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Everything posted by LovesToWet

  1. Nice weekend. Did my 1st 10 mile run on Saturday and went to Yorkshire for a bike ride on Sunday. 2 "nice" 33% climbs and my legs are now done lol
  2. My 1st double digit run today, very happy with it too
  3. I like toned women but not 1s with bigger muscles than me. That's because I'm skinny and I would be very jealous lol
  4. My PB for 10k is 51:53 so I'd be very happy with @Kupar time and I would be very happy with a sub 24min for 5k like @James_erased. I can't complain too much though, I only started running last year so I'm happy with my times so far
  5. Well done @Kupar for getting out and I like your way of distracting yourself, it's good to know we all came to mind to help you. And I know how you feel, I try not to get hard while I'm out too, but its difficult not not when your mind keeps wondering on how nice it would be to have a little accident or you think of some lovely sexy photos on here of some very sexy people (too many to mention) It's not always about the time and PBs, just getting out in the first place is good. I'm just hope I'll be ready for my half. Thank you for your support @Sophie, I'm sure I'll be OK on the day
  6. Wow, what a nice way to say hello. I hope you have fun here, enjoy.
  7. Hi Lisa, hope you have fun here
  8. Nice sunny bike ride this morning, I'm currently training so I was concentrating on riding rather than having some pee fun but I did manage to get a little photo on my piss stop.
  9. The last film I watched was Prey, the new Predator film. Good film but I personally thought it was missing something
  10. Training has gone south this week which is annoying, only 6 weeks to go to my half marathon and I'm not into double figures yet 🙁
  11. I was enjoying the ride too much to stop for fun, oh well, maybe next time
  12. I have not had much chance to have some fun lately but I am just about to go out for a bike ride, so fingers crossed I'll enjoy myself and have to stop for a pee or 2.....or I might just piss myself while I'm still riding
  13. My list isn't too exciting: Laybys while I'm at work Behind parked trucks while I'm at work Alleyways Shop entrance Top deck of a bus Kitchen Bath, shower & sink Parks Behind hedges while out running or biking In the sea Swimming pools My cycling shorts My running shorts My jeans My boxers My work trousers
  14. Nice. I really need to do this too, it's been a while since I had the chance to soak my jeans
  15. Hi, hope you enjoy it here
  16. Welcome, enjoy the site
  17. Leisurely?? That's a decent pace for me lol
  18. How about this 1 from this morning? https://www.erome.com/a/aSOShcFn
  19. I did film it but didn't realise until later that it shows off my tattoos on my arm. Too recognisably to want to put that on here, but I can post a screen shot
  20. I've e not had that experience but I would mind it happening
  21. I don't go outside at my house but I do pee like to pee out in the countryside. I went for a bike ride early on Sunday, found a log to sit on, got my dick out and pissed all over the ground between my feet. That was fun
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