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Everything posted by Takashi96

  1. I would be all over that and you wouldn't even have to kill anybody. I'd even piss inside you if you wanted me to.
  2. Yes! And what a woefully underappreciated act it is. I've had two past partners that let me wipe them. The first one let me with toilet paper and my tongue. The second one just with paper and only on one occasion. The intimacy of wiping is so fucking erotic!! Especially if you're looking into each other's eyes. Licking is just nasty. Like hot nasty. When she would stand up from the toilet still dripping. Still, in every case, I was the one requesting it. The one mildly begging to do the wiping. I've never had a partner ask me to wipe her. It's a long time fantasy though. I guess it'
  3. This is a weird scenario for me because I'm so closeted about this fetish. But if I somehow learned that a female or transmale friend was also into piss play and wanted a partner, I would totally have a FWB thing with her/him. As long as they promised to keep it on the downlow.
  4. I was surprised that more women like to be peed on than those who like doing the peeing.
  5. Yes, there are. I don't know what percentage. But there's almost always at least one trans person on whenever I am. I'm not trans, but have been dealing with gender dysphoria since about the age of three. So I have that going for me. Welcome to the community!!! I'm so glad you're here. I honestly wasn't intending to sound that much like Mr. Rogers. Nor will I apologize for it. ;⁠-⁠)
  6. Welcome to the site!!! Your origin story is extremely relatable. Except in my case it was curiosity about girls when they went to pee out of sight.
  7. I was just curious if you were one of those elite, stand up, no she-wee for me, with girlfriends who are in awe of your skills, types? Either way, that's still an awesome story!
  8. That's awesome! Do any of your friends know that you can pee standing up?
  9. I always do my morning pee while brushing my teeth.
  10. Welcome to the site!!! I strongly agree with your sentiment about willing consent in porn. There's nothing less arousing than content produced by hostages of circumstance. As to why we are drawn to this fetish? There are numerous theories, which you will find all over this site. I think you will get a lot out of your membership here.
  11. That was beautifully executed! I absolutely felt your anxiety about being caught in a compromising situation. Along with being in the difficult position of having to pee somewhere against your personal rules. I too have been in a work situation where I had no choice but to pee in a container used for produce. Likewise, I couldn't use enough dish soap and bleach to clean it out afterwards. It's tricky when you have a piss fetish, but then find yourself forced to urinate in an undignified way. It's like this whole intersection of contradictory emotions. Reading it as an employee who's been
  12. It's really difficult to pick the "strangest place" when it comes to this population. I can't think of anyplace or anything I've peed on that hasn't been pissed on (or in) by other members of this forum. Let's see. Anyone else have- Walk in ATM? Drinking fountain? Sauna rocks?
  13. I used to watch the footage from Bay to Breakers every year when it was at its peak of unmanageable. Never got to go when it was still chaotic.
  14. In light of my own family history I probably shouldn't consume any addictive substances either. Luckilly I rarely crave anything anymore. But man, being a drunk sure did provide me with a lot more sightings than I probably would have had otherwise.
  15. It read as too fake to actually be fake which is why it was so believable. When a cute stranger walks up to you and asks you to stand in front of her while she pees, it almost feels like divine intervention. But then you're like "why would the lord send a girl who wants to pee in front of me?" I'm not even a good person. It's hard to be solo at stuff like that. Especially if you don't drink. Alcohol helps defuse the self consciousness. I don't think I've ever had peeing with stranger experiences while sober?
  16. This story is so unbelievable! It reads like a classic example of what an eager male piss fetishist would wish happened at an EDM event. In fact, I'd be inclined to dismiss it as an awkward horny fantasy. However... I've been to EDM festivals! So I totally believe it. EDM events are where dreams become reality. I was once at an EDM festival when this cute girl, a complete stranger, approached me and asked "Um, excuse me. Can I pee in front you?" Because apparently I give off strong "stranger who will block you when you need to pee" vibes. I mean, of all the thousands of attendees she coul
  17. I do a shake shake shake, followed by a long forward squeeze. Almost like I'm wringing it out. I always have one stubborn drop that waits until I'm exiting the facilities to make its escape into my boxers. If I'm outside I complete the shake and squeeze with a helicopter. Whup! Whup! Whup! I launch my final droplets into the ether like some obscure fertilization ritual that the Vatican has been covering up for centuries.
  18. I also hate the bad acting and the pissers pretending to be turned on. But I really hate those mean spirited, shame based videos. Where the star is obviously disgusted by the idea of peeing on camera. By the way, I'm excluding the ones who are doing a femdom style act. I'm talking about the ones who are like "this is pretty gross, but I get a lot of requests, so I'll pee for you guys." Or like "if this is what you weirdos jack off to, I'll do it."
  19. I admire your spirit sir! However, I must confess that based off your username, I am forced to imagine you as either a bi-pedal horse or a centaur. Not that either of those forms are undesirable.
  20. I have a job in the medical field where I have to be clean when dealing with patients.
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