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Everything posted by MaxWasTaken

  1. Im a member of the Zero Gang. Not by choice tho xD. My love life is annoyingly complicated.
  2. I suck at platformers ... xD (i know its not that funny but im dieing here)
  3. Ok we are getting to a point where this all feels like a giant conspiracy xD. Who is the mastermind behind all of this ^^? How many generations does this go back ? Are you maybe a member of a secret pee society ? The Brotherhood of the golden rain ? (Im joking of course) But i agree with Durianfury:
  4. Do people really wait that long to go to the toilet o.O ? I mean 2 hours ? I have dug a hole and stolen a tent in that time to build my own toilet if i have to xD.
  5. I guess you opened the flood gates 😉 xD
  6. You should try saying his name 3 times while looking in a mirror xP. But it only works if you really believe in it. Otherwise you only get a whiff of cock xD.
  7. Remember: Baby steps. Go from a deserted parking lot to a busier park house where you can hide behind cars while people are to much in a hurry to pay attention. (please make sure that you don't pick the high security park house xD) Maybe go during a voice/video call. Go from the parking lot to a public beach / park and pee through clothing/ the opening of shorts or skirts while sunbathing surrounded by people. Let it trickle out slowly and its almost impossible to notice. Go to relatively empty water park and pee down the water slide. Or visit some public showers together. On stands guar
  8. Yes was thinking about exactly that video :D.
  9. Well. It depends. If you can't enjoy it because you feel for the people you are annoying then i can't help you. Im the same way. I find it super hot to watch a video of a girl peeing in a store but i would never do it myself because i would feel miserable for the person who would have to clean after me. If you are mostly concerned for your girlfriend then don't be. Its like being against her wearing cleavage. If she can live with the looks she might get then its her decision. You are also there to protect her if things get dicey and you always can come up with a back up story about her h
  10. Have you ever masturbated simultaneously ? And if not have you ever thought about setting something like this up ? Im asking because i could imagine that it feels different to just watch compared to doing it together. (Clarification: i am not talking about "helping each other. Just side by side.)
  11. Ok just a few quick ideas: - Peeing from a climbing frame. I wasnt as wild as you when i was a kid but maybe it hits the same "feeling like a naughty kid" vibes for you to - Peeing in a parking garage. This one is especially fun if you undress completely. Ive done that only at night because i was to scared to do it during the day. But it was quite exciting :3. If you still want an added challenge you could pee on your own clothes and disguise it as water you used to cool yourself down. Its not so much naughty peeing but i liked the idea of walking around with a pee stained shirt. (D
  12. Jay ! Glad to be back. I got a new job and was way to stressed to think about this forum. But i missed you guys :3 Back on topic: Super cool. Thanks for the answer. Kinda crazy that it wasn't a bigger deal :D. I mean back in my childhood we basically huddled around anyone who was exploring relationships, because we wanted to listen to their tales xD. We were basically all shy kids which were super curious. So if anyone dared to kiss someone on the cheek they would be followed like a celebrity xD. I mean at least at school (around age 12-14) you would have had your fans for being the co
  13. Hi :D. I've been away from the forum for a while. Glad to hear that your situation improved greatly :D. I'm so happy for you. But back on topic: How was it growing up with such freedom ? Have you had to promise your mom to tell no one about your freedom ? I mean im sure you noticed that you grew up under rare circumstances ? Have you ever invited friends to join the fun (back then or now) ? And how did they react if they found out about your lifestyle ? I love "Yeah that's normal for me"-Moments xD.
  14. I don't think its that important but sure. I have seen a couple of them with flaccid penises that are bigger than mine when it is erect. For some of them i know the number they told me matches the number their girlfriends gave me prior. In 2 cases i was present when they orderd custom condoms made for their size (Apparently this is a cool thing you can do. You send your measurements and they send you better fitting condoms in return.) So i think my "data" is pretty accurate xD.
  15. It definitely gets easier for me. I am usually a confident person and i am completely relaxed and in control after i had my first experience. The first step is literally the hardest for me and most of the time my only hurdle. I always wanted an older sibling or a friend which forces me in to those situations and offers me guidance. Sadly im this kind of guy for many of my friends which means there is no example i can follow xD.
  16. Yeah i don't know about that. I take the compliment tho :D. I definitely need to meet a lot more people if i ever want a chance to succeed. Love is weird and complicated and i don't make it easier for myself. But hey the easy way is never an option for me xD. No i didn't but i don't need to be to scientific to know that im way smaller than anyone else in the friend group. And i also know that im well below everything my female friends are used to. But as i said before i think my biggest issue is the feeling of not being able to fulfill a partners wishes. But im sure that i will overco
  17. This is a weird topic for me. I like to think that im good most of the time. But my biggest problem is the feeling of falling behind in life. Im 27 now and when i compare myself to my ambitious teenage version than i must say that i wasn't able to cross many things of my list. Additionally many of my friends are go getters (is that a word ? xD) and they have families, relationships and are successful in many ways. I tend to compare myself to them and feel like falling behind and i don't like the feeling of wasting time. So how do i cope with it: Sleep. I am someone who can sleep
  18. Had to measure as well because this is one of the few topics were i get uncomfortable with. Not really but let me explain. Im apparently around 13.5 cm (google says its around 5,3 inches) which is probably okay. BUT all of my male friends are well above average and all of my female friends had either only one experience with one penis (which is rather large in their cases) or they have a history of partners which are all huge. Oh by the way we are close friends, so i tend to talk a lot about intimate stuff with them. Back on topic. So my female friends either tell me that they are happy
  19. You should leave pee messages xD. Maybe like secret spot for dead drop messages. The pee marks the spot and secret agent wet strikes again ^^.
  20. I do like it. But my biggest struggle is to find the balance between it being practical and still feeling naughty. There are only a few days where i could wear damp cloths all day. Hiding the wet look is easy but im always paranoid that someone could smell anything and i don't really want to wet others property or things like train seats. (Im used to babysitting toddlers and a an incontinent dog and i think i got a sixth sense for detecting the scent of pee from that xD, which adds to my paranoia). But if you make it to practical like letting the stuff you just peed in dry, to reus
  21. Easiest way to start is sitting fully clothed on the toilet. Or maybe just pee trough your underwear while sitting on the toilet. But to do it in a standing or sitting position outside took me some mental gymnastics. You kinda need to teach yourself to allow yourself to pee in a situation you avoided your whole life. But if you want to try it, take baby steps and see if it is for you :D. Its fun and clothes are easily washable. Edit: Wait i thought i was in another thread xD. I thought this was the rewetting thread. Most of what i said still stands i would just suggest t
  22. Oh i thought you were talking about clothes that would change their color when getting wet. The stuff you posted is impressive. I mean the fact that it even exists is kinda cool. But its not really my style xD.
  23. I allways change it to A to mess with people xD.
  24. I might be stupid but i can't find a way to see all the old challenges. Is this part of the forums history lost to time or is there any way to see this stuff ? :3
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