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Everything posted by LovesToWet

  1. "Come for a run", my mate said "It'll be a steady pace" he said 10k later and I'm knacker. Wasn't expecting to run that far. I'm never trusting him again!
  2. I've done both and they are both just as exciting. I've only done it once though but I'd love to do it again, and that's both watch and be watched. Have you ever had a threesome (or more)?
  3. What a great topic, love a nice peachy bum
  4. Pulled into yet another lay-by for a pee, decided to get my phone out and do I a little filming for everyone's pleasure. What I didn't realise until l I edited the video was the public footpath sign. Glad no-one came through otherwise I don't know how I would have explained filming myself lol https://www.erome.com/a/qr8pEM2l
  5. Making GIFs again, but outdoors this time. Still getting used to the app so quality is great.
  6. It's not my 1st thought in the morning but I suppose it could be fun but only if my bed is protected otherwise no.
  7. @Kupar @Sophie I was thinking later in the year, maybe September/October time
  8. If you can't beat em, join em
  9. I'd would post a pic of myself, but I feel a little insecure now
  10. I started running last year, normally run between 3-4.5 miles once or twice a week as well as biking 1-2 times a week. I've done 1 10k so far and got another in 4 weeks. Ran the 1st 1 in 55:33 which left ok.
  11. I fancy a challenge and that normally involves a long bike ride but quite fancy a running 1 instead. How tough is it to go from 10k to a half marathon?
  12. Then that's all I would wear all day, just tight boxers like what you posted. I'd be sat in my kitchen or garden all day so the clean up would be easy lol.
  13. Found this on twitter...looks very sexy
  14. Playing around with a GIF maker, slowly getting used to this modern world lol
  15. Do people, male or female, like men with average/smaller dicks......asking for a friend
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