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Everything posted by LovesToWet

  1. Sounds fun. I like the idea od being able to do that but I haven't had the chance too
  2. I do play with myself while peeing if that's what you mean.
  3. You have drinkers.....I'm not jealous at all lol
  4. Just another pee when I stopped in a layby. Sadly I couldn't piss in my pants as I was at work so getting to piss outside is the next best thing for me. It's nice to feel the sun on my little fella as I get to piss all over the grass next to my truck. https://www.erome.com/a/uH52eDll
  5. LovesToWet


    Hello and welcome.
  6. I'd love this to happen to me. Definitely on my sex bucket list
  7. It's normal for me too, it's just easier to let it go than get out
  8. I sexy girl I have met Who's kink you'll love I bet Whenever she pees She'll sit on my knee And make me incredible wet
  9. I'm sure @Alfresco can give you some pointers on where to catch a glimpse or 2
  10. Very nice, hope you're now satisfied
  11. I didn't post it to try and get 'likes' I just need to get it out of my system and if people like it then that's a bonus so I glad some do, even if it's only 2 so far
  12. Guess I'm not very popular lol
  13. I was bored at work so I decided to do a little poem about pee, I hope you all will like it Here I sit, mind in ponder Do I pee and shoot it yonder Pants pulled down, hand on cock Pee starts flowing, I'm hard as rock Juice is flowing, face has a grin Should I be doing this, feels like a sin Pee'd all over, I've been so bold Floor now soaked, puddle of gold Thanks for reading
  14. I've said it before and I'll say it again, and no doubt and say it several more times in the future....you're a very lucky man Mr Kupar
  15. That has crossed my mind...and jealousy as I wish I could pee that much
  16. I've never played DnD, don't know how it works or anything so I don't know how it would work with me, but I am interested to find out more
  17. I've been debating if I should post this or not (if it not ok please delete) as I feel it's a bit more personal than me just peeing. It's what usually happens after I've been reading all these wonderful stories on here and looking at all the sexy videos and pictures, especially of a few of our lovely members. It doesn't happen all the time, just when I'm really horny As you can tell, I was rather happy at the time lol
  18. So next time I get a cold I need to buy Playboy rather than paracetamol.......guess I'll still need tissues lol
  19. As usual at work I need to pee so I pulled my truck into the 1st available lay-by, jumped out of the passenger side to get myself ready to pee when I noticed woman get out of a car that followed me in. I was so so tempted not to hide what I was doing but I didn't want to get into trouble so kept my back to her while I peed. It definitely made me a little horny know she may have watched, but I doubt she did
  20. I have peed in parks plenty of times. I don't have a big bladder so I have to go more than most which means I'm always finding places to pee if I'm out for a walk or bike ride. My local park has plenty of tress, brushes and undergrowth so there's always somewhere for me to hide
  21. I'd love to find where she runs, I'd definitely sign up to run with her.....or just behind so I could keep an eye on her, you know, to make sure she's ok....honest
  22. I used to do if I worked late and everyone was in bed by the time I got home. I would take the washing out of the basket or machine, knee down on it and wet myself on top of the laundry or just pee into the laundry. I'd then finish myself off before turning the washing machine on and head to bed very satisfied
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