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Boys peeing outside

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On ‎12‎/‎1‎/‎2018 at 12:03 AM, Lilly bowman said:

Guys, tell me about times you’ve had to go pee outside. Like where you were, who was with you or caught you etc...

It's boys only uh? 😁

You sound cool...

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I was desperate to pee at a watersports centre, quite appropriate, but wanted to do outside rather than the gents. So went into a wooded area very close by and then into sort of hollow there. Opened my flies and gasped with relief and let go. Towards the end I heard a rustling sound. Zipping up my flies a bit too hastily I wet myself a little and walked out if the hollow trying to look nonchalant,and failing. A lady with a dog gave me a curious and not too friendly look,. so I walked away quickly, not sure if she saw anything 

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I was driving thru the Western part of New York State at night.  There is not much out there and I needed to Pee.  There wasn't going to be a rest area for many miles, and I saw no need to become more uncomfortable, so I pulled over the the side of the highway close to the guard rail, got out of the car and walked around to the guardrail, got out my Dick and Peed next to the guardrail.

When I got back in the car my wife stated that she didn't know if she could do that.  Well, I didn't say anything, but I thought to myself that if she became desperate that I would tell her that it was night and there are no cars on the road.  She could lower her Jeans and Panties put her butt on the running board and do her number.

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8 minutes ago, bpb said:

I was driving thru the Western part of New York State at night.  There is not much out there and I needed to Pee.  There wasn't going to be a rest area for many miles, and I saw no need to become more uncomfortable, so I pulled over the the side of the highway close to the guard rail, got out of the car and walked around to the guardrail, got out my Dick and Peed next to the guardrail.

When I got back in the car my wife stated that she didn't know if she could do that.  Well, I didn't say anything, but I thought to myself that if she became desperate that I would tell her that it was night and there are no cars on the road.  She could lower her Jeans and Panties put her butt on the running board and do her number.

Bpb hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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On 12/2/2018 at 2:22 AM, pinkbunny19 said:

I have caught several guys peeing outside.3 in alleys,2 by their car,1 in a doorway and 1 behind a tree.I think it is really hot to see guys peeing.I also have held a number of guys while they peed.

I bet those guys enjoyed it haha

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I'm not sure about 'had to go pee outside' in the sense of absolute desperation - on my way home from a pleasant morning's cycle ride, after a coffee stop or two and sipping from the juice bottle, I was comfortably full.

On a lovely early spring day, with fresh air and an empty country lane - it would have been rude not to stop and create this little puddle wouldn't it?



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  • 1 month later...

I like to go running along nature trails in the city. Oftentimes I’ll duck into one of the “bathroom” spots behind bushes or out of sight from the trail. I’ll pee into the river, into bushes or grass, against a tree trunk and watch the pee run down  and puddle. 

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  • 1 month later...

Loads of times often whenever I go out I always need to piss so mostly just go in an alley or a corner somewhere. Don’t think I’ve ever been caught but always wanted to be and usually alone.

Edited by Bob1992
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  • 2 years later...
Guest UnabashedUser
28 minutes ago, dltq said:

en times I'll "save it up" when I go biking just so I can stop in the forest and take a leak. Ahhhh...

Same. There's a wooded bike path nearby and I'll saddle up sometimes when I have to pee just to do there and take one.

Added bonus: sometimes there's remnants of tissue, used tampons or filled condoms at the end of the trail.  Good place to take a whiz.

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  • 3 months later...
On 11/30/2018 at 6:03 PM, Lilly bowman said:

Guys, tell me about times you’ve had to go pee outside. Like where you were, who was with you or caught you etc...

"Had to" is not the issue.  If I'm outside at night and I have to pee, I pee.  I will sometimes do it during the day but I never hesitate at night.  Usually somewhat discreet about it (like leaning against the hood of my car and peeing in the tire well).  But, when I leave a stripper bar and have to pee, I just stand parallel to my car and let go a nice long stream.   Guess I don't feel a need for discretion around all that nudity. :)   

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Got an experience from last night
I was was waiting up last night to pick my partner up from a party she had attended. She messaged to say pick me up at midnight. I had been drinking a lot of sodas and caffeine to keep myself awake ready to pick her up as well as her sister and her friend too. It is about a 15-20 minutes drive and the areas where she lives and where the party also is are quite rural and are just small villlages dotted about between fields.
I left and within about 5 minutes of leaving the urge to pee just came on suddenly. Being aware of the time, I thought I should just go pick them up first. I got to the location and tried ringing her but no answer. There were many people leaving this party (all female) so I had no where to just go and and have a pee. After waiting for 5-10 minutes my partner and her sister and friend came. After driving 10 minutes to drop her sister off my partner noticed me squirming. It would be another 7-8 minutes to her house and her friend only lived around the corner. 
My partner asked if I was ok and I told her I have been bursting for the loo since pretty much I left and that her delay off 5-10 minutes at the party didn't help.
I also couldn't drive fast on the way back as her sister is heavily pregnant so that didn't help also.
I explained this to her and said I am on the verge now. She said just pull over in the fields and go. I didn't know her friend so well so thats what was making me apprehensive first but her friend said 'your a man, you are lucky you can just stand and go'
I pulled over and had a minute long pee next to the car, which was very liberating. I shook up well as I had nothing to wipe with and put 'him' away.
I got back in the car and my partner and her friend were like you must have been bursting you have been gone for about a minute or so. I told them I now feel very relaxed and drove the last 5 minutes back.

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I’m not a guy obviously but overheard and saw some guy pissing for the first time since.. way too long ago :’) 

Yesterday quite late at night I was waiting for a connecting train at a surprisingly busy train station, for the time of night. I had too pee myself (not very urgent, but it would have been nice), and I just sat there pondering that next time when going out I should bring open crotch tights to put on for the evening, traveling home when it was much colder than during the day.

I then overheard a group of guys near me, one of them saying that he really had to piss. One of the other guys mentioned that the train wouldn’t be there for another 10 minutes and something like ‘sucks for you, dude’. There was a pause in the conversation then before the first guy changed his voice and attitude up a notch to ‘badboy’ and he said “yeah no way man, I’m not gonna wait for that”.  My interpretation was that he had to go quite badly but he didn’t want to lose his cool being with his friends. He then walked about 20 meters away on the platform, where there were no people -still in bright light though, I had a front row seat pretty much- and making no effort to find a more secluded place faced a wall in an unmistakeable piss stance. I figured he either really didn’t give a fuck or réally had to piss very badly. I casually glanced left a couple of times during what I think was about a minute, expecting that his piss would soon be very visible on the grey tiles on the floor, but nothing happened. Two guys working for a train company then appeared from the other side, walking his way. I think one of them made a comment to him but they were apparently not in the mood for conversations about etiquette so late at night and walked past him. The guy zipped up though, and walked back to his friends. Leaving a very tiny wall stain and equally small puddle on the platform. I lost sight of them in the crowd but I think he probably got stage fright and was still very much in need of a pee after his endeavor..

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Did it this morning. I have an earlier shift at work now, so I end up going for the bust before 6 in the morning. Streets tend to be empty on weekends, so without taking my morning pee I left earlier than I had to to get to the bus stop, then let loose into the street, hidden by the closest available minivan. 

As an added bonus, it had rained last night and the asphalt was still wet, so any evidence was already hidden. 

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Had an episode today.
Had to look after my partners dogs and as I was working from home and no one else available I said I would look after them.
I took them for a walk in the fields close by when I needed a pee.
Hell if the dogs can do it, so can I.
Took 'him' and had a nice 30 seconds watering the grass. 
Was extremely relaxing.
Took my time shaking off all the pee on penis and put him away again and finished off the walk.

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I went to meet my sis and her husband for a walk and a catch-up. Me and husband needed to pee so he went off to go but I held on and not said anything. About an hour in I really need to go bad and announce it, since they know the area and I don’t, says there is a public toilet to which I was saddened to hear. As we walked to the public toilet block but it was closed so I was so happy that I didn’t have to use the loo. They said go behind the bush So nipped behind the bush and peed there while they just carried on walking. It felt like forever and felt great and didn’t care if anyone saw me or knew what I was up too. Since I don’t live in the area I won’t see them again. 

Edited by Wolfpee
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Overseas, on holiday, I wanted to visit a site where there were many ancient ruins in a large area.  Nobody else was interested, so I went on my own.  I was free to spend as much time as I liked, so I wandered all over the place.  After quite a while, I found I really needed to relieve myself.  It was all out of doors, very open, and there were quite a few visitors.  And no toilets, unless I walked back into the town.  

It seemed disrespectful to literally piss on the archaeology.  I wondered if I could find a secluded place.  The problem was this.  Most of the paths were quite open, with the only shelter coming from the ruins themselves.  Even when I found myself out of sight from others, there could be someone only yards away, inside a ruin, or around a corner.  If I were to unzip, pull out my cock and spray the ground, it could lead to an unexpected encounter with a stranger.  It wouldn't bother me too much, but it might upset them.

I started to walk back towards the town, hoping I'd find a bar or cafe before too long, as I was now feeling as if I might burst.  Although it was still very warm, the sky had clouded over, and, shortly, large raindrops began to fall.  I hadn't dressed for rain.  It became a shower, and my summer shirt and trousers started to soak it up.  I wondered if I might be brave enough just to wet myself, if the rain got a little heavier.

Reader, a few minutes later, I did just that.  I looked down and saw that the fabric of my trousers was damp pretty much all over.  So I stopped walking, and checked the coast was clear.  I could see nobody.  

It took me a moment or two before I could start releasing my pee into my y-fronts.  It was as if my bladder was telling me, 'no, you need to feel fresh air on your dick before the valve will open.'  But then the flow started and I felt warmth around my cock, my balls and the tops of my thighs.  A moment or two later, and I was pissing properly in my clothes.  I felt the hot liquid swirling around my dick and my groin, running down the inside of my legs, and over my feet and through my toes.  (I wore waterproof sandals, in case you were wondering.)

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