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Everything posted by WateryMoose

  1. This is a really nice pee, I do it very often too hehe
  2. Funnily enough that reminds me when we did orienteering in high school, much like you we had a forest at our disposal for the actual practice, but we didn't have loos nearby xD I knew most people held it but I couldn't be bothered so most of the time when I felt the need, I would step away from the trail and piss on a tree
  3. If somebody comes bothering you again like this, don't hesitate to notify the staff so that they can make things clear with them 😠
  4. My suggestion would be to just list what is ok and what isn't in your "about me" section, I have an irl female friend who's also on peefans and this is what she's considering doing as well
  5. That's fair hehe, also I would let you peek on me if you wanted
  6. If I was there I would definitely be using that spot too hehe
  7. I wasn't technically working as a delivery guy but as part of something I did for my college I toured my city a lot, talking to people and distributing tracts and such It did happen to me, when it was dark or something to have a pee while doing that I don't know if somebody saw me but if they did either they liked the view or didn't care XD
  8. While I like and have used both, I would say I prefer to pee into bushes because first you get better coverage, and also you get to see the leaves glisten under your piss hehe, and I find the sound better too
  9. As others I've sometimes peed into a bottle when traffic was crazy. I also did it once when I was absolutely bursting when I was staying at a friend's place, but there were a lot of people sleeping and I couldn't use the bathroom since the flush would have made everybody wake up
  10. I love to do that too, as a guy it certainly feels different but the arousal is the same. Feeling my bladder bursting as I tug on my cock just multiplies my arousal hehe
  11. You make such great content dude hehe, it's obvious your bladder is large, I wonder if you could have some outside/naughty pees in the future 😛
  12. This sounds great, meanwhile for me I was actually encouraged to spray the hedge that bordered the backyard XD If you want more pee-related anecdotes from me don't hesitate to dm
  13. Did she spot you peeing on the grass next to it? XD
  14. That's what I did at a friend's place, he told us to pee in the backyard rather than go back to the house and tracking water everywhere, so we did
  15. Man you really spoil us with all these sexy gifs hehe
  16. Since I'm well hydrated and have to hold it for long, I almost always let out a sigh when I pee, even when I have a naughty pee
  17. What if it is with a big pee that's being released outside or somewhere naughty? 😛
  18. Hehe I see, yeah peeing in the great outdoors is part of the pleasure to attend a festival, I did that quite often so if you're curious don't hesitate to come discuss it
  19. Oh, tell us how it went please! Were there many people not using the portapottys?
  20. It is wonderful to have you back on here, if I remember well we've joined peefans more or less at the same time. The fact that you're open minded and say openly that you like the content people post here is great, and if you want to hear my personal stories (which I've got quite a few hehe), don't hesitate to reach me! In all cases, welcome back 😄
  21. I hope the poor dude will be able to clean this mess before his parents get home XD That's pretty hot story, everybody decides to let loose where they want
  22. Sadly no picture or video to go with it, but today there was a street festival in my town and I went there with a few friends. As you can imagine, beer and other drinks flowed intensely, and since I hold alcohol pretty well the only discomfort I experienced was bladder-related. So thrice, I went to pee in some secluded street corners, with other guys doing the same XD I also saw some girls doing it too
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