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Everything posted by LovesToWet

  1. I went out for a little bike ride this morning with every intention of having a little bit of fun while I was out, but sadly as I woke up late I knew by the time I got home everybody else would be up. This ment I had to limit my fun to just some outdoor peeing rather than a nice good wetting. I still enjoyed it as you may notice from the photo lol Here's some videos too: https://www.erome.com/a/6psI9Z33
  2. I felt good. I kept the pace slow at first and managed to ramp up the pace for the last 2 miles. Just gotta keep up the efforts now. How's your training going?
  3. 6 mile run this morning, my 1st for a few weeks. I've now got 12 weeks to get some 6 to a half. I worked it out that if I do an extra half mile each week I will be at 12 miles just before the event. That should be fine shouldn't it? @kupar @Sophie when is your half @James_erased?
  4. Just for fun, what's the one you will NEVER EVER do? Me, I hate stupid scary rides like the sling shot or bungee jump and roller coasters
  5. Finally remembered my Erome log in details so I can upload videos again, and to celebrate, here's my latest https://www.erome.com/a/Tzd74wlU
  6. Too nice a day to not get my cock out and pee in the sun
  7. On a day to day basis, my family make me happy and today was nice as it's father's day and the cards and presents I got were very nice. Other things that make me happy (which others may find sad and boring) are cleaning my bikes, drawing and finding some quiet time to myself.
  8. 18th. I've got some training to do now...so I'm off for a bike ride lol
  9. I've just signed up for a half marathon
  10. I haven't been in the mood lately as I've had too much going on but on a day like this, I couldn't resist a little checky out door pee
  11. I haven't had much time lately for some fun so I took the opportunity when I could this morning. Lycra is so great for wetting, love it. Sadly I can't upload the video as Erome won't let me sign into my account so there's only a few pictures today.
  12. Did my 10k race yesterday, very happy with how it went. I managed to take over 3 & half minutes off my PB with a finish time of 51:55. Aiming to get under 50 at some point
  13. Sorry, I'm not very good at writing about my experiences but I thought I would give it a go. It seems my body clock didn't get the memo about today being a bank holiday and woke me up stupidly early so I decided to make the most out of a quiet house and have a little fun. The washing machine was half full so it seemed a perfect time to soak my boxers as they and the clean up towels could go straight into the machine and nobody would know, so I made myself a coffee and waiting. It didn't take too long for the coffee to hit so I went straight to the toilet, sat down and relaxed.
  14. Wow, what a great piece. You guys are so lucky to have each other. This was so hot and sweet at the same time. Thank you for sharing
  15. The joys of my job.....which can be a joy at times. Do you think I'll get some freebies for advertising Greggs?
  16. Going well thanks. Ran 6 mile last night at negative splits and felt good. Got my 10k run on Sunday and I'm hoping for 53mins. Still pondering about a half. Biking is going well too, soon be back to 50/60 miles on a Sunday. Good luck with your half, I'm sure you'll hit your target...glad your enjoyed your garden pee. I can't do that in my garden, the neighbours might complain lol
  17. Male and yes I often pee in my sink as it easier and uses less water. Who doesn't pee in the shower?
  18. Looks fun, and I would clean up after myself too as it wouldn't feel right leaving it for somebody else. We can see you enjoyed it, glad you had fun
  19. The all natural Tessa Fowler, she's lovely
  20. Sure does. Do you have a favourite type of clothing to wet yourself in? I like sports wear, especially tight lycra
  21. @LoveToHold hi and welcome to this wonderful friendly site. I too and a fellow wetter, love it. Hope you have fun on here, I'm sure you will.
  22. Thus site has opened my eyes to all the different ways people enjoy pee. I too have found that I like some of these things and others are a total no. It's also opened my eyes in other ways too. It is a great site and I'm so glad I found it
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