't want to pee in front of me, especially before sex, because it spoils her mood. Sometimes he does it for me, but reluctantly and not as I would like 🙁 I didn't tell any other friend about it, because it would be a disaster.

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I really need to preface this by saying that my interest in pee is more of a hobby (an activity which I enjoy in the way some people enjoy fishing) than a fetish (generally seen to mean " something unusual which generates sexual arousal").

While I've never specifically told anyone that have interest in pee (related activities), I have definitely hinted at it over the years with more than a few people.  As far as I'm aware none of them really viewed the things I've said as indicative of interest.  As to why I haven't specifically told anyone about my interest in pee: it is something which would seem to be socially unacceptable enough that I could see public knowledge of it potentially creating personal and professional difficulties...life is difficult enough, no reason to make it more so.  Will I ever tell someone: probably, really more a question of who and when.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Online and in the privacy of my own home are it for me. Nobody in my life knows.

I think what annoys me the most is that I'd be all set if my SO was into pee play. We're comfortable peeing in front of each other, he can pee with an erection (which gets me going), and he seems to hold frequently as a matter of stubbornness. He doesn't drink nearly enough fluids during the day to make me think he has an interest in peeing, though, so I've never brought it up. 

I would also say that holding isn't strictly a sexual thing for me. I do it fairly frequently throughout the day for short periods even if I'm not in a sexy mood or scenario. I don't know how to explain it, but sometimes having a full bladder is oddly comforting.

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7 hours ago, blankfuse said:

Online and in the privacy of my own home are it for me. Nobody in my life knows.

I think what annoys me the most is that I'd be all set if my SO was into pee play. We're comfortable peeing in front of each other, he can pee with an erection (which gets me going), and he seems to hold frequently as a matter of stubbornness. He doesn't drink nearly enough fluids during the day to make me think he has an interest in peeing, though, so I've never brought it up. 

I would also say that holding isn't strictly a sexual thing for me. I do it fairly frequently throughout the day for short periods even if I'm not in a sexy mood or scenario. I don't know how to explain it, but sometimes having a full bladder is oddly comforting.

I know totally what you mean there - each of us know our significant other better than anyone, so only we can judge how us opening our souls on the pee interest would go.

In my mind I often play out conversations which could steer in the direction of linking pee to arousal - like maybe discussing the being turned on with the peeing erection, or 'does it sound weird that needing a wee sort of feels nice?', but in reality those discussions never seem to get further than my inner voice either.

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16 hours ago, blankfuse said:

Online and in the privacy of my own home are it for me. Nobody in my life knows.

I think what annoys me the most is that I'd be all set if my SO was into pee play. We're comfortable peeing in front of each other, he can pee with an erection (which gets me going), and he seems to hold frequently as a matter of stubbornness. He doesn't drink nearly enough fluids during the day to make me think he has an interest in peeing, though, so I've never brought it up. 

I would also say that holding isn't strictly a sexual thing for me. I do it fairly frequently throughout the day for short periods even if I'm not in a sexy mood or scenario. I don't know how to explain it, but sometimes having a full bladder is oddly comforting.

Lots of echoes here for my own situation, though I'm the man and my SO is the woman.  We are comfortable and often pee in each other's presence, but she is unaware of my considerable interest.  Yes, we've talked about the general subject but she's so clearly uninterested we never really got to the point of my specific interest.  Definitely not something to fight about.

Strangely, she accuses me all the time about not drinking enough.  Maybe that's just a guy thing.  I don't drink much but my pee is a normal light straw colour.  Maybe I just retain water (she calls me a camel ... it could have been worse, lol).

Holding on its own is uninteresting to me.  Holding when I'm out in public is intentional because I want to be "forced" to find a naughty place to pee.  Of course, that's just another thing that I don't talk about.  Talking to everyone about the fun I had being really sneaky and successfully peeing in public without anyone noticing seems to be somewhat contradictory. 

Therefore, though pee holds a central position in my life and my identity, it's very definitely my superpower and nobody else knows about it.  Except the likeminded people here, of course.  😎

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I guess I would start out by saying that I’m not one inclined to divulge or attempt to share my pee desires or habits with others anymore than I would my masturbatory habits until I was very comfortable with the person. That being said, I have shared my pee aspirations and cravings with my wife, two previous girl friends, and one co-worker over my life time. What holds me back from being more forthcoming? The same reason for not wanting to share other personal intimate desires of my life or sexual practices- fear of rejection I guess.


When I was much younger (3 decades ago lol), I shared my desire with my wife who was very accommodating but unfortunately shared no personal interest in it herself. As a result, after awhile I just never pursued or brought it up again. While I hold no resentment (I have no right to, it’s not her fault she doesn’t share my same desires) I still, none the less, harbor a yearning for an outlet.  For me that’s being and contributing here and masturbation.


I was fortunate in my early youth to encounter two different girlfriends who expressed an interest in peeing games and made the FIRST overtures so I have always been aware that there ARE females who share my same peeing fetish and desires-  but I’ve also come to realize that females are much more reluctant to initiate such behavior for whatever reasons. I think my life experience of having two different gals show an interest in pee activities before me pursuing the same gave (and still gives)  me a certain amount of confidence to approach a gal if the “stars are in alignment” so to speak.


I had a co-worker who fit that bill perfectly.  We were very close and could share our most intimate details. We eventually got to the point where we elected to satisfy each other’s needs and wants without ever crossing the unspoken line of intercourse. Not being pious or pretending to think that put me (or us) on the higher moral ground- it was just a matter of principal for us. We both had spouses and we were not in “love” but we were still intimate.  She would pee for me and liked doing it while her fetish was she liked being rimmed and I was the only guy who would (and loved) to push his tongue into her anus. It helped because she was older, and like most women her age, bladder weakness was an issue for her. She was very self conscious about it. The first time she agreed to pee for me, before she pulled her slacks down to sit on the toilet, she tried to warn me she was wearing a pad for leaks. When I told her I was fine with it, she looked uneasy. I pulled my pants down and my penis stood up and out. I smiled at her and said “see?” From then on it was game on.  EVERY time she masturbated, she would involuntarily spray her pee and I was loving it. She loved to get on all fours and I would come up behind her and bury my face in her ass. Once my tongue penetrated her anal opening, she would massage her clit like a crazy lady and spray pee every where lol. It was wonderful…but I digress.


That’s why I’m here. I live through others here vicariously as well as hold out the thought that I may one day again find someone I can share a pee relationship with. Until then, I use here, porn, and masturbate but keep it to myself.


Too much information?😁
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  • 1 month later...
On 5/4/2021 at 11:40 AM, Sexismygod said:

Lots of echoes here for my own situation, though I'm the man and my SO is the woman.  We are comfortable and often pee in each other's presence, but she is unaware of my considerable interest.  Yes, we've talked about the general subject but she's so clearly uninterested we never really got to the point of my specific interest.  Definitely not something to fight about.

Strangely, she accuses me all the time about not drinking enough.  Maybe that's just a guy thing.  I don't drink much but my pee is a normal light straw colour.  Maybe I just retain water (she calls me a camel ... it could have been worse, lol).

Holding on its own is uninteresting to me.  Holding when I'm out in public is intentional because I want to be "forced" to find a naughty place to pee.  Of course, that's just another thing that I don't talk about.  Talking to everyone about the fun I had being really sneaky and successfully peeing in public without anyone noticing seems to be somewhat contradictory. 

Therefore, though pee holds a central position in my life and my identity, it's very definitely my superpower and nobody else knows about it.  Except the likeminded people here, of course.  😎

You're probably braver than me because I've never brought it up with my SO at all. Sometimes I toy with the idea of sharing because the worst I'd get out of him is good-natured laughter, but we'll see. 

If your pee is light yellow then you're drinking enough water whether your SO thinks so or not! Lol. It does seem like a guy thing to underconsume liquids, though, if the men in my life are any indication. It's fair to say I drink more water than I need to but most of the men I know are never properly hydrated. 

I have to be careful not to be too intentional with my holding in public, because as soon as I start fantasizing while holding I'm useless. 😆 Having a full bladder just ends up being my default state. All my life, it's like there's always been something: mother trying to control my bathroom access in public when I was small, impatient teachers in high school, caffeine addiction through much of my adulthood so far...always something. Always. Familiarity has bred comfort.

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On 5/4/2021 at 3:55 AM, gldenwetgoose said:

I know totally what you mean there - each of us know our significant other better than anyone, so only we can judge how us opening our souls on the pee interest would go.

In my mind I often play out conversations which could steer in the direction of linking pee to arousal - like maybe discussing the being turned on with the peeing erection, or 'does it sound weird that needing a wee sort of feels nice?', but in reality those discussions never seem to get further than my inner voice either.

What I might do one day is test my luck. I think I can get away with telling my SO I think it's hot when he pees with a boner because I can play innocent if he reacts weirdly. What I'm telling him is honest and he has no way of telling when I formed my opinion, right? 


Sometimes I have to wonder if he's dropping hints that I'm refusing to pick up on, though. He playfully "forbids" me to use the bathroom pretty regularly and he'll make up excuses to keep me talking until I squirm lightly when I try to leave the room. He also regularly pokes fun at how often I have to pee. I don't let myself read into those things too heavily because it could very easily be a matter of seeing the situation the way I want to see it rather than the way it actually is.

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