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Everything posted by WateryMoose

  1. Sounds like you got lots of stories to tell... I wouldn't mind sharing dms with you 👀
  2. That's an interesting anecdote, actually I almost had the same experience except I didn't build a toilet at all and went outside raw XD
  3. Somebody is really receiving lots of praise 😛
  4. Well kudos to you too! As well as @sunny.puppy of course, may I ask what prompted you to start using them?
  5. Don't hesitate to dm me if you're curious about anything
  6. This sounds great, I also think about a similar layout but with me (I'm a guy) as part of the 69 while the other girl fucks the other with a strapon
  7. Incredibly hot stories! It's always better to pee with friends in the outdoors, that reminds me a time when I was busted peeing while orienteering by a female friend... interesting stuff ensued if I'm being honest XD don't hesitate to ask for details 😛
  8. As you said, men will be men and if there aren't enough public toilets, they will just make do of every corner they find suitable. If I have to go and nothing is available I guess I'd just do it as well xD
  9. To answer this question, I have to go back a bit in time to tell you the context. That happened a few years ago when I was taking japanese lessons. Now, I was still in the middle of college back then, and the school I was taking these lessons at were at the polar opposite of the town, so I had no time to lose when I left college to get there. A particular day had been very dense with the lectures, so I haven't managed to hit the bathroom for hours, nor have I been able to take a leak upon arriving at this school. So I attended the lesson, two hours long of feeling my bladder inflating. You may
  10. Beautiful relief and penis there, looks like you needed that 😁
  11. Honestly my answer is quite different from yours... the more I reflect on it, the more I feel I always was "into it" somehow, like I've always found it fun to pee anywhere but a toilet, and with time going on (and one or two partners to try things with) it just led me to discover the variety of stuff you can do with mee haha.
  12. I am a male from France When I need to pee I prance Whipping out my meat Spraying anything in front of it Doing so my heart beats in a trance How's that? XD
  13. Been there, done that XD kudos to your stepdad for overtly doing it haha
  14. Poor me couldn't help but make a pit stop to piss... only to be unable to aim at the bowl 😁
  15. I was vacationing these last days in a pretty region. At some point during the trip, I found myself needing to piss so I stopped at a rest area and decided to trash it 😈
  16. Yeah I think we're many to share this view to be honest, and sometimes you just can't hold it even if you're quite close to your home so you gotta improvise
  17. I painted the entire inside of the booth with my pee, and no I don't believe my mother spotted it, I just went for the most secluded spot possible xD
  18. Yeah I totally get what you mean, when I see a dude taking a pee (which is more or less "frequent" here), I can help but feel my heart thumping, same goes when I'm the one peeing XD
  19. Most of the time I prefer to use urinals rather than the stalls, in which case I unzip and pull my entire package out (more for comfort than showing off tbh). If I use a stall, I sometimes send a few gushes either on the walls or on the ground hehe.
  20. When I was much younger we'd go to a fair that was set up on november here, during one of our trip there I remember being desperate to pee and my mother told me to head behind a stand to relieve it, I eventually landed inside a booth-sort of thing and peed there XD
  21. And first European to join here, France
  22. Same for me, I'd go from/to school by foot and walk past an area with trees and bushes so if the need arose I'd just go there.
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