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Everything posted by MaxWasTaken

  1. Have played fetish locator to death now xD. I totally recommend it. The characters are amazing and there is a good amount of pee play in the story. I would recommend getting the extended version tho. Just subscribe on patreon for a month download the game and cancel your subscription. It's totally worth in my opinion. The game is unfinished tho and i really hate waiting for a story to be finished. So you may want to wait a year or howerver long it takes them to finish week 3.
  2. I agree with @MasterDarcy be subtle and approach the topic slowly. Basically don't shock her ^^. I told female friends of mine about my foot fetish and even tho they find it weird they haven't started wearing socks or shoes around me because they don't care about it. Oh and try to avoid the whole "oh no does that mean im doing something sexual with my daughter" topic. Try to frame it in a nice way :D.
  3. Even in your own home ? That's crazy. And hard. Don't get discouraged when you are trying to pee while doing something else and it won't work. I needed some "training" before i was able to pee while sitting for example. Peeing while doing yoga sounds super hard. I do get your point and I kinda agree. But there are many people who value a stable relationship (in this case a friendship with their neighbours) way more then the ability to fully be themselves. Sometimes you trade a little bit of self expression for an easier life. Like when you don't say anything to your grand par
  4. Sounds like you should talk to him about that :D. Doesn't mean that he cant have fun with his fetish anymore. I mean you both like the fetish so there is 100 % a solution which gets him excited without getting your wet ... pissy xD. Start brainstorming :3. And to answer the question: Yes. I get bored of everything after a while only to rediscover it later on. Doing the same thing over and over kills the mood for me.
  5. Not trying to be a downer here. But we think about peeing like any other fetish. But not everyone has this tolerance. People can be cruel when they don't understand / know something. And while being naked is most likely (depending on your country) something very natural and basic, peeing or any fetish can be seen as something weird or even disgusting. There are some people who are appalled by the idea of having oral sex or basically anything that isn't misionary. Again i don't want to discourage. I just want to set realistic expectations. @peecurious94 you know your neighbours and you ca
  6. xD Im stupid. I mean't @gldenwetgoose Sry Kupar xD
  7. While @Kupar is totally right you can always make up a story about your toilet being clogged. (Is this the right word ? Lets say broken xD) With that excuse you could even leave your home and pee outside for them to see. If you want to be safe start complaining about your toilets a few days in advance. You could even say something like " i hope it doesn't completely stop working otherwise i have to pee i. the sink or something" to judge their reaction first. But there is also an argument for asking for forgiveness instead of permission. And what Kupar said.
  8. I always wanted a thing like this in my bathroom. I love the idea of not caring how messy you are because you can easily clean it with the shower head.
  9. How often do you typically watch porn? Normally daily but there are also random long streaks where i don't watch any. It really depends on my mood and if i have lazy nights. Are you addicted to porn? I don't think so. I don't miss it when i don't watch it and i never felt like i needed it. Do you care if a partner watches porn? I don't have one but I would be surprised if they don't but it's their decision to make. Ever have thoughts about going into porn ? Well i never had sex in my life so there is not much "job experience". But jokes asid
  10. I think this is so that threads still make sense to you. If they would just completly hide their posts then you wouldn't know what people respond to. I would think that it is valuable to know that there was a post removed. Do people get notified when they are ignored ? Or is it a shadow ban system ? Im asking because you might not want to show people that they are being ignored because they could just create another account to message you again after they find out. (Not saying that your suggestions are wrong or anything. Just wanted to give some feedback.) I hope that t
  11. Best of both worlds ? 😛 They are kinda overpowered tho. Problem is that devs don't know how to balance them <(^.^<)
  12. Jokes on her, she never got the panties back. (Doesn't really matter at this point but a victory is a victory :D). Very nice story. Im super curious where all of this goes. And i pray for the pc and any other electronics to survive this evening. :x Thats were i would draw the line in that situation. I would also steal some booze because the protagonist clearly needs it at this point xD. Lets try to get Sarah to stay at his room. Seems like she could be convinced to have more fun.
  13. Im with you. My dreams are mostly nightmares or sleep paralysis stuff xD. But once in a while a i have a naughty dream as well, which confuses the hell out of me when it happens because im not used to it. They were also always connected to things happening to me at that time which makes it extra sad when you wake up and realise that your crush is still your crush because everything you experienced in the last day was just a dream xD. I think i stick to nightmares or not dreaming at all xD.
  14. Have you thought about getting some water resistent/proof clothes ? That way you could pee freely without leaving any "residue" on your clothes. I have some shorts for example which don't really absorb liquid when i pee in them. They just "reflect the liquid out of the "leg holes" (is there a better word for this ?). There are some leggings which act similar. You could also get a leather skirt or something like that. If you would pee in something like this while taking the trash out or staying in the bathtub you could easily come back in to the house without needing to change clothes.
  15. Those pictures give me more than one reason to go back to the gym xD. Lost motivation due to covid and all the gyms closing down.
  16. You might want to be careful with couches and other fabric stuff. This couch belonged to my best friend before i got it. With her having little children, we needed to wash the couch often. If we used normal water to clean the couch we got marks like this. We needed to use distilled water to not get them. So depending on how well you are prepared to clean fabric you might want to stay away from this. I have currently other things to worry about so i will probably post again when i have had time to think about more locations. But first thing that comes to mind is that you should surpris
  17. Just do it like the girls have to do. Pull your pants down your knees xD. They wear pants to. (Not saying that it is practical :D. Or that you should do it ^^) I once tried to pee while tieing my shoe to be extra sneaky. It either doesn't work well or i haven't figured out the right technique xD. Oh and you can easily hide this by pulling out your phone. You can hide so much in plain sight as long as you don't arouse suspicion somehow. Most people are on autopilot most of the day.
  18. *Pst* you can also go on your knees or pee in a squatting position :P.
  19. This sounds like the best of surprises 😄. Paul might become my favorite character when he keeps doing things like this and the kiss after that :D.
  20. Ok i somehow missed this and part 5 but whatever. Time to catch up: Love it. Some of the best evenings started with dares for honour and kudos. 😄 I also think you delivered on a another fantasy of many here, with your peefans love story xD. But somehow i feel its more believable to find a date on a website like peefans than in the gym. At least where i live, its very frowned upon to use the gym to chat up people ^^. And shifting the narrator towards pauls perspective was really clever because that way you were able to keep it about peeing in secret even tho most of them alrea
  21. Welcome to this site :D. But you are maybe the perfect person to answer another forum members question xD. It might be a good way to show some of your stuff without making it and advert and violating forum rules. Oh and one question that interests me: Were you a content creator before you called yourself a Milf or did you start recently ? Im always super intrigued to hear how people come to the decision to earn money this way. (I assume that you are making money because you say that you haven an only fans in your profile.) P.s. Don't answer if you don't want to. Im first
  22. Ok lets stop fantasising about girls and be honest: (Or keep fantasising but lets not undersell guys :D.) ' Guy + Skirt (Kilt) + no underwer = looks glorious. (I can't /don't want to wear a Kilt is not an excuse because there are more than enough girls who don't (want to) wear skirts either) A Penis can also snipe where a vagina can only spray and pray. You also don't really need to zip up when someone is suddenly coming your way. Just wear a long T-Shirt / jacket and hide your penis with it. As long as the person is not suspecting you AND scanning you they won't be able to
  23. This is how i feel about the topic. Im not judging anyone who sees things differently. Im just trying to explain my viewpoint and adding something to the conversation. I think the answer is simple: Do they want me to watch them ? If the answer is yes, then it is ok. (Im talking about watching. Recording is always a different story.) If the answer is no, then it is not ok. Some similar examples were you CAN do stuff that other people clearly don't want you to do: Staring at other peoples dicks while going to the pissoir. Looking under peoples skirts. Reading other pe
  24. You haven't given an update yet so it seems like you are still open for input. I would simply arrange a nice evening, maybe with something nice to drink to ease the tension. I wouldn't go for Board games or a movie. I would opt for something that gives you many opportunities to talk about stuff. Maybe a BBQ or maybe you could cook a nice meal together. Steer the conversation towards remembering old stories and adventures you both had. Then when the mood is right, i would open with something like: "Remember when you peed in the sink (or whatever your best story ist). I found out that i reall
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