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Everything posted by WateryMoose

  1. Time for me to contribute on here: This happened yesterday, let me detail you as precisely as possible how the events unfolded. We went to a mall with my mother during the afternoon, I had lots of soda and water at lunch (we have large cups at home). Feeling like I could still store some content in the tank and wanting to do a hold, I drank another large cup just before departing. The trip lasted like 10 minutes and I started to feel the pressure increasing, but I didn't squirm into my seat just yet. When we arrived and entered the store, I was starting to feel desperate already, but
  2. I can't say anything but get behind what you just stated, porn isn't much of my thing either, and it's even more decreasing by now. Nowadays if I'm getting off with something it's either stories of fellow peefans here... or well, content they provide 😛
  3. I'd say it's the only fetish I watch porn of, I sometimes watch vanilla porn but I mostly get off with stories hehe
  4. The more I think about it the more I believe I won't be able to enjoy a long term relationship with somebody who isn't into it 😅
  5. Great content! Lovely-looking peen and stream 😛
  6. Careful not to wet everything around you by making the diaper overflow tho 😛
  7. As a still fairly new member I can definitely say that most people here (at least for the regularly active one) are extremely well-intentioned and benevolent. I believe this goes also for me and just as as the others said I hope you'll never encounter such asses like this upon peeing. If I had been the guy needless to say I would've apologized and stated that I was desperate as well before keeping a distance as large as possible before peeing as well to ensure privacy for both of us. My guess is that this guy was either drunk, high or both at the same time (explaining why he lost balance)
  8. Man your story is just great, not a single flaw, you wrote it in a perfect way to make the reader understand how desperate you were and how aroused you felt by pissing it all out
  9. Fair, though I suppose that if your boss pees wherever he wants in his house he wouldn't have too much bother to accept it from his maid too, at least I'd find it logical
  10. Then would you also find secluded corners of the house and pee there before mopping it :p?
  11. While outdoors urination seems to be less frowned upon here compared to the US, I personally don't think it's really a "manly" thing to do it inside an apartment block that's actually inhabited. However, the video seems to have been filmed in Russia, in some parts especially in the Far East you often have plumbing problems due to poor maintenance, so there's maybe a link with that.
  12. Honestly this is common in pretty much all of Europe, as somebody from Western Europe I can testify xD
  13. Then I suppose each stream should be measured and examined so we can determine who is "fit" to water the flowers and veggies
  14. Just remember that while urine contains nitrogen that helps plants grow, too much actually kills them, so it's a matter of measure haha. Though well, if you have weeds that need to be plucked then I'd happily volunteer to help contributing in that effort, I agree with everything that you said here.
  15. Looking forward to hear from this 😛
  16. So, it's time for me to tell about one of the experiences I've had that are linked with pee. This takes place a few years ago when I was 19, I've been already an avid outdoors pisser since long but this was the first time when it was really something else. My ex-bf of the time was a very outdoorsy guy, and he loved to take a stroll in a forest not too far from his home every now and then, and while being much less sporty than him I'd sometimes go with him when I was at his place. A part of that forest was very frequented and "people-friendly", while another was way more rugged and wild, y
  17. Well certainly, if it's my own property or somewhere private I'd much rather pee besides the pool like in bushes or something. In large public pools however, at least the ones I've been to, half of the bathrooms were broken and they are often located in the complete opposite direction so yeah, much less easy to relieve it properly.
  18. Geez we desperately need more girls like you haha, if I have sons in the future I'd prefer to raise them this way too
  19. Yeah that's something I didn't have the chance to have haha, but that's great for you. Now in some countries they're even trying to discourage the men from peeing standing up in stalls, that's just stupid if you ask me
  20. That's what I've seen apparently yeah, though mine always kinda scolded me when I relieved it in the backyard or elsewhere
  21. Well thank you for your poll, apparently I'm average when it comes to "naughty peeing" when at a swimming pool or a water park, tho I suppose the results were to be expected here 🤣
  22. Well yeah but it's also linked to degradation so idk
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