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Everything posted by Peewee123

  1. I could never pee at the movies as they have night vision cameras of the whole theatre and can see everything everyone does with ease! I’d be too scared to be caught hahs
  2. It’s good to know some actually like them. I have small boobs and they make me self conscious. I’d have a boob job but I’m allergic to implants and it’s not worth being ill over.
  3. The purpose of underwear is prevent sweat, urine, discharge, semen, faeces, menstrual blood etc from getting on your clothes. So I guess if you change and wash your pyjamas daily then there is no need for underwear. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I always wear underwear though as I wear my pjs for a few days.
  4. He was 1.5! He would just cry in the bath and then desperately try to climb out so I’d lift him out and he’d instantly pee on the floor, then stop crying and want to get back in. Obviously once I realised why he asked to climb out I would put him on the toilet and he would pee there and that’s when we started toilet training. Obviously once he learnt that’s what the toilet was for he used that instead. My point however was that he naturally didn’t like the idea of peeing in the bath for whatever reason.
  5. Yuck I don’t think I’ve ever seen any sanitary products anywhere and I’m pleased about that as that’s not nice at all. With pads, the old wrapper Makes a perfect wrapper for the olD pad, you stick the old pad on the wrapper, roll it up and use the sticky strip to seal it. That’s what you are meant to do before throwing it in sanitary bins too as it stops the sticky strips sticking to the bin and keeps it all sanitary. Tampons are a little different as they get flushed but I would never change one when not in a toilet!
  6. I’ve noticed I’m doing it more and more recently. Last night I was getting a snack and needed to pee again so I just hopped onto the kitchen sink and peed, had a quick wash and then went back to what I was doing. Then I was doing some DIY in my en-suite and the toilet wasn’t working so used the basin to save me going to the other bathroom. And while at my computer I didn’t want to stop watching Netflix so just used a glass under the desk and carried on watching. Lol
  7. I imagine this varies person to person as does our fetish. Some things that people love on here is a huge turn off for me, like the dirty talk, I turn the sound off if they start talking! Lol
  8. I did something new and spur of the moment yesterday. I was in the kitchen setting up some new electronics and was excited to get it done. I suddenly needed to pee but didn’t want to stop. Without thinking I opened the bin cupboard I was next to, pulled down my pants, squatted over the bin and used it as a toilet while I carried on my setup. I grabbed some kitchen roll to wipe and threw it in the bin and got dressed and carried on. Once the electronics were done I took out the bin (which was nearly full anyway). No idea where the idea came from or why I did it, it just happened!
  9. Lol I’m not sure it’s that common for kids to pee in the bath. I remember my Son was 1.5 and would ask to climb out the bath and would pee on the floor and then get back in! He’s always got out the bath to pee ever since. I’ve never told him he has to, just what was natural for him.
  10. You can try a few things. You could buy those absorbent bed mats, that way you can wet without damaging the sheets or bed (make sure you get the right absorbency as otherwise it’ll overflow. Lol You could also buy a fully waterproof mattress protector, then wet and afterwards put it all In the wash straight away. The mattress will stay clean and dry but you get the full experience of wet sheets. Diapers are an option if it’s more about just going while in bed and not about puddles etc. if you don’t want to buy anything then I guess put down a lot of folded towels and go on them an
  11. I doubt you’ll ever see anyone wearing these don’t worry 🤣
  12. I made a comment about this recently. I notice that when I am doing a naughty pee or turned on pee or having some fun, I really notice the feeling of the person flowing through my urethra and coming out, and if I’m setting I feel the sensations of the warmth and wetness and where it goes and really feel and experience it all. Just the sensations can turn me on and I really enjoy it. However when I’m just going to the toilet without thinking, even when I’m bursting, I just go and it’s just a process I go through without thinking. Occasionally I do get that feeling of relief of going if it’s
  13. Not personally but I had a male friend who had it done. He did wake up from the procedure and felt like his penis was bleeding but it was fine, think it just felt a bit sore for a day or two but nothing major. Do you your UTI are due to your pee fetish? Holding and playing etc can cause these issues sadly.
  14. I am pee shy but it can be overcome. Like her I would struggle to Pee in public bathrooms if people were around, I’d worry about how long I peed for and how loud. Sometimes I’d put paper down first to decrease the sound or cut my trip short so people don’t think I’m odd haha. I also struggle to release even when I’m at home alone in any situation other than on a toilet. It can take me severaL minutes of concentration to even go in the shower while standing up. I think it’s because if we only go on a toilet in that sitting position then that’s the way our muscles are programmed. You could try s
  15. My favourite is him laying down and me sitting on his face. Had some great orgasms that way!
  16. There’s a pelvic floor trainer game for women. You insert a pelvic floor device in your vagina and then squeeze your muscles (the same ones you use to hold and release pee) and when you squeeze the bird on the screen goes up and when you release it goes down, but like flappy bird. It links to your phone. I bet a pee version one could easily be adapted from that!
  17. I’m self conscious about mine. I think mine is quite big, especially when engorged and my labia are a bit long too. I’d probably have it all cut back if it didn’t cost a fortune.
  18. Yeh but the fact you quoted when Corona was over made it sound more like a reality. My bad!!
  19. I think a device that when it gets wet it vibrates for a bit, so every time you let out a cheeky squirt you get a thrill. Adds some fun but also encouragement. Maybe worn with some absorbable underwear or something.
  20. Maybe both. I quite enjoy wetting but like to get clean and dry straight after
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